Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I posted last January that my now 84-year-old mom was not planning to be vaccinated, and she remains unvaccinated. For her, Covid never happened. She has taken exactly zero precautions, going about her life exactly as she did in 2019 without so much as a sniffle. Now she wants me to accompany her to a Nutcracker production on Saturday before she flies to Florida for her great GD’s second BD. Because she thinks she is proof there is nothing out there, she doesn’t want to hear “excuses” for my declining. :woman_facepalming:

Oh, mom. It’s getting so hard to ignore the stinking elephant in the room and pretend our relationship is unchanged. Just so many things we can no longer talk about at a time in your life when I should be spending more and more time with you.

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I’m waiting to get a response from my dad after I emailed him tonight to inform him I will not be attending church with him while I’m in Austin for two weeks. I’m not worried for ME but it would be impossible for me not to say something I shouldn’t to my anti-vax relatives who also go there. I’m still not happy that Dad goes every week without masking, but I can’t do anything about it.

I know it’s the right decision because I got worked up just writing the email!


And . . . . the damn white trash soap opera saga continues.

Your text shocked us.
Telling us that you are actually keeping a “scorecard” indicating that you’re a better mother, because your offspring are spawning continuously, was really in bad taste. Really? Keeping a scorecard?

You both keep encouraging your son’s wife to keep having children because you feel its your legacy to constantly have spawning children. Since when did having tons of grandchildren become a sport? Do you really view life that way? None of your children is happy. None. They’ve all mentioned this to their cousins (our children tell us). Only 1 received a formal education and you’re angry with her because she’s not married nor pregnant?

Has your DIL ever cared adequately for her kids? There is a reason why her latest is a premie and why she’s had multiple miscarriages /stillbirths. Prenatal care works. She should try it.
Your DIL plays games on the internet and closes her door to her 3 children under age 6. Look at their teeth! She shuts them up by giving them candy. Their teeth are green! Maybe you moved because we reported your DIL to CPS as we are obligated to do so.

(You didn’t know we found out that her kids marked up your brand new comforter with a sharpie?) Your husband should not discourage them from using contraception. They can’t afford those kids. You can’t afford them because you have no money-you spent all of that retirement money. That’s why you are working a part-time job.


I am so sick of needing customer service and only getting automated garbage. I want to talk to an actual person who knows what the H they are doing.


So the tune is changing……

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Really - He’s “Scrooge” because he wants to do donations instead of presents during a serious pandemic. Ok then.

DH and I submitted our social security apps today. Maybe that will convince my brain I’m not a kid anymore. :cry:


Pet peeve: It is National Honor Society, not National Honors Society.


I keep thinking that the news organizations might get (some) people to think more critically about Covid deaths if the deaths were portrayed in graphics signifying the number of football stadiums full of people who have died……

Such as: more than 8 Rose Bowls (92,800) or almost 8 Michigans (107,601) full of fans.


Just so fatigued with living in a Covid world.

Am fully vaccinated and boosted, and I mask when indoors and avoid groups gatherings.

But……am so incredibly fatigued by it all.

We all were so incredibly lucky and didn’t even know it two plus years ago living our lives without knowing what was coming soon that would bring life to a standstill and then continue to impact it so significantly.

Just miss those carefree days and lifestyle.

The contrast between then and now is a bit reminiscent of Wizard of Oz black and white color screen versus when the action is filmed in color.


Thinking of starting a “Say It Here” bi_ch about the relatives during the holiday thread… :roll_eyes:


Last week, I noticed a sign on a main road near my home. It was for a Prepper meeting. The meeting is now in the past, and the sign has been replaced by another that just says, “It has begun.” No wonder my blood pressure is creeping up lately.


That isn’t the result I was hoping for, but at least it isn’t as bad as it could have been. Small mercies. At least I can put the biopsy off til January. But really, same side, same kind of stuff, already had radiation, so if it’s “something” it will mean surgery.
There. Now I really can put it all away for a month.

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SWA bringing our S home for Christmas!! Plane lands in 15 mins. Party time :tada:


Hate that mail comes so late in day that when we get one of those letters that requires a phone call it’s too late to do anything. And then lose sleep cause we can’t call until tomorrow.


I’m so worried about so much missed school. They can’t possibly catch up and when they do go back, they will have to back up and re-learn things taught already, I’m sure.


I feel like I am in a bad dream and can’t wake up. Not really sure what to do at this point, but something has to be done. It’s hard to get in the Christmas spirit when everything is crashing down. I wish I could fix things.

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I saw so many good people volunteering yesterday when I took a shift at a food ministry for victims of last week’s tornado and first responders. My colleague and I were were part of the very few who masked for the whole time. My area of the country has lower than average vaccination, so I am hoping and praying that good intentions aren’t repaid with significant severe covid cases. Our area hospitals were already packed with covid cases before last Friday. The devastation we could see entering/leaving neighboring community was terrible and a covid surge on top of that will be adding insult to injury.


Although not based on any scientific theory or premise, I believe that I have the two happiest dogs in the world. Now, if I could only harness the energy generated by their wagging tails…

One of my dogs actually wags his tail while in a deep sleep. Wish that I could bottle that feeling.


Can’t believe that this year’s eve will be without the kids. Sigh, I know they have other plans, but I am going to miss them so much. And my parents too…feeling a bit lonely.

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