Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

No, dear frequent visitor to my congregation, I cannot pray for the demon to be driven out your friend. Mainly because I highly doubt that it is a demon that has caused him to be bisexual.

Notice today- shutting down the forums tomorrow for another revision/update. Sigh.

I need to remember my filter!!!

Just returned from a theme park/ beach vacation with my family, which we’ve done many times. Perfect weather, on the beach waiting for the sunset, playing frisbee with my college bound son and my father and I got all tearful! So happy I had sunglasses on! Sometimes I just wish I could pause wonderful moments. You ever just think “I want nothing to change”?

Well, this certainly put our family priorities into perspective. You’re young, you have a great career, your life is ahead of you, you’ve found “the one” and have been thinking about proposing to her. And now this.

Our entire extended family’s lives have come to a screeching halt. We have collectively fallen off a cliff. We never ever expected this. Not you. Not this.

Dear God, please let there be a cure.

Starting to really dislike FB

Who said you could retire?? You’re an excellent optometrist and my entire family will miss you. It made me sad when I hugged you today and told you thanks, and you started crying. :frowning: And now I have to find another doctor.

How did you ever attain or hold a C-suite position? I know you’re intelligent, but you’re easily distracted, you fail to ask enough questions or to follow up on things that are important and time critical. My BP is through the roof right now and I’m tired of fixing things.

So much for hope and hard work. Got me nowhere. .

YeAh to Cindy from AMerican Airlines!!! I got a notice that both of my flights for son’s wedding had been changed. Like, a 2 hour layover on return flight. She was able to switch me to a different airport, with times better, for same price, after 45 minutes, she knew about son’s wedding and I knew about her grandson.

Not sure to jeer and cheer for our American Airlines experience tonight. Return flight cancelled four days in advance and rebooked on a flight that would have us up at 2:30 am. Other options included flying across the country for a connection and 8 - 10 hours of travel for what is usually a 2 1/2 hour direct flight. Multiple hours later, rebooked on a flight with a more reasonable stop over city but in middle seats, not sitting together, for no reduction in fare. Plus us having the additional expenses of an extra hotel night and car rental. At least we didn’t have to cancel our trip entirely as it’s the only opportunity for D to see my parents, and the agent was very kind.

This game is not going the way I thought it would. :anchor::arrow_down:

New diagnosis and there is no getting my life back. Just so sad.

I kind of hope the update tomorrow includes things like more reaction emojis.

On an entirely different note, stop calling it Cali. Until recently I could say only people who don’t live here call it that. Unfortunately it seems to be creeping in to the younger local set as well, sigh.

I just can’t get ahead. I got a check engine light on my 15 year old car which required a major repair (sold it instead). My central air broke (replaced it). Now, my dishwasher is broken (going out to get one today).

Egads. This new look is awful.

That price on the hotel aggregator website that looked too good to be true ($40 for a room in a $400 a night resort)? It was 
 but thank you to Ada from customer service who honored my reservation (after multiple problems, including her own IT department). And thumbs up to my credit card company for confirming that not only was there no “issue with the credit card” but that the hotel had never even tried to change it.

I’m just plain sad over it all.

You have to clean up your act and I don’t know how to help!!!

Hahahaha! Just tried the new college search function, put in just my kid’s major and test scores. It recommended one college, Harvard. That’s hilarious. Better work on that algorithm, dudes.