Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You are a giant idiot.

How does a thread about weather actually become a chance to throw out the no so humble, brag, about the Ivy admission a decade ago?

Yay! Was able to file our taxes today (though we already had been granted an extension).

Our federal taxes definitely went down, when compared to the taxes we paid on similar gross income. We got a nice credit for buying our plug-in hybrid car, which helped as well.

I always feel relieved to be done with taxes. We need to get W-9s and send out 1099-misc for our rentals now. :frowning:

You are a wonderful Aunt but commenting that you wished he went to a different school after he already committed is not helpful. You are full pay which is something I cannot do and I don’t want my DS to have a large debt burden.

Appreciate every day you have on earth. A long-time client of ours just collapsed and died on her 55th birthday. She was the COO of a defense contracting firm. :frowning:

Dear fellow prep school X parent-
I understand your disappointment and it’s understandable when you spent so much time, energy and money trying to help your kid achieve a goal and it doesn’t work out. The “safety” school is one that most kids would be thrilled with.

However when the school places 50+ of 135 kids in top 20s (15 in HYS alone) let’s not sit around a table with parents who are satisfied and blame URMs, the school, other children, the competitiveness of the year or the admissions process for the results. It comes off as sour grapes and makes others feel defensive.

This is a time to reflect on HS and be happy. In two years none of this will matter.

OK it’s your 22nd Birthday and you actually invited me to go out with you and your 2 BFFs to dinner (and no I don’t mind paying!), but
 if I hadn’t gone into the Inner Sanctum (your room), to take out the old used cereal bowls and spoons, I wouldn’t have seen the DMV info that I gave you and explained to you like over a month ago, about renewing your license by today, in person, to get the new Enhanced license to enable you to fly starting in 2020. So there it is, not done. And boy, how you love to drive. And fly. So I call you at work and explain that instead of getting your nails done at lunch, before going to job 2, you should go to DMV and do this.

Then when I feel bad because it’s your birthday, I call back and tell you you can renew the Standard way online today, only it’ll cost who knows how much more when you have to renew again next year for the Enhanced one. I find out for you how to get the eye test done in the neighborhood asap. Then you kvetch that NO “I’m supposed to get my nails done!”

So what am I supposed to do? Not get annoyed about your typical irresponsibility? Nothing new here. Because I get my head handed to me when I try to involve myself in these things, it’s always “NO I"LL DO IT.” Then you don’t. But, it’s your birthday, so I have to Say It Here.

To my niece
I love you and you’re a nice girl and your kids and husband are wonderful! But, how about you show some interest in my husband and my kids (your cousins)? I love hearing about your kids and your life and your husband, but not for the entire time we’re together. Quit monopolizing the conversation! And to her mom my SIL
quite asking my if we’re going to move near my D when she has kids someday
first of all, it’s none of your business. Second, my D is currently single and has no immediate plans to have kids. Third, just because she lives right down the street from her D and her grandchildren and babysits for them almost full time
doesn’t mean everyone else has to! She acts like any grandparent who doesn’t live right around the corner from their grandchildren and doesn’t babysit full time is a bad grandparent
uh, no they aren’t! My parents didn’t live nearby and they didn’t babysit full time, but my kids loved them and they had a wonderful relationship! Babysitting full time is nice, but it doesn’t mean you’re better!

If it seems like I don’t like my relatives
I do
just a few things that peeve me

To my co worker, why do you have to comment and share your opinion on everything!? Be quiet! I get that we all have “Freedom of Speech” and you’re entitled to your opinion, but come on! Not everything involves you! And we know you’re only 24, have two kids and had a baby in high school
because you bring it up everyday! WE KNOW! Quit reminding us! Oh and sometimes if you try to horn in on a conversation she’s having, she gets pissed and tells you “it’s none of your business” or “you don’t have to be involved in everything!” Hmmm, guess I’ll start saying that when you open your mouth every 5 minutes to chime in or let us know for the millionth time how old you are! God it makes you seem like a foolish child!

Oh and to continue my previous post, she likes to complain, make things up and is incredibly nosy. And she always has to debate and disagree with what you say
it’s like being around a two year old who thinks unicorns are real

Several of my relatives called my cousins D cheap when her and her husband decided to have a small wedding and an expensive exotic honeymoon. Why do you care? It’s their money, not yours! Are you mad you didn’t get to take advantage of a free bar and have steak and lobster? Other people are not required to spend money and time on you! If you want a fancy party, throw one yourself! I went to the wedding and it was lovely and intimate! It didn’t feel “cheap” at all
also “cheap” means something different to everyone. God, people need to keep their mouths shut when it comes to weddings. Unless, you’re paying, you don’t really have any say. Not everyone wants an over the top wedding Ok?

If you’re resentful because you didn’t have the big fancy wedding you wanted
get over it! Mature adults move on with their lives. Also, it’s not the bride and groom’s problem at all!

To all the people who complain about the world being too PC
yes, some people are too thin-skinned and easily offended. But then again, some people are just flat out jerks. A lot of the people I know who constantly complain that society is too PC and everything is offensive, are actually rude people who just go around insulting and putting people down

To my friend who constantly complained about her husband working
did you ever notice that your daughter would practically be in tears as you called her dad a “workaholic.” She used to cry practically nonstop every time she would spend the night at our house. “I miss my mom, I want my mom.” To be honest it was sad to watch and quite stressful for me. And it kind of bothered my D and S and my husband. I think she was afraid she’d come home after spending the night away and see that you and your husband had split up. You would constantly complain about how your husband was always working and how you’d go to Disneyland and he’d spend the whole day sitting on a bench taking work calls. Yet you never talked to him about this
you’d just complain. You had to stay together for the children
eventually divorcing when they were in high school. When you did get divorced one of your girls told me it was like a sigh of relief
so nice to hear you not complaining about how “Dad was always working.” And she also said the only memory she had of her dad was the sound of the garage door opening and closing when he got home each night after she’d gone to bed

To entitled children
you are not entitled to ALL your parent’s money. And to the parents maybe talk to your children about money so your kids realize you are not as wealthy as Bill Gates and they need to earn their own damn money. I’m surprised how many kids seem to think they’re parents have endless amounts of money

I can’t stand people who say stuff that is blatantly wrong or stupid or just plain rude and when you nicely correct them, they say “you don’t have to always be right.” Yeah and you don’t always have to be wrong or say stupid things

We are getting multiple spam calls a day
 in Chinese!! It was funny at first, but now its just annoying.

It’s my first time posting on this thread, so sorry if I’m going overboard here.

I know a lady who smacks her kids anytime they mouth off at her or swear at her, which of course makes the kids scream. But this lady has no filter whatsoever. She is rude to everyone and says stuff that is inappropriate. Maybe she needs a smack

Oh and it would be nice if people at work quit poking fun at me and saying I’m too friendly and smile too much. Yeah, nothing wrong with being nice to people and making yourself look approachable. I don’t care if I make you look bad, maybe try smiling and being nicer. Oh and they say “did your mommy teach you to do that?” Yeah she did actually. Apparently, your mom didn’t. God forbid people have high standards regarding friendliness and manners
take your immature insecurities elsewhere

and there are always going to be richer and more educated people then you. That’s life. It’s unfair. People have a right to live their life and spend their time and money how they want. My earning more then you is not to spite you. The other lady who has an MBA didn’t get that to make your life miserable, ok? Not everything is an affront to you

This is going to be a very tough time for you. I understand and respect that & not going away is the smart thing to do (even though I am disappointed). So help me god, if your sister continues with her plans to go away for a few days I will become totally unglued.
And I’m annoyed that she invited herself along with us tonight.

Free food at the office
I could go on and on. Don’t take seconds or a to go box until everyone has had some!!!

To my old co worker
When I talked about my plans for the weekend, why did you say I never invite you anywhere and I exclude you from things? I’ve invited you several times in the past and you always turned me down or seemed uninterested. You never invited me anywhere and you’ve even invited everyone in the office except me to stuff and you invited them all in front of me. Yeah, no. I’m not including you in my plans
you don’t really seem that interested. And I wasn’t excluding her because I never invited everyone in the office except her to go out.
Lady, if you want to be invited to things
show interest. Say yes to an invitation. And maybe invite me once in a while