Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

GRRRR! Another “reply to all” email message that says, “Thanks for the update!” Just reply to the sender! I don’t need my inbox cluttered with your message that has nothing to do with me!

I didn’t invite anyone to the graduation ceremony except one family member who has asked about it several times and seems excited to share the day. I’m aware of who would feel obligated to travel a distance and tolerate sitting through a ceremony and who would search for an excuse not to come, which is fine but I don’t want them to feel bad about it. I want to enjoy the day rather than worry about entertaining others and making sure they feel comfortable. My house is a huge chaotic mess because I’ve been working and attending all the end of high school events. And even though it might be ok not to invite them over when they’re in town, or not to make it more presentable, I know I wouldn’t do that and I’d kill myself to get it done. Getting together on another day and having a relaxed meal and chat when we can spend more time together just makes so much more sense to me. And we’ve done that in the past few months with several. But I’m probably a bad person for not inviting them to “the big day.”


Repetitive posts are a ToS violation. If you think a user has started a thread on essentially the same topic, feel free to flag and we can review. Despite prevailing opinion to the contrary, we are not omniscient and do not physically read each of the thousands of daily posts. :smiley:

There have been two threads this week that make me want to cry for society. So discouraging.

I know, I know. She’s “just” a dog. But I’m just going to lose it if I lose her too. This is so unbelievably unfair.

It annoys me when you don’t remember conversations.

Good news is we now have AC.
Bad news is we now have a huge part of our tree across our front lawn and driveway. Terrible quick storm, and probable tornado came through (between DC and Baltimore). Tree will likely need to come all the way down, and will likely cost $$$$.
Who needs that nice tile shower anyway?

The first day it doesn’t rain, and the tent caterpillars are already hard at work eating my trees.

Bad dinner. So much work and the flavors all off. Want to blame you but can only for part of it.

Frasier still makes me giggle - had to get those laughs in, been a long day.

I love visiting Austin, and am glad to go help out my dad, but did it have to be in JUNE, when the weather in Maine will be glorious? We’ve been waiting for months for good weather…

No power since 3:40 pm yesterday - estimated restoration 6-11pm today.
Not sure how long the cool food will last, glad I delayed that Costco run.

Thankful for county center where I can recharge before my Pilates class.

Anxiety, stress, lack of sleep, headaches. Just one week to go, I pray.

I so wish there was a “dislike” button on CC!

Wow. I just really feel sad for my kids’ generation some days when I see the world they are going into. I really thought my generation would have resolved some of these issues, but the muck seems more entrenched than ever. Such a lack of compassion for others, such a blame culture. I can imagine there is so much hurt there, that people need to resort to such blaming and finger pointing and self-righteousness.

Mom, I love you, but I’m getting really tired of your needing me to do something for you every single weekend.

Being a mother is the same as being an event planner and family cheerleader all rolled up into one.


You really know how to pull off a $10 top and $15 skirt and make it look like a million bucks. Jealous.

I always wondered what thread would finally drive me away from CC- and I might just have my answer. But- if we analyze the non-issue for a few more pages and up the level of condescension, I might not be able to tear myself away!