Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

It’s really not that hard to look it up and share accurate information.

Just a reminder that mostly all of the info available on CC is someone’s OPINION, not always factual. Do your due diligence as there is a lot of misinformation here.

Funny how judgmental people get about how other people spend their money.

I am that annoying person, aren’t I?

Finally have all the components of our big trip booked! I’ve been saving for a really long time for this… so we’d better have a really good time!

I am pretty sure you keep starting threads about your college decisions because you enjoy the attention and not because you actually question where you are going and why.

Discovered when I arrived at the retreat center yesterday that they now have WiFi. No need for my employers or church members to know that!

Well, all that effort wasn’t for naught. I did get some interesting data…hope it’s impressive for the presentation.

Hang in there, hang in there. A month from now we’ll all be free. Until late August that is, when the circus begins again…but we’ll smash our heads against that bridge when we come to it.

Your child is actually not a crusader for good. Maybe not quite the opposite, but definitely not the knight in white armor you like to brag about. We all love our children, and we all have blind spots, but yours is kind of astoundingly wide.

So tired of parents blaming professors for their children’s poor grades. News flash, the majority of students are not failing and the university is not out to get your kid.

No good deed goes unpunished . . . As I approached my freeway exit, I see that the lane I’m traveling in, which is my exit lane, which is also the entry lane from an onramp, is clogged with vehicles. I move left one lane to give them all space to get onto the freeway. Seconds later, I realize that a truck is battling for space in that lane with a car to its left, so, as soon as I can, I move left another lane, to allow the car to move left. Phew! A potential accident avoided, because I’m an experienced driver, a defensive driver, a non-distracted driver. As I innocently pass the car on its left, the young driver looks straight at me and gives me the middle finger. Wow.

I can’t believe the second batch of backsplash tile has cracks in it also! And was delivered to my store without close inspection by the distributor. It’s great that the color is correct but it’s still not usable. And it’s the one I really liked - that’s why I picked it. Obviously a production problem but it’s so frustrating! Now I’ve got to find a backup tile in case this second whole production lot is bad (which I’m guessing is the case). I just want this kitchen renovation done! And will I always feel like I’ve settled because the defective tile is so perfect in color and style and I haven’t found anything else as good yet.

You’re diabetic. You’ve found a medication that has brought your blood sugar into the normal range. This does not give you license to eat anything you want. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way.

Met a fellow CCer at a graduation weekend event tonight! We’ve been sharing about our daughter’s experiences since early freshman year. It was so much fun to meet in real life! Thanks for being my friend.

72 degrees at 10 pm… I feel like I am in HI. Thank you, little brown bats, for cleaning out the skeeters so we can enjoy this lovely evening on our deck!!!

If you donate to a fundraiser and your child doesn’t pick up the trinkets promised for the donation, just let it go. Don’t as for a refund. Donate the money.

We’ve lived here for decades and you’ve visited your son maybe 5 times? And this time, after we’ve cleaned and cooked you’ve gotten his hopes up and you’ve inconvenienced your grandchildren YOU CALL NOW to say you had a rough night and aren’t coming? We know you are going to Florida next week, you know. You suck. The worst part will be when yo call and instead of a message this time, you want to “explain” endlessly and have him tell you it’s fine. You suck. And when his diagnosis is in, no, you can’t come near him. Serves you right.

If you’re going to take the time and energy to post in a thread, please make your post interesting and relevant, and try to add to the discussion. Just another “Yes, I agree” isn’t worthwhile. We have a button for that. Seriously – all of your posts are boring and useless. I have to admit, I do get a kick out of them for that reason.

Your daughter is a manipulative, self-centered, entitled wife. I wish she would have never married my nephew.