Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Thank goodness D’s school let her get off the meal plan since she’ll be in a campus apartment with a kitchen. She figured out that they were charging $15.30 per meal!!! That’s highway robbery.

You are the rudest client we have. Not even a remotely close contest. Happily you are not my client and my clients are mostly very pleasant. Unhappily my boss asked me to email you some important information so I got to deal with your unpleasant self on the phone.

Here’s a thought - try actually READING the information provided to you (a LOT of time was spent condensing a complicated issue into an easy to understand letter) before calling and then try LISTENING. You would learn a whole lot more than you do by running your mouth.

And I wouldn’t have told the receptionist to say I’m dead if you call back.


You are generous to a fault. And using someone else’s money to boot.

Heartbreaking. Another young life lost on our community. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-.273-TALK (8255). Share with your loved ones. For those struggling, ask for help.

Ah, condo life! Why are some people so hellbent on restricting the personal liberties of their neighbors, when their own actions can also be found offensive? What’s wrong with overlooking peccadillos, in the interest of getting along? Don’t you see that this path leads to tit-for-tat, personal grudges, and even condo wars?

Urgh at being at the end of a long, detailed, response and having the thread closed, or the OP delete the thread just seconds before hitting “post comment”. Oh well!

Stupid Dog. You ATE A SHIRT. Now I have to worry about it coming out the other end. And it was one of my favorite shirts too!

Stupid Dog.

Seriously? A law suit? I am not confused that cauliflower “rice” is not actually rice. Are any of you?

Baseball just might be the most stressful sport of all. It’s so deliberate and lasts really long. Big win for the good guys in CWS!

Hey (unwanted) door to door salesmen: if you are going to train your underlings in smarmy sales tactics while you are waiting st the door, you might want to notice the camera at the door that records both video and audio. Appreciated the free entertainment :slight_smile:

The dreaded kid-friend “can you do a college spreadsheet for me like you did for your kid?” request. There are not many options for a kid who wants a sleepaway college with a graphic design major, isn’t academically strong enough for a meets full need school or full ride merit, and has very limited financial resources (probably only Pell plus student loans plus student earnings). I came up with 25 schools that might work, most of which I had never heard of before.

If you’re responding to a post from 4 pages back please quote it. Don’t make us scroll through all the old posts to try to make sense of the point you’re making.

Why do your constant brags annoy me so much? I am genuinely happy when your kids do well, but you brag about any little thing, things that really aren’t big accomplishments (or aren’t really accomplishments at all) and we are all tired of hearing how “proud” you are of your kids. I know you love your kids and that’s great. We all love our kids. Your constant need to brag and feel superior and the way you try to compete with those around you are the reason I’ve backed off. I just can’t stand to be around you anymore.

? Thank you, Mike Martin! #11 ?

You are one of a kind.

Yay - I was so hoping good things would come in threes. Son put his house on market and got a full price offer in 10 days (almost 55% profit in 5 years - that was a good investment!). Then Daughter got the new job she wanted. And now her husband got the job he applied for. So happy to see things going well for them ?

i think we should organize a CC dodgeball tournament. I would love to be the bully!

What worked for your family might not work for other families. You are NOT an expert at what you do - you are an expert at what you do WITH YOUR OWN FAMILY. Stop acting superior and stop acting like your opinions are facts. It is truly okay if your method doesn’t work for some people. You are not RIGHT. They are not WRONG. Different strokes…

Dear IT, it must be midnight somewhere because my document turned into a giant pumpkin when your stupid Win 10 upgrade pushed its way through before I could hit the “save” button. Sure, it is only one modification that was not saved because I diligently save everything and often, but you promised it would not happen until at least 9 pm!!! Can’t even imagine what sort of upgrade hell I will be tomorrow. Sigh. Hell will be raised if my very special piece of software is not Win 10 compatible.

Stupid dog. You’re lucky the shirt came out. But it WAS my favorite workout shirt. Boy are you dumb.

Stupid dog.

Well whole summer now changed since D broke her arm at jujitsu. Lucky she is still also on our insurance this month cause her grad school insurance (school 12 hours always) is HMO. Suppose to leave for family beach Monday, instead will be scheduling surgery for pins etc. totally overwhelmed and trying not to let her see how stressed and upset I am when she is hurting. Please go back to kick boxing or tennis ?