Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

It was truly an answer to prayers how joyous your only D’s wedding was last Saturday after burying your only S, a victim of suicide, earlier in the same week. Many people were praying for you and sending positive thoughts your way. You honored your S’s life and then honored your D’s new life with her H. I want to thank everyone here on CC for their thoughts and prayers from my earlier request on this thread. They feel all the love and it has been a comfort to them during this devastating time. Our hearts are broken, but it is a balm to the soul to know people care.

I wish parents would stop blaming teachers for their kids academic performance. There are good and bad in every profession. A students job is to learn. Enable them to find other resources. Lots and lots are free.

If you are sick, coughing up your guts and spraying everyone around you with germs, please, please do not get on an airplane and infect those around you! At least wear a mask.

Yes, insuring our newly licensed driver is going to cost an extra 50% over our current cost to insure four experienced adults. No, I don’t want to do any “but lots of people do it” shenanigans, because the whole point of insurance is to protect my assets against the cost of unexpected idiocy. If I were happy self-insuring, I’d have minimum coverage, not “all the liability and uninsured motorist coverage I can buy.”

Another life lesson to remember to share with future students:

If you happen to be behind a driver who is slow, rather than getting miffed and showing it by pretending to be a “he man” with your own driving as if you are superior, consider that they might be going slow on purpose. Why you ask? One valid reason might be that they are driving someone with motion sickness due to cancer to the hospital to get treatment and driving slower helps them be less nauseous. It’s called kindness. I’m sure there are other valid reasons too.

Honestly, most folks don’t drive that way just to annoy you. Someday you too will be older and have special needs - or someone you love will. Be considerate, not judgmental. Very few are impressed when you pretend to be a “he man.”

Ah, summer! The season when creative writers come out to entertain us.

Summer seems to be missing this year in Maine. :frowning: I’m kind of depressed that the days will start getting shorter now.

Your ego knows no shame. Stop making everything about you. Your children already resent you. Keep trying to make all their activities about you…you’ll lose them as soon as they turn 18.

It is so warm and humid here! How do these Asian women never look sweaty, keep their hair so smooth and in place, and keep their makeup so perfect and not sliding off their faces???

I know I just posted, so this will be my last one here for a while.

It breaks my heart the way you act with our children. You try to make every single thing about you. You have sacrificed their well being for your wants and desires all their lives. What you did today was so low, but unfortunately not out of character. She deserved to have this day be about her, not you. It was so wrong of me to have kids with you. I wish I had a higher self-esteem when we met. The best I can do now is try to make sure our daughters never date anyone like you. All you do is take take take and steal focus as much as you can.

Evidently it’s a good thing I don’t have my own FB account - noted by hopping on H’s to see some posted honeymoon photos from our son and DIL.

One more local organization that we’ve supported for years just got dropped from our donations/recommendations list after seeing what a Board Member I used to respect posted. Evidently they don’t share my faith. I’m pretty sure the same guy my Holy Book is all about would be angered if He were here IRL. It doesn’t even come close to his, “Love Your Enemies” command, much less “Love Your Neighbor.” Of course, in the same Holy Book it was the Samaritan who actually did, not those one would expect. I guess it matches that.

People don’t really change over the centuries do they… Hopefully this vent will temper my anger as I’m fuming.

Definitely good that I don’t have my own FB account. I guess there’s a bit to be said about being in the dark and not really knowing who some people are.

ETA we aren’t lowering our charitable giving. There are plenty of worthy people and organizations to redirect this one to - probably one that guy would despise as it would make me feel better and the $$ would get put to good use.

Why are we waiting for one party to start our dinner when the other 70+ of us are here? It’s a buffet. They can join in when they arrive.

Stop passing your self off as a Harvard undergrad to impressionable high school students when you were a non traditional adult student who received a degree from the Harvard extension school. The fact that you returned to school while raising two children is the more impressive story. Celebrate it.

At some point I am sure you wondered why you haven’t heard from me. I have been going through some really rough times lately, and feel fairly certain my “business” would be broadcast should you know what I am going through - that or there’d be gossip of pity and horror to your other friends. Your Facebook and Insta are full of such a perfect life and you have never allowed yourself to express one vulnerability to me that I just don’t find you relatable anymore. Sorry.

UGH she got sunburned. The sunscreen spray didn’t work (luckily the lotion did). Why do they make these crazy high spf sprays and then we get burnt? The old fashioned spf 20 something we used when she was a kid did a great job - it was messy but efficient.

Don’t you get exhausted finding things to run down about other people and yourself?

I have a FB friend visiting Prague, another in Spain and a third seeing Delphi and the Greek Islands as part of a Mediterranean cruise. A friend is taking a food tour of New Orleans and then there’s multiple lovely pictures of my D’s vocal coach living it up in Germany. I may have to quit FB for the rest of the summer, t’s making it awfully hard for me to head out to work each week.

What a beautiful day today. Great weather here in the mid- Atlantic, and we got to go on a 45 mile bike ride too. Life is good.

This world is so full of whiners and blamers. It’s really unbelievable.

Rain rain go away!