Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I can’t believe the package arrived in only 2 days.


Happiness comes in many different forms.

Happiness accompanied by euphoria apparently comes in the form of a ham bone with some remaining meat. At least to my two retriever mix pups. And that’s good enough for me.


Good grief. Another pest.

18 miles. You could have driven him 18 miles to be evaluated, but you left him there. Today, I saw what you saw. I don’t understand how you could have just left.

I have really come to depend on my Roomba. And thankfully, the new part they promised came right on time and fixed the problem. I’m back in business!


I.Am.Grateful. They are here. We moved Christmas from the Hallmark day to one that works for our family. We spent the afternoon laughing. We ate too much. We watched the newest member - all 16 months of her - experience her first holiday season. We had dinner. We cleaned up. We opened presents. We had a drink. We flumped in front of bad Xmas movies. Enough of crazy. THIS is enough.


Early this morning our very old yellow lab, the one in my profile picture, died. He was almost 15 and had severe heart disease and bad arthritis so it wasn’t unexpected but it’s still a shock. Both kids are home so that’s a blessing. My daughter arrived home yesterday afternoon and he was like a puppy again when he saw her. She hasn’t been home since last winter so she got to see him one last time. He had a good last day. Ate well, went for his walks, and startled a delivery man with his loud deep bark. My son was up late watching TV while the dog slept next to him when suddenly it seemed like when he just started gasping and died. It was probably a heart attack. RIP Jack. We love you and hope you are running free again.

Maybe I’ll feel differently when there are children in the equation.

I’m supposed to think Christmas is the best time of the year. I’ve decorated, cleaned, shopped for thoughtful gifts. I’ve cleaned, I’ve shelpped 3 elderly grandparents 500 miles. I’ve cooked and given up actual Christmas Day so that my dil can be with her parents on Christmas Day and I get to entertain those 3 grandparents again. Along with my bil and his son who hadn’t RSVPed as of yesterday. Who may stay the night but maybe not. And let’s not mention how my sibling has gaslighted the entire festivities.

And for this I received a package of snack mix from a kid who literally bought them as they were driving out of town. And from my spouse who asked if I’ve bought myself a present yesterday. And my mom who bought Christmas ornaments for all the grandchildren but not for me even though I’ve mentioned how much I like the ornaments she brings them every year. Despite her being her for 2 weeks. That I’m cooking and cleaning and shelpping all over the county. Mom did give me $20 for Christmas dinner.

Yes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year!

I’m on the naughty list with some family members, so i haven’t been invited over all week, let alone tonight.

Two people in my office have had/have co-vid, so holiday party cancelled. The office has been shut down for weeks.

Fortunately, I’m Jewish, so I welcome a weekend without work. I feel badly for all the “orphans” who are facing this year, like last year, feeling sad and alone.


Life is never what you expect.

I was looking forward to seeing my BFF in Austin frequently since her 100-year-old mother lives one floor up from my dad. But her mom got pneumonia last week. She’s out of the hospital but in hospice here at the facility. My friend doesn’t leave the room often, understandably. She lost her dad in 2020. Ugh. We will have lost three parents between us in 16 months.

Christmas Eve day and it’s dark and rainy here in the desert reflecting my mood. We will not have our son with us for the second year in a row. I have a lot to be grateful for, and I am, but he’s the only present I really want. I’ll soldier through but, without him, it’s just another day.


Poor Yankee Candle Company of Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Sudden surge in complaints from consumers who complained that they received scented candles from the company that had no scent beyond that of burning wax.

The rise in complaints coincided with the surges in Covid cases.

A common symptom of those with Covid is loss of smell.

P.S.Maybe they could try an alternate marketing approach as an at-home Covid testing kit.


Who is training whom ?

Are my dogs smarter than me ?

Before I go to the store, I try to be sure to buy them a large box of their favorite treats. Uncertain as to whether their favorite is regular Milk Bones or flavored Milk Bones, I give a test each day by serving both varieties separately to see which variety is attacked with the most enthusiasm.

They seem to relish & desire both varieties with equal enthusiasm which causes me to retest repeatedly until both boxes are depleted.

This makes me wonder how does one tell if a dog is grinning.


Rest In Peace, Joan.


And just like that, my D’s BIL who rents their downstairs apartment is positive. Sigh. Happy Christmas Eve, which we’ll spend upstairs with open windows. Just worried about her kids right upstairs from him.

I think day drinking rules are suspended on Christmas Eve. I deserve something for a trip to the grocery store to pick up the bread I left there yesterday.

FB guy, if you don’t know the mountain of which we speak, the one that’s on the highway near the town the FB group is named after maybe you should, I don’t know, google it instead of repeatedly asking. There is but one highway through town.


I just want to say there is Christmas spirit or I just felt very lucky today.
I called up National car rental to see if they had a car available for next 2 days because I didn’t want to get my mom around NYC in an Uber for next few days. They told me they were completely sold out, but would give me a car if they had any by eod. I called at 2pm and they had 10 people with reservations without cars. I decided to go out for a walk with Mom and D2. While I was out, they called me to let me know that they moved a car from another site for me. They asked if I could be there before 3 and it was 2:50. I told them that I was still uptown and it would take me 30 min to get there. They waited for me to pick up the last car they had.
Icing on the cake is I was able to get parking In front of my building. :slight_smile:
Oh, Covid home testing kits were all sold out, while out for a walk with my mom I stopped in at a CVS and I was able to get 6.
Merry Christmas to all.


A goose for $120?! :flushed: And it still needs to be cooked? Lunacy.


The gap between expectations and reality is frustration or resentment. If you don’t state your expectations clearly and then the other person doesn’t fulfill them, you get resentful. Wouldn’t it be easier to clue someone in as to what you expect of them and avoid all the drama?

This concept seems so logical to me but I fear if I bring it up with you, you’ll go ballistic. :cry:


I knew people would move on, forget, think we’re all over it, but you’re their grandparents. You didn’t think to ask how they are doing or feeling? We spent 3 hours at your house and nothing. Guess we are all supposed to just be okay now.