Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I love adopting senior dogs and giving them a few good years, but it gets hard when it’s time to say goodbye- and harder to figure out exactly when that is.

Wow… Seriously, Grand Pumba of the Universe, how are we to deal with both moms having potential life ending events at the same time. And a wedding within three weeks.


Yup. Wildfire season has started. :cry:

I hate it when you ask a nonsensical question to a statement of mine.
Also, you are utterly clueless and I am so very tired of it. I will buy the expensive desk chair while you are gone and if you have not gone to the store with me and it does not suit you that will be your problem. So utterly predictable.
I can count on conversations we have just flying out of your mind.

Thank you, Grand Pumba for a lad who is willing and able to drop literally everything going on in his life to get H from the nearest airport he can get to to his parents.

Thank you for tiny town airports that make getting 12 hours away possible in half a day - even if you get to pick between A, B, and C for destinations and have to figure it out from there.

Thank you for an emergency fund. I know not everyone could make things happen so easily.

Thank you for the incredibly nice nurses that staff this hospital, and for a knowledgeable doctor who is doing her best in a bad situation. I’m not sure how doctors/nurses deal with the end of life so much, but they have my utmost respect for trying to do so in a nice manner.

Thank you for it likely being just a “minor” stroke on my side and may conditions improve so mom isn’t so frustrated at not being able to communicate correctly. The end is near, but may she still be able to enjoy her grandson’s wedding as she wanted to.

And please be with H and my extended family as he is likely to lose his mom to a much greater stroke coupled with her severe end stage Alzheimers.

May the next life truly be better than this one for them.

But still… for a vent… we’re allowed to vent, no? The timing? Couldn’t that have been a wee bit better? One is 88. One is 75. They live 12 hours apart from each other and barely know one another. A wedding is rare. What are the odds that both would get a stroke at the same time, and that being so close to the wedding? If I need any proof in my classes that stats never apply to the individual… I guess there’s that. Can you keep 90/91yo w/significant heart issues FIL going strong until at least after the wedding? Or should we start working that one in too?

One more thanks. Thanks for great neighbors who know our farm and are willing to drop everything to take care of it and our critters at the drop of a hat. They may even get to welcome a new foal into this world - planned “later” to try to “avoid bad times for us.” We’ll see how that works out!

It was highly inappropriate of you to show your brother naked photos of your girlfriend. I’m not saying that because you’re 63 years old or because it was at your soon to be ex-wife’s mother’s funeral. I’m saying it because it’s disrespectful to EVERYONE involved.

After a string of bad luck , the internship started this week and- she is sick:(

Well that news sucked. Sorry young lad, neither Grandma will be at your wedding. OK Grand Pumba, quicker is better for her/them than drawn out. Can we at least have that while we contemplate, what are we at, Plan Z? I’ll have more control of my emotions at your wedding, I promise. I’m glad it’s not this Saturday.

Sorry (to all readers) for venting so much here. I know we all have to deal with life at times. It’s life. This will be my last post on the topic.

The discussion offends your world view. Countdown has begun…

Definitely a bad news good news day. My daughter’s suspicion was confirmed by a rheumatologist today - her psoriasis had spread to her joints and she has psoriatic arthritis. She is way to young for these health problems ?

Then she found out she got the job she really wanted.

Glad we got some good to offset the bad but would have been nice to just get the good.

Is it so wrong that I want ds to have a girlfriend??

I must be stupid, because I don’t understand how what you are proposing for replacing me is going to work. So glad I am leaving, but so sad for the s-show my coworkers will have to deal with when I leave. Why do people with no real idea what it takes to run things think they know everything? Wish I didn’t care.

I don’t want my “little” (D26) to grow up too fast but I am so happy today was the last huge elementary school at-home project where it so apparent which parents went beyond helping and did the project for the kid. I helped my kiddo as needed but it is definitely “hers” - crappy and out of proportion but totally working cardboard skeeball game made in the only free afternoon she had. I have just finished up 13 years of elementary school life. Whew - now time to tap out of elementary school competitive parenting!

Well, it’s official - I am now a college graduate.

So disappointed for S21, he has not gotten any of the leadership positions that he applied for (and was qualified for.)

Well, Peace Corps staff in D.C., you are as petty and incompetent as we had heard. Everyone recommended to D to avoid you, and now we know for good reason. Local rep, you were no help either.

I had no idea how liberating daughter’s college graduation would feel in the few weeks after. It’s really surprising!

I’m torn between wanting to scream or shrug and move somewhere abroad. When will we actually make some meaningful changes?

Welcome home from freshman year…

FYI used Q-tips don’t magically gravitate from the floor into the garbage can, gnomes aren’t the ones placing your dirty dishes in the dishwasher, loud music does make me aware of your arrival home at 2am but once asleep I am no longer “that” concerned and wet towels in the hallway are in fact closer to the hamper but closer doesn’t matter.

Love you and glad you are home.

Welcome home from junior year…

Sorry your brother’s music woke you at 2:00am take it up with him. No I didn’t throw the used Q tips around your bathroom (I suspect your brother or the dishwashing gnomes). Yes your “friend” can visit but I don’t care that at school “our rules” don’t exist they do here, separate rooms!! When I said you can put away all that stuff at your leisure I meant within 72 hours, I am to old to “just step over it”.

Love you and glad you are home.