Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

IDK who you are - you probably don’t want to ask for time off every week for the next two months, call in sick and call the boss a liar all in the same week.

Hi, neighbor! The streamers of toilet paper look almost festive as they flutter in the breeze, but it’s Wednesday and time to clean up the TP mess from the weekend. I think your teenagers can manage it.

Hope this gets resolved. This was not the best timing for a long vacation.

I don’t feel safe. First a shooting on the platform of our train line and now a high speed chase through our neighborhood with armed suspects fleeing on foot. Kudos to the police for a quick response but I walked right by there with my dog less than 20 minutes prior. Not a great feeling.

No bats in the new house, but the old one has at least 9 residents! Saw them flying out like bats out of… a bat house. :slight_smile: Yay.

I’ve never understood posting, “Happy Birthday” to someone who has passed away. “Thinking of you today,” instead?

Darling church treasurer, thank you for waking me up at 7:00 this morning to tell me you needed to use our shared computer today. Otherwise I just might have interrupted my vacation in the Adirondacks to drive 13 hours round trip to work on a bulletin or something. But probably not, bless your heart.

Canadian Bacon (the movie) - just say’n

When every other person in the meeting said to you afterwards-- she was so rude to you-- you know you’re not making it up. Retirement please hurry up.

He did not fall in with a bad crowd. He is the bad influence. His friends fell in with a bad crowd.

You’re new and I knew this was going to happen. You’re questioning things that have been approved for years with no problem whatsoever. I have no time for this nonsense - stay in your lane. Thankfully, in about a month or so, none of this will be my problem any more! (I’ll just have new and different ones … but that’s another post.)

It raises EVERY feminist hackle I own when all correspondence from colleges is addressed FIRST to the deadbeat sperm donor (who has had ZERO to do with college applications and who will not be contributing a penny to my twins’ college education) and THEN to me - who has spent years researching, going to college visits, championing essay writing, paying for entry fees, SATs etc etc etc Just because he has a penis, huh???

Keep your fingers crossed!

If the waiting is hard for me I can’t imagine how it is for you! I really hope you get good news soon. Would make a wonderful Mothers Day gift for me! And it would make you so happy!

I think there should be a two response max between posters on a thread going back and forth. After that move to PM or be stopped by the CC authorities.

It’s like a bad twitter battle or dueling commenters following an online article.

Your immaturity continues to astound me.

I feel greedy cheering for the Bruins, but I’m doing it anyway. :smiley:

still do not like you.

And two the other two of you–you are so profoundly immature! MEAN GIRLS and you are 69 and 70.
I find you both so ridiculous! Passive Aggressive and you will never be my friends.

Strangely enough, group work means we all need to contribute!

The game of chicken continues. :wink: