Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Remind me not to drive within three miles of a mall again for the next moth.


Been a good football weekend here in Michigan.


Teenage angst plus grinchiness towards Christmas. I miss the days of childhood excitement for my favorite holiday. :cry:


Happy for S that he got to see the presidential motorcade tonight as it headed to the Lincoln Center. DC has been such a fun and memorable place for him to attend school!!!


It was really hard listening to you recount all the details of everyone you met, everyone you talked to, and the cold-cut lunch you ate at your brother’s funeral. Even though you’re fully vaccinated, with a booster, you are 88 years old and admitted you were the only one, of the 100 people there, wearing a mask. Your state is currently #3 in covid cases. Now I have to worry about you for the next 10 days.

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When you screw up, and your mistake adversely effects anyone else, just apologize. Forget the “I guess I’m ALWAYS wrong” or “I can’t do ANYTHING right” garbage when you’re told about the problem you created. Just a simple, sincere apology would be nice. So would some effort to avoid doing the same thing again.


Brag alert
 I believe I am DONE with shopping and wrapping for my immediate family, and all I need to do for others is get a couple of on-line gift cards and make some donations. I guess this is a benefit of being retired!
Now, I still have cards to do and significant cleaning, but I feel accomplished.


America (minus 5.5 states–western CT is Giants/Jets country)----you hate us cuz you ain’t us----GO PATRIOTS!!!


Wow, what a different work culture. Previous job my daughter had was for a company where they had big holiday parties (pre-COVID). One year at a Halloween party, some employees were so drunk they got into an altercation with the bouncer and another person was so drunk he had to be taken to the ER. Current job, they are having a small holiday party at a local place that doesn’t even serve liquor.

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I’m so tired of being an adult and not doing things I want to do because it doesn’t feel safe. It would feel safe if everyone was vaccinated. Thankful that no one at ds1’s wedding, where vaccinations were required, got sick. It felt so safe. I wish I felt that safe everywhere.

I want to go to this football game. I didn’t go last year, the only other time we made it to the state semifinals. I have been supporting this inner-city team for more than 15 years. They don’t have the advantages all the wealthy suburban teams do. This is a dream they achieved against the odds, and I am salty that I may miss this again. Why can’t people just get vaxxed so we can end this thing?


Your poster presentation was outstanding. You clearly understood the brief
that one set clearly didn’t.

It was great hearing others in your program compliment you. You’ve really made an impact. So proud of you.


You are taking advantage of his loneliness for your financial gain. You are a terrible person!


Oh I hope you will be kicked in the seat of your pants (skirt?) so hard it will be a good lesson and deterrent for the rest of the clowns.


Only one week ago so much was different. How do I send my kids back to school? How do they go back to school? So much has changed. I have so much hate and anger towards you. You’ve broken so many.

Note to self: Please remember not to come to this area again, because people cannot drive.


Please remind me never to volunteer to be on a Board of Directors again. :dizzy_face:


Who knew going to Orlando the 30th of Dec thru Jan 2 would be SO popular. Almost no VRBOs to be had. And we don’t want to pay 1000 bucks a night thank you.


never mind

So, if your husband is making untold dozens of Christmas cookies and you make sure you eat some
does that give you ‘supportive spouse’ points or just a bigger waist line?


A little thing but so thrilled. Spoke on the phone for about an hour with my 14 year old nephew :heart: This is a kid who usually shys away from any lengthy conversations. It was lovely