Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear Honorary Daughter,
We’ve loved you since before you were born. Our hearts are bursting with pride and joy. Five acceptances is utterly magnificent. Of course, you’ve been on this course since you were 13, and in that sense, it’s no surprise, but you have stuck with it, questioned it, took time away from the pursuit, and in the end, have decided with heart and mind. Countless families will love you for the compassion and expertise you’ll bring to them and their beloved animals.

Just please, please take care of yourself, too.

This “vacation” is turning out to be more of a family trip.

I really have loved this job. Until having to bring home communion to 22 home bound members and having to listen to all of them cry when I tell them I’ve resigned and the church is closing in a few months. 22 times to cause heartbreak in two weeks.

Which is why I announced it earlier than necessary and BEFORE I head out on vacation.

There are so many reasons to dislike you and your snotty attitude.

Why are you always so cranky,

Wow, your expectations simply have nothing to do with me or reality.
Make restitution and then expect something.

I thought it was you who was being stubborn. Some self-reflection has shown that it is I.

I am so PROUD of myself!

I think I might explode if I have to hear one more time about your exceptional better-than-everyone-else kid who thinks no rules apply to her. You have taught her well to follow your example of narcissism and self-absorption.

Exacerbated is NOT the same as exasperated. Definitions matter!

Be mad at yourself, not me. You brought this on yourself.

Thank you for sending me proof of life (without me asking) as you travel through remote parts of the world. The pictures are stunning. Best of all, though, is the joy I see on your face. I’m so proud of you.

March madness has nothing over April Madness! Another crazy season.

Congrats to all the newly minted college freshman!

Whew. Is was so stressful and they’re not even our kids. Lol.

Hmm, the state of Maine wants our road association to sign an agreement that we have to repair/install materials at the railroad crossing on our street - that could include gates and signs. The next section says we would bear all costs, too. You refuse to make any modifications to the agreement, not even as to the LIMIT as to what we would pay. And you’re surprised we won’t sign it. Ha!

Seriously, do you ever think about how your actions and words affect other people!?! You are so self-absorbed even for a teenager. You are making everyone around you miserable. You decided not to study for the ACT and therefore were not admitted to the State U’s honor’s college. You decided to apply to only one college and left yourself with no options. Get over it! Stop making your friends miserable. I swear if you ruin my daughter’s grad party with your bad attitude, you will learn the true meaning of passive-aggressive! I can’t wait until August when my daughter leaves you in the dust. Crossing my fingers that she dumps you before the end of summer!

On hold for 20 minutes with the state, then “transferred” and waited another 50 minutes and nobody ever answered.

No, my son can’t talk to you because it will stress him out and he will end up in the hospital as he did in December. Yes, I filled out the form for me to represent him and mailed it yesterday, as instructed. No, just because you give him TWO BUSINESS DAYS NOTICE today that you need to speak to him on Monday doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. I did what you told me and this is not my fault. If you had told me a phone interview was going to be required so quickly, I could have done things differently.

Dear Colleague- please don’t bad mouth other people at lunch for bragging about their kids and in the same breath tell us how wonderful your kids are at sports and academics. Bragging is bragging and hypocrisy is hypocrisy.

“[Graduating senior] has a full ride to Stanford” is not a helpful thing to spread around the school. Stanford only offers need-based aid, yet most people will interpret that as merit possibly available to them, regardless of their EFC.

Enough already. Can she catch a break?

Write. The. Damn. Papers!