Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m not sure there’s enough alcohol and carbs to get me through the next 18 months. Wish health insurance weren’t so darned expensive. I could retire if it weren’t for that.

So you are leaving our church because you don’t like changes as we start to share with the congregation that will take over the building when we close. This is why our church just had to vote to close - because it would not make the changes needed for it to attract new people.

It’s funny how one obnoxious comment can completely change your opinion of a person here.

I wish you would just go away.

Online hand slap. Ouch!

One of my least favorite type of threads: I choose _______ college over ________.

Really, what’s the point?

It seems many of us are entering a new phase. First was college admissions, then it was getting jobs… now I’ve read two retirement related threads in a day.

It’s almost June. I shouldn’t be 42 degrees right now. :unamused:

Its not even June. It shouldn’t be 95 degrees already!

80 degrees yesterday felt like burning hell. 65 degrees today feels like freezing tundra. And what is up with the sudden haze?! It is not even June, but something is already burning?! Nooooo!!!

In the weather related vein, I am so tired of rain. And tornadoes. But mostly rain.

I made you dinner and went to the store to get your preferred dessert. You are 18 if you are still hungry at 9:30 make yourself something to eat.

I feel like throwing a pity party. We’re supposed to go on vacation in 2 weeks and originally YDS was joining us but he’s now had to back out. Older son was going to come in his place but probably not for the entire trip but now it looks like he may have to back out. I don’t mind vacationing just the 2 of us but I feel like the “family vacation” days are over.

Thankful for two kids home for a visit over the weekend. The rest of the summer will be strange and lonely with no kids at home. I will throw myself into my gardening and look forward to the next brief visit in August.

Ah, the life changing magic of the ignore button.

Summer colds are the worst. :rage:

I think I need a divorce from Facebook.

Sad stories about animals. Ugly political garbage. And finally - news of the suicide of my friends son - in part because he was ridiculed on Facebook. I think that might be enough.

90, “feels like” 97. Blech. Too soon.

Time stands still when you’re in the ER instead of on the road as expected. Many thanks to all the helpful folks who work here for a living, but I sure hope you tested for the one very possible thing that could be our reason for coming instead of all the usual things.

I wish my husband wanted to vacation as a family, and I wish one son would re-engage with the family. This son did go on last family vacation, and may go on the next, but is not very in touch with us otherwise. I hope it’s a phase, but it’s been years since son has been very engaged with the family. Just makes me sad.