Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

The front webpage of the today’s paper reads like a police blotter. People shot, people injured, animals killed… and that is only the local news!


My heart breaks for my daughter and the kids in her school.

One of the Juniors died yesterday, after being hit by a car earlier in the week. It was a dark, rainy night. He was on a bike. The driver probably never saw him. It was an accident.

But my daughter and her friends have lost one of their own. Our town has lost a talented artist, a member of the Theater group, and apparently a very nice young man.

And nothing we can say or do will make it better.

So, you are happy that I “graciously” accepted the news that I am not getting the promotion and new duties I applied for because I am “so good and talented at what (I) already do that it would be a loss to the office if I took on new tasks instead.” How is that for being darned with faint praise? Don’t you think that, after 35 years of doing what I already do, I might have been able to rise to a challenge? But, NO, a man 10 years younger with ZERO trial experience got the job and I am supposed to be HAPPY? I don’t think so. Psst - it’s a secret, but my retirement date is already chosen.

8 am on a stormy Saturday morning…large groups of young people walking around using beer and wine cases as umbrellas…must be Dillo Day!

Hey you people talking loudly outside the windows where my daughter is taking SAT2 exams - shush!!

Yup, the whole lot of you have lost your minds. So sorry for the ones who have to deal with you.

I keep thinking it can’t get any nuttier but then it does!!!

So sad today. Just sad.

You convinced me not to have a joint family party for our girls (cousins graduating the same day) because your kid wanted to have a party with all her friends. Then you threw a family party-for your kid.

No, you don’t get to tell me not to make travel plans because you don’t know when you’ll have time off and it might be the same time I’m traveling. Nope. Not gonna happen.

Just waiting for an excuse to stop a very valid discussion…aren’t ya??? If similar rules were applied to areas where you are not offended by the concept and topic, there would be little chatting of any kind.

I walk into house after surgery to find the a/c not working. Not great timing to have a big expense when I’m not in office earning $$$. On the positive side, I’m home anyway so they can come anytime Monday.

Dear passive aggressive person at work,
I can play that game extremely well if I choose to. I just need to decide if I want to “be big” or just be a pain in your behind.
If expectations of doing WORK assigned to you, rather than finding something for yourself to do, while you get paid are too much, you are welcome to find another job.

I’m sorry, but it is you who is largely responsible for creating the situation that is driving you insane.

So sorry about your dog passing away. She’s been an important part of your life and your family in many ways.

I haven’t seen you in a few years or had any contact, but when I ran into you today, we are best friends! And you want to meet up for coffee, really wondering what you actually want…Oh, well, left it to you to set something up. Curiosity piqued.

Have you lost your mind?! You took a motorcycle from a neighbor who offered it to you? You don’t even ride a bike anymore you are not getting on a motorcycle! I can’t believe it didn’t cross your mind to even talk to me about this first. Of course you didn’t because you know I would not be ok with it in anyway.

You have two weeks to figure out what to do with it - it is not taking up room in our garage for a moment longer.

This is so not funny.

Yet another post saying there’s a week of classes left, I’m failing ___ course and what can I do?

The reality is that you probably can’t do much, beyond acing the final-- and that’s unlikely from a kid who is currently failing.

But you didn’t start failing yesterday or last week. Those numbers don’t add up. If you’re failing, you’ve been failing or on the brink of failing for quite a while. And had you posted when the issues started, we could have offered some concrete ideas to help you.

Right now, all we can really offer is our sympathies.

When I was younger, I didn’t understand why you were given such deference as if you were better than other people. Now I realize you are better than most other people and that you are quite the class act.