Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Yep, just another day.

“I’m leaving early; I won’t be in the way while you’re getting ready” – no, just no.

Pet peeve of the day:

In tournament play, when an individual/team advances automatically to the next round, it’s called “getting a bye.” Similarly, in NFL, when a team does not play a week of the regular season, that is the “bye week.”

It is not “getting a buy” or “buy week.”

English is not my native language and I figured it out.

Don’t get me started on to/too/two or its/it’s or there/their/they’re.

Rant over.



Just glad it’s over again.


You would have been 30.

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Way to go, dad of the year. You are modeling such civility and respect for your child. Not.

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OMG, I love Dave Barry.


So tired and discouraged, I was so hopeful for this holiday, now I’m stuck and don’t know what to think.

One car manufacturer actually came out with a car year as 2021.5. Right between 2021 & 2022.


So I had to rely on my mil to communicate to my bil what time he was showing up for Christmas Day. It’s a very long story but my husband’s old phone was deactivated and he didn’t have a way to communicate with his brother.

My mil miscommunicated the time I thought he was showing up and the time he was going to show up by 4 hours.

So dinner was a little later than I’d plan. It worked out fine in the end but my frustration has been sky high.

The good news is that I can forget about this horrible holiday season and hope that next year will be better.


My BFF’s mother, who lived a floor above my dad, passed away this morning. Im so thankful I happened to be in Austin at this time.

Poor son, just trying to find a place to get a birthday dinner burger to go and everywhere is closed due to snow. C’mon, Seattle, it’s just snow (says the ex-Chicagoan).


Making lemonade out of lemons. I’ve hated Zoom meetings, my kids have hated Zoom classes, I had previously thought that if I never heard the word Zoom again it would be too soon. However, we had a marvelous Zoom family Christmas gathering yesterday. It was so nice to see and hear people from all over the country that we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to get together. Thank you. I still hate zoom meetings. :grin:


For the first time in DAYS, I feel like I can sit down for a couple of hours without something pressing needing to be done. And chicken wings are being delivered that I DID NOT have to prepare


That was wrong and violated so many social norms. It’s almost funny, but it’s real, so it’s not.

Michigan beat me down. I don’t want to play anymore.

I’m shocked, shocked I say. That the NFL dropped its isolation time for Covid positive players from 10 days to 5. For vaccinated and unvaccinated players.

FYI not shocked. God forbid we delay football.


UCLA, I hope you have to pay NC State through the nose.


I know that you are frustrated because your adult children don’t want to live with you, but please don’t send out your Christmas letter indicating how disappointed you are with your educated “girls”.

They self-paid for their educations and graduated. They’ve faced hurdles, without your help, and continue to do well in spite of your need to disparage them. Belittling them because they’ve been vaccinated is just stupid.

My sister received one of your letters and it broke her heart to read what you really think of your children.

No child wants to be known as a “disappointment” to their parents. Why would you publicly do that? These are women in their 30’s. Can’t both of you acknowledge that they’ve done well? These are kind women; they don’t drink, smoke, party, nor sleep around. They’ve independently managed their finances. They have a good group of stable, long-term friends. Anyone would be proud to have them as children.
Why do you idolize your boys, who had their educations paid by you? They never finished, and have had major issues with their wives, children and careers?
What century are you living in?
I can’t even imagine how they grew up, knowing what you prized and that they weren’t one of the prizes.

I’ve told all of my children, repeatedly, that I am proud of them. Please do that, both of you.


My trip to Houston to see my family’s collection of papers at Rice last week was canceled when they closed the campus due to COVID. I was also supposed to get together with CC user aibarr, but she had to cancel due to a COVID exposure.

I had delayed my return date until today to attend a get together of high school classmates scheduled for last night. That was canceled out of precautions for COVID.

With only 12 hours notice, my flight home today has been canceled due to COVID.

Ugh, I’m done with this!! :slightly_frowning_face:

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