Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I will not fall trap to your passive aggressive message.


gee, Dad, in your thank you call about the gift basket I sent you, did you really have to let me know that your wife informed you that if I would have ordered it a month earlier, I would have saved $30??? really, she’s checking the prices of the gift I sent you? and you had to pass that knowledge on to me?? :roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Wow. You are one angry person. You distain the people in your State, you distain your neighbors and you distain those running your place of employment. Given how - apparently - easy it would be to get a better paying job in a State that ‘cares’
why are you still hanging around.

Regardless of other health decisions, this amount of anger and frustration isn’t your friend.

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7th circle of hell. third time on phone support with you. You sent Dad’s phone to a wrong address. Now he has no working phone. Now I am not near to help get said phone set up. ugh ugh ugh

Fingers crossed for Army today.

Go Army, beat Navy!


My heart goes out to all in the tornado range. One day normal, by the next, disaster including way too many losing loved ones. :cry: :hugs: :broken_heart:

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I don’t remember having this problem when I sold stuff on the local facebook marketplace. Two people both not showing up for the second time to get stuff they want to buy.


I really want things to be normal, and I understand that you believe they already are. Unfortunately, that means you will think that I am a horrible person for saying no to the extended family get together again this year. So be it.


Earlier this year when our daily case rates were over 100 per 100K people each day, you continually posted comments about how it was no big deal along with pictures of you at crowded parties with your arms draped around everyone dancing.

Fast forward 10 months and now it’s your turn. Now you post asking for prayers and how awful it around town when the daily case rates are literally <25% than before. Seems a bit different when it’s you, doesn’t it


Went to sleep aware of devastating damage last night, but daylight makes things more real. So thankful for the rescue of my former student and to see she seems to be okay based on her television interview. Others where she worked weren’t so fortunate. Life is so random. Twenty miles to the north and my town could have been the one destroyed. Thankful for so much, but my heart aches for those impacted.


I do have room for hazelnut bushes! Hooray!

And I never thought “taking down an aged small apple tree” would ever be on my list of things to do. I wonder how one seasons applewood. And I can just about imagine a little cherry tree where the apple now stands. What a nice productive small yard that’ll be: nuts, jillions of apples, cherries, raspberries, tomatoes, kale, peas, lettuces, carrots, beets, leeks, green onions, eggplant, beans, cucumbers, zucchini, winter squash, lots of herbs. Be nice to put in some collards and strawberries, too. And then from the park there’s black raspberries, elderberries, autumn olive berries till they notice they’re invasive, rose hips.


I am truly amazed - and profoundly discouraged - by the numerous posts on CC by parents or students about not attending a specific school, or a school in a given state, because of the political leanings (real or perceived) of that school or state. Yes, most of these posts are made by progressives, usually from CA or the northeast. I wish I had a dollar for every “I would never attend a school in TX/GA/TN/etc
” or “My daughter is concerned that college ABC might not be progressive enough” post. In a time where many schools have more professors who identify as Communists than Republicans and guest speakers who are slightly to the right of Bernie Sanders are disinvited or shouted down on stage it is pretty clear that colleges in the US lean left and provide a comfy ideological bubble for progressive students, to their detriment.

Ok, done with my rant for the day.


Why all the attitude this early in the morning, post office worker? I was your second customer. Glad that I can avoid you at the end of your shift.


Getting less optimistic about second child’s study abroad opportunity for the Spring. First child was sent home after 7 weeks in Spring 2020 but we thought this one would be a go. Sigh.

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Thought I’d never get a piece of fiction published again, so that was a nice email to get! And getting paid actual money will be nice, too!


I said I would be fine if you moved 900 miles away because that’s what a good mom does.But I didn’t mean it. I am sad.


Several years ago, while driving by a construction site with my son who is now a HS senior, I said to him, “See that guy with a shovel with water up to his knees in the ditch? He got Ds in high school. See that guy standing on dry ground, pointing and yelling at him? He got Cs and Bs in high school. See the guy by the shiny new truck looking at drawings? He’s the engineer, and he got As in high school.” People might think I’m a SOB for doing this, but my son got all As in high school, and he just received his first two acceptances into engineering programs.


My fingertips are so cold I have trouble using my ipad - Makes playing games where you have to move things with your finger very frustrating.

I got to hop on my spaceship and take out multiple invaders today. Will do more tomorrow and likely Thursday. It’s a lot of fun.

Sure, some folks would just call it mowing a field with a zero turn mower, but where’s the fun in that? That sounds incredibly boring.

My mind loves to wander in case one can’t tell - and zero turn mowers sure beat the old fashioned ones!