Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

So happy today! Kiddo is home and happy and did great. Wish every day could be like today.

UFO parade so much fun. Reminded me why I love small towns and how done I am with big cities.

For years you’ve dropped off your goldfish from your outdoor pond for us to home them for the winter. It hasn’t been a problem, we have a tank for them and goldfish are easy.

But every year you’ve dropped them off without even any food. Even when I told you that we had to buy them food.

We even deliver them to you.

But this was the last year we are able to keep the fish as they’ve outgrown the tank.

I was so annoyed that now you are happy to just them die instead of trying to figure out what to do with them in the winter. That it’s too much trouble because you travel too much in the winter.

I know they are cheap goldfish. But it really makes a person feel unappreciated.

I’m glad your child lost in the first round of sparring yesterday. You, her parents, are too used to her winning, you are mean to her opponents with the way you cheer for her (“get her!!”), and your child has no sense of sportsmanship. The truth is, she goes point for point when she wins and the other girls are just as good as she is - she has happened to get the winning point in the last few tournaments, that’s all. She’s gotten cocky and mean these past couple of months - and so have you.

Her reaction when she lost yesterday - sullen and angry and rude to the other girls who told her she fought well - mirrored yours and spoke volumes of your parenting. I heard you claiming your daughter should have won and the judges were wrong. Thank goodness parents like you are in the minority at this tournament circuit.

For her sake and yours, I hope she immediately loses her first round in the next few tournaments. I think it would teach her some much-needed humility, and maybe it would make the two of you chill out. Or maybe my dreams will come true and they’ll start banning parents from ring-side seats. ‘Cause I think your daughter might better learn good sportsmanship if the two of you weren’t right there during her matches.

Thank doG, he took the job. I don’t know how I would have coped if he didn’t.

I believe that most people are good. So fortunate to have friends that we haven’t seen in years who ,without hesitation offered my college junior a place to stay , free of charge, during his summer internship.

There’s a young woman on CC. Her question is community college or UCR. But UCR would involve a 2 hour commute on a bus each day. Maybe three people have bothered to respond.
Maybe even a few words on encouragement. Such a sweet kid. You can just tell. No complaints at all.

Throw up another elite x vs elite y thread and it can go on for days. Flip a damn coin

Guess what - that’s the kid I would hire in the spot. We are so spoiled. That includes me first and foremost.

Ii should be required reading for every whiny my or (our dd/ds) top 50 school isn’t good enough thread.

Not pointing fingers at any one but myself.

Any doubt that student will make it. Wants to go to med school.

I feel like paying for the dorm for her tbh. It hurts my heart.

Thank you, Universe.

Not sure why the Call the Midwife thread was closed last year, so I’ll say it here. This season was so raw and powerful, yet so touching as well. I loved the resolution with the Turner family and I admire how Heidi Thomas tackled the tough issues.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: The “Call the Midwife” thread was closed because the last post was in May, 2018. In December, all threads with no new posts in the past six months were closed automatically. That will happen again in June.

So happy that S, wife, baby are finally moving into a bigger apartment. More expensive on their small income, but d-i-l really wanted and deserves this. Still just one bedroom, but 800 vs. 400 sq ft. Plus a yard, less traffic and amazingly beautiful views.

You seriously have no clue what
“Normal” means.
You are so childish. Serious arrested development. I cannot help you.!

That said, if there is a valid reason why a closed thread should be opened, a user can flag the thread, present the rationale, and we will review. I don’t think that I’ve ever not reopened a thread on request so long as the reason was not simply “I wanna” or “I need to get the last word.”

Why is a differing point of view always seen as being negative or judgmental? Isn’t the one who concludes a comment is meant to be negative the one who is judging?

College graduation speaker on a political rant. Where can I pull the plug on her?

I wish I felt more resilient when the inevitable life disruptions pop up.

I know your envious and I don’t know what to do about it. We are family.

Still recovering from saying goodbye to my fieldwork clients on Friday, but I have so much to do with graduation coming up, daughter and niece staying here, OMG my apartment is filthy!

Stress test for the day - completed!

Never been more thankful for a pocket dial before. Last time H called me at school during the day it was to inform me my grandfather had passed away.

Thank you to everyone who was awesome about my leaving to talk with him - but I told you that.

I suppose I should be thankful that an otherwise boring day with little going on got livened up with the quick rush of adrenaline. I’m definitely more awake now.

I am in academia and subscribe to a lot of newsfeeds. But all this stuff about people who get merit scholarships being rich and privileged is getting old. Please find another scapegoat besides the hard working, educated middle class.