Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

It’s been a week but my feelings are still hurt. I spent months planning an engagement party, cleaning the house(well, decluttering was needed), fixing the yard (removing trees, replanting ugly ferns), decorating, cooking, … it was great to meet the fiancées parents. What I didn’t expect was that they would rent a house nearby and expect the kids to stay with them the whole time. I feel blind-sided.

Everyone says this is the norm when a son marries. Just tell me beforehand. I really missed the mornings and evenings together.

If 50 is the new 30, I think T50 is the new T20. Lol.

Dear Funeral Director: some intuition or the Spirit had me read the local obituaries yesterday. Good thing since I discovered you have me scheduled for a funeral on Wednesday! When were you planning to ask me if I am available?

Which I’m not, because I will still be on vacation then at a nonrefundable lakeside hotel!!

Thank the high heavens I decided to check the obits and that I even had WiFi.

I really wish she hadn’t impulsively bought a puppy from a petstore, we all know they buy from $”&@ puppy mills. In the 6 days she had it it was at the vet 3 times and has parvovirus! At first you tried to blow her off, but I am glad she succeeded in getting you to take back the sick pup you sold her. You’d better refund her money and her vet bills. You really should pay her therapy bills as she is devastated and traumatized. We all know that pup is going to be sent to the big farm in the sky. You are scum.

Welp, been planning a family trip for three months and you committed to come, but then worry about getting stuff done. However going camping with the boyfriend where you got sick and now need to bow out of our committed trip…makes me petty and jealous . But it is my Mother’s Day! Wish I could get to take care of you getting well. Even too late for the trip

I wish I could turn back the clock of time by 10 years.

Thanks Mom.

Yes because I can’t say it directly. But I can say it here!

And Happy Mother’s Day to all my CC pals. You’re an elite group of moms in my book.

Do you really need to air out all the salacious dirty laundry online? I know he’s a jerk, but his two young adult children don’t deserve the public humiliation as their friends and family read this stuff. They’ve suffered their entire lives as a result of his behavior. Please show some compassion and dignity and take your venting elsewhere.

Rain shouldn’t be frightening. Rain should be peaceful and steady and lull you to sleep.

Watching my only child graduate from college yesterday was the best Mother’s Day present ever!

Happy Mother’s Day CC Moms!

Last kid heads off to college in fall 2020. Where he chooses to go will be determined by where he gets in. We are extraordinarily fortunate to not need to put financial constraints on him, but we will likely not retire until he finishes school if he chooses other than our state flagship. So the course of my life - where I live and what I do with most of my time - will be determined by one or more strangers in various snooty admissions departments and my 17 year old who still cannot figure out that dirty laundry goes IN the laundry shoot, not on the floor beneath it. (Yes, I know we have more power than that, but we are total softies when it comes to this kid. He has done everything ever asked of him, so we will do the same). We are in limbo for the next year until this plays out. Not a great feeling and it is making it hard for me to see this as an exciting and hope-filled time. And I pray he senses none of this. Not sure I am that good of an actress.

Why do people insist that colleges are being “opaque” and refusing to disclose certain information to the public when they release that exact data every year in the Common Data Set?

Don’t get sick don’t get sick don’t get sick. Not until Wednesday night anyway, after the last of your AP exams. You have worked too hard to have your exams sabotaged by germs at the last minute. Nothing but chicken noodle soup for you from now until Wednesday afternoon.

Yesterday I bought some garden supplies, welcomed the returning hummingbirds, and sat in the sun on the deck after lunch. I happily packed away the boots and implements of winter.

I just had to make a fire in the wood stove and shovel the porch. I guess I should have known… this isn’t the first time we’ve had a surprise snow event on Mother’s Day. My poor hummingbirds ! :frowning:

It’s good we have the internet and social forums- where else could so many people display their self-righteousness!

I know we are divorced, but it would have been gracious to wish me Happy Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day to skimom, both skigrans, skibisabuela, and all other moms (and those who serve in lieu of/in addition to moms).

I really wish you would NOT insist on staying over every time you come to visit. And no, he doesn’t want to talk about college right now. Next holiday PLZ go visit your daughter instead of your son. You chew with your mouth full. You make me want to go watch TV in my room.

Sick of this cold, wet weather. Having surgery in 10 days. 10 DAYS to get everything planted and ready for summer. 40 degrees and 4 weeks of rain is not cutting it!