Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Our lovely insurance agent graciously played along with my “hypothetical, off the record” question strategy until telling me that if my fictional situation “resembled the claim filed in November,” it wouldn’t make our rates go up. :slight_smile:


Can someone make my H stop watching the news? No wonder he’s so anxious about everything, especially Covid….


And just like that my stomach is in knots, I’m exhausted and all the joy of the holiday has been drained. Hope tomorrow will see these thoughts as overdramatized.

Nothing reinforces being far away from
home than significant flight snafus trying to get home at the end of the semester. Here’s hoping this turns into a funny story to tell instead of a tipping point for transferring.


I can’t believe you little sis that you have not gotten the booster yet and seem to have no urgency about getting it soon. You don’t get to be upset the family is canceling Christmas dinner because you and your husband won’t get the booster. There are consequences to choices. Sucks we have to also pay for your choices. I was really looking forward to it since we weren’t able to have it last year. You say you don’t want to deal with the possibility of a reaction afterwards but I can’t imagine you would want to deal with the effects of Covid itself. Make it make sense. This sucks.


The only reason I haven’t told you off is that we have so much already into this house and want to get it completed. I made all of my selections well before you needed them and emailed you with the details. You either don’t read the emails or your mind is like a sieve because you keep asking me to make decisions on things that I thought were settled months ago.

Apparently you don’t ready your suppliers’ emails either because I’ve found multiple over charges in their invoices that you pass along. I could understand if you might miscount the number of light switches or something else small, but these are big things like several extra windows and the costs add up to real money.

Why does my not inexpensive down comforter, which is baffled (? Has seems sewn in) to keep the feathers from moving, still have all the feathers in certain places and have only the cover in others? Just wondering to the universe…

Can’t believe the 2-5 year old vaccine trials didn’t work, causing a huge delay till when they may get it. This will never end, will it.

Two woke corporations having a cat fight is punishing a lot of innocent football fan customers. Your timing is sublime.

Not pleased with YouTube TV and ESPN and I’m not even affected.


A few years ago our interior designer - let’s call her W - complained to me about how expensive college was, and she did not know how she was going to pay for her son’s education. Note that for years she owned a successful business. Her husband also owned a successful business. They lived in a large McMansion in a nice suburb of Chicago with good schools, and they both drove expensive luxury brand cars. Both she and her husband were college educated.

I had gotten to know her pretty well, so after she bent my ear about college expenses for a while I asked if she and her husband had saved to educate their children. To my astonishment she replied that no, they had not. It had not even occurred to them. I did not say anything more to her, but in my head I started running through how they could have saved: buy a basic Ford or Toyota rather than a loaded Lexus or Audi ($10-$20k/car); buy a smaller house in the same community with the same good schools ($100K); forego an annual family vacation ($3-$10K/year); save $250/month ($3,000/year x 18 years = $54k before compounding).

We started saving for both our boys shortly after each was born. We just took money out of every paycheck for their college funds and all of our bonuses went toward retirement and college funds. We drove used cars and bought modest houses. My sisters all did the same for their children, as did my parents. W and her husband could have saved, but they chose not to.

Her son was a good student, so he was able to get into Ohio State’s Honors program, which came with a hefty financial package. Had they saved, however, he would have had far more options.


I think we are officially sunk.


That was a year and a half ago. Let. It. Go.

Anger is often a cover emotion for fear. Clearly, your fear has taken over. I hope you find a path back to balance.


Is it too much to expect HS Seniors to have table manners? Took a group of students (boys and girls) to a nice restaurant (not finger food) and most of them had elbows on the table, didn’t know which fork to use, and ate so hurriedly their food flew off the plate. Little conversation, but lots of scrolling/swiping. Kiddo explained that they usually only have 25 minutes to eat at school, so they eat fast.


Just because you keep speaking louder and louder doesn’t mean anyone is paying attention.

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Well, someone is on a power trip.


I hate being so petty but it’s so hard when unkind, focused on money and clothes, surface-y kids have things go their way.
A kid that has plagued my daughter’s school for YEARS just ED’d to a prestigious school in the south. It makes me SO look down on this school, because it must have only focused on stats and not seen the whole person. (Trust me- they would have liked what they saw).

When will karma come round again?


deleted for privacy reasons

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It would be so nice if clothing manufacturers realized that some of us would like to purchase a v neck that doesn’t expose everything!


A puppy, huh? Where’s the CAT?! 🐈‍⬛