Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Darn you GERD. I can no longer drink even a thimbleful of wine without horrible heartburn.

FYI if anyone knows any wine that’s better for my GERD, let me know. I drank red wine all over Italy with no problems but here I’m just miserable. I’ve tried many different kinds but even Italian wine is problematic

It’s March 2020 all over again :sob:


So much anger.

He’s mad at the fact that covid may push classes back online in January. He’s mad that he had mono last term and didn’t have enough energy to apply for a summer internship yet. He’s mad that he’s not good at math and couldn’t major in anything that required calculus. He’s just generally mad at the world.

He’s been home two days and all the anger is so tiring.

I went to middle school and high school with the daughter of one of the residents at my dad’s facility. She tells everyone that I was friends with her daughter in high school. I restrain myself from saying, “Actually, we were best friends in 7th and 8th grades, but then your daughter stopped talking to me in 9th grade and to this day I don’t know why.” :sweat_smile:


Dear neighbor-

I understand that the article you read indicates bears have hibernated by now and so it’s ok to leave you trash out over night. Unfortunately it appears the bear hasn’t read that article nor is my dog aware that the bear is an apex predator. A slightly unsettling evening walk.

Could you, me, the bear, my dog and the garbage man please all get on the same page please.


Oh hi, thanks for the Christmas card, we had just assumed you thought we were beneath you. You could not be more insincere, phony, or otherwise untrustworthy in your sudden appearance. You made me cry, why won’t you just go away with your Superior Children, Superior Life, Superior everything. I ought to call your bluff and call you up, but I am XmasExhausted, so, no.

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The hardest part about these two weeks to flatten the curve are the first 22 months.


Shaking my head at the Covid mentality. The most congested time of the year in public and so many bare faces. Until it Covid comes knocking at your door you have no idea how your body will react.

And the mentality that it will always be here. That is may be a fact but it is more of an excuse to let you off the responsibility hook.

I can’t imagine a time in my life when I would willingly bow to the chance to be sick for a week or more. Blows my mind.


You tested positive 2 days before you were supposed to fly home for Christmas. Damn Covid! :cry: :mask: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I think after close to 30 years of parenting I can decide on my own when I will get involved and when I won’t, despite the fact that yes my kids are adults, but “thanks” for letting me know what you think.


My Covid caution has nothing to do with fear. I am not afraid. Please stop using that word. I am assessing odds differently than you are but I am not acting out of fear. Just like you tell me you are not acting out of selfish foolishness. I will use different words if you will.


Really? You think you might eventually “snap” and lecture my D about being too cautious about her kids these days? You’re lucky you’re still invited for Christmas. Don’t push your luck.


Student loan payment pause extended through May 1, 2022.


So tired. Just when I thought it was better.


Feels like the country has exploded again with only one topic on everyone’s minds. We will all have (or already do) PTSD symptoms in the future as this continues to unfold and repeatedly jar our lives or our focus.

So over it.

And S’s roommate contacted him and tested positive today. Thankfully, S is negative (so far), but it’s like the slow creep of anxiety continues.


After being extremely careful (and at times paranoid) for the vast majority of this pandemic, you decided that him flying on a plane 4 DAYS after testing positive was okay?! And in the same conversation, chide me for running into Target (with a mask on) briefly? I am absolutely speechless and furious right now. I don’t know how I’m going to spend the holidays with you even if you do test negative.


The hugs emoji has a smile on it. :hugs: Many times I want to use a hugs emoji without a smile. If someone is going through a tough time and I want to hug them, I should be able to do it without a stupid smile.

Rant over. This is not the most important thing in my life.


Reading through the forums it becomes obvious that some students are applying to as many as 20 schools, which bogles the mind. I realize that with the Common App it is far easier to adopt a shotgun strategy than in years past, and with COVID cancelling on campus interviews you can show interest through a Zoom meeting rather than travelling two states away for a site visit, but I think some are overdoing it a bit.

It also appears that some of the same people who are sending out 15-20 applications are upset that schools are playing games to protect their yield - ED I, ED II, deferring students who appear overqualified, etc. This is simply the schools’ rational response to increased number of shotgun applications.


Some things that I would pay (a modest amount of) money for:

  1. to block some of the annoying “begging” commercials that are constantly airing on shows that I watch live &
  2. to know what the SIL thinks of you since you disparage him constantly.

Please don’t feed the dog blueberries.

Please don’t feed the dog blueberries on the white couch.

No I don’t know how to get blueberry stains out of fabric.

No I won’t apologize for sounding “snitty”.