Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

come on… it is NOT “anyways” it’s ANYWAY
drives me NUTS

Why, TSA Lady who gave me the pat-down,
I’ll take your comments on my muscles for the compliments they were.

Then I’ll go eat another Kit Kat bar.

To those who have requested an update:

Yes, we had a wonderful wedding yesterday - no problems whatsoever. The bride’s family did a great job and our two families get along wonderfully (other siblings from both sides included).

Friday we did have another crisis du jour when a metal pony gate separating pastures decided it would fall to the ground overnight allowing two sets of ponies to join together (this never happens, so why???). Normally their being together is bad because our stallion can be nasty to his older offspring, but this time he didn’t touch them or run them out. We were incredibly thankful to see no injuries whatsoever. The rest of the day was awesome fellowship with everyone, friends, relatives, and new in-laws.

Yesterday - no crisis - all was well. The wedding was terrific, reception too, we hung out together until close to midnight. Some came to our place to watch the thousands of fireflies that we have outside making it look like lit Christmas trees.

This morning, almost everyone (family - new and ours) came to our place for more hanging out time - very, very relaxing. We just returned from taking the last guest to the airport and getting another firefly walk in with just H, med school lad, and myself having some Father’s Day time.

Tomorrow med school lad returns (sigh).

Tuesday I return to mom’s until the end. (another sigh)

Wed H goes to his dad’s to be with him through a much needed heart procedure Thurs (delayed due to the wedding). At 91, we pray all goes well. Time will tell.

Life resumes (the bitter end of life anyway), but FIL was able to make it to the wedding and my mom was able to watch some of it livestreamed on the net. We didn’t know if either would live. Neither died on the wedding day either.

What a ride it has been - one I don’t wish for anyone else! (Except for the terrific wedding and awesome in-laws part.) Thanks for the opportunity to vent as it all unfolded.

So much for spending a few hours at a nice empty office today and catching up (I get soooo much more done when I come in on a weekend day).

First I walked in an the downstairs reeks. Big time. It was so bad I thought maybe the basement flooded but finally traced it to the conference room. I think maybe one of those old boxes you brought from storage may be harboring some vermin. Maybe dead even. It smells so bad.

Then I went upstairs to go to my office and as I get to the top up If the stairs I hear this shrill piercing shrieking noise. As I get to my office it gets louder and more unbearable and, yep, it’s in my office. What a godawful noise! Crawled around the floor and it sounds like it’s coming from the server or back up. Messaged IT about that and boss about stench.

So all I have to show for My time is a headache from the shrieking and nausea from the dreadful smell.

Editing (late) to add:

RIP MIL and H’s cousin. Of the three parents who had sudden issues, she did not make it, passing away 10 days prior to the wedding and the day after FIL’s birthday. H’s cousin (in his 50s) passed away (unexpectedly) too within that 3 weeks to go time period. Still, it could have been the remaining three grandparents of my lad. My dad passed away last August unexpectedly - within the engaged time, but not at the end at least.

Dad, please follow instructions and tell the caregiver when you’re standing up! I know you don’t have any cognitive issues, but they think you do because you don’t follow instructions. Ack. You’ve always been stubborn…

I hope the world has a peaceful week.

Who suddenly decided that cole slaw now has to be spicy? Three times I’ve asked for cole slaw as a side and three times, it made my lips tingle, it was so hot. Cole slaw is supposed to be a cooling side!

Dear GiGi: Thank you so much for saving and so meticulously labeling the pictures of your relatives from 120 years ago. The pics get me back to people born in the 1840s. It’s a joy as I do genealogy research to put faces to names. It will also help me with other researchers on the same family branch to have tangible proof of the family members we share. Thanks to one of those researchers, I now know where in Norway my 2nd great GF lived before emigrating!

And oh my goodness, now I know who I resemble in the family.

Ok consulate - now that I almost have my docs in order I can make an appointment, right? Why do you have to take off all of July, most of August, half of June and now Thanksgiving week too? If I don’t snag an appointment for early December I’ll be stuck for a long time. Yikes!

I have had every single medical claim denied by my insurance company this year. Every. Single. One. We pay dearly for this coverage, and we’ve been incredibly lucky and have used it only sparingly or not at all in the past.

This year, for the first time in my life I had an issue that didn’t respond to more conservative treatment and ultimately required a surgical fix. Each step of the way involved an insurance company denial, an appeal, a peer to peer review, and finally, reluctantly and in a very protracted fashion, an approval. This was for everything from x rays and MRIs to CT scans, injections, and surgery. Thanks to the no no no philosophy of the insurance company, I spent an entire year in unnecessary pain. And now that I require post-surgical care, it’s more of the same. It is absolutely crazy making. I’m ready to scream.

Just because you say “the reality is…” before every statement that’s your opinion doesn’t necessarily make them true.

It’s 11:30pm and I am not in bed…my first meeting doesn’t start until 9:30. It feels good to cancel all meetings related to a project I “can’t get behind.” Let me know when it is back on track and I will start showing up on time again. Meanwhile I will enjoy having a lunch break again.

I dislike it when people get 35s on ACT or 1560+ on SAT and decide to retake. It’s already a high enough score, and colleges won’t care if you got a 36 or a 1580+ compared to ur original score.

Sometimes I feel like I’m from a different planet.

From what I’m reading, that ‘college’ is populated by a bunch of entitled brats. Both the supposed '‘adults’ and the supposed highly qualified and smart kids fall into that category. Seems that the brats have gotten their noses wacked by reality and can’t understand what happened.

A reality show at its’ best.

I’m over June weather. I need at least a few hours of sunshine.

She just can’t catch a break. She doesn’t deserve any of this.

If you’re going to get all superior and know-it-all, you might just want to check your word usage.

This girl is so great. Could she be the one?