Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You just drive me insane!!!

Hearing the grandbaby singing her small part of “happy birthday”

It’s your birthday, you’re on a once-in-a-lifetime trip in Switzerland, and you go to HOOTERS for your birthday dinner?!?! SMH!

I’m so glad you’ve decided on your own to go back to the gym.

You never answer my questions but you blast me with texts badgering me with a question you’d know the answer to if your own kids hadn’t blocked you on facebook. That’s genuinely sad. And when I respond that I am at work and can’t chat, please stop texting.

In my dream CC we have a “rolling my eyes” comment response and if someone gets too high a percentage of eye rolls from their posts they’ll get blocked for being useless.

I can’t help but think that you are trying to get your name on the leaderboard.

The “hole in the wall” club rules are simple, don’t look around too closely and don’t put your elbows on the table. These rules lead to amazing culinary experiences, truly amazing local dishes you will miss if you cannot suspend judgement. HOWEVER, when I couldn’t move the wooden chair without my husband kicking it (and without me cracking up in laughter in the process) we may have crossed the line of acceptable cleanliness (or not) for trying delicious food. Ha ha, we did end up staying and it was delicious, we shall see if we go back. LOL!

I am so very sick of family and friends on facebook assuming we all share their political views— on either side of the aisle. Please, folks, please assume that I’m intelligent enough to form my own opinions without being educated by you. The fact that I still haven’t chosen to reply in spite of all the stuff you post should speak volumes.

You are going to suddenly implement a policy that all college grades and outside school grades will just be transferred into the transcript as “Pass”?! You are a homeschooling umbrella program. I think it is likely that the majority of the teens who use you take courses from a variety of places
freedom and flexibility is why many of us choose to homeschool our kids. So now you are going to have the consolidated transcript be filled with “Pass” grades instead of the actual grades given by the colleges/schools/providers? That makes no sense at all! So a ton of kids are just going to have “Pass” listed as their grade for almost everything on the transcript, especially for 11th and 12th when so many do dual credit??

Yes, I know the original transcripts from colleges etc will be sent to college admissions
but they want to see one consolidated accurate transcript putting all the grades together in one place. They do not want to have to do that themselves (at least, from what I’ve gathered)!

I wanted my kids to have an official transcript from an accredited school in case anything happens to me before they go to college. But this makes no sense at all. We’re withdrawing our kids today and doing what most Homeschoolers do anyway
submitting it all ourselves. I’ve been keeping a document with course descriptions and teacher comments etc etc etc anyway, so no biggie.

I think you’re going to lose a lot of business.

I knew it!! You really have been working behind the scenes to undermine us. Wow. You must have so little self-confidence that trying to hurt others makes you feel better about yourself. You are pitiful.

I’m so happy! I finally got my acceptance letter the other day in the mail. It was placed nicely inside a beautiful package that had the school’s seal on it. The package was also the color of the school’s colors. What makes it truly special is the acceptance letter came from my dream school. I can’t wait to attend!

I am blown away at your lack of manners. We agreed to meet at a little burger restaurant where you order at the counter and they bring your meal to you. When I arrived a few minutes before the appointed time, I didn’t see your car in the parking lot (you were driving a different car) so I go in to wait for you and there you are at the counter placing your order. You couldn’t have waited for me? So I place my order right after you and we sit down. The server brings your burger and you immediately start eating. You are half finished by the time I get my food. I felt compelled to inhale my dinner. You’re 65. Surely you learned somewhere in all those years to wait until everyone at your table is served before you start eating.

I feel like I’m posting here too often but I have some more good news I want to say and get off my chest. I finally found a leather jacket that was simply amazing. The great thing about it was that it was 50% off. I had already planned on buying one online so going to the store and finding this deal saved me lots of money. Also, I’ve bought two other leather jackets and failed miserably at getting a good one. The first time I bought one, I bought it big thinking I’d grow into it. However, I never did grow into it so it’s just sitting there. The second one I bought was online and I thought the sizing was good but it turned out to be a little big. After two failed attempts, I finally succeeded in finding one that fit just right. I guess that’s why they sometimes say the third time is the charm.

Off to home for two days. Going home is starting to feel like the vacation part, not the return after vacation part.

Got an early morning call this morning that ponies were out. Someone had left the gate open. Note to self: Buy a lock for the gate. There are too many people who somehow feel it’s ok to go into a pasture with other people’s critters and then either forget or think it’s cool to leave the gate open (“be free ponies?”) considering this is the second time it’s happened this summer. It’s a good thing our ponies are tame - and a good thing we keep insurance to guard against stupid people. If it continues beyond a lock, we’ll need a trail cam I suppose, but a lock will at least make them climb through the fence both ways.

Sometimes the ignore button is just not enough.

I thought CC threads created anxiety for me as a dad during the college process.

Until I just ventured on to the med school threads. My heart won’t be able to take it. I won’t make that mistake again until she’s finished year two. I may have to take screenshots of certain posts or get email addresses if CC goes the way of the dinosaur.

You used to be an amazing company to work for. I planned to remain until retirement. Now, you have taken away the holiday bonus that everyone looked forward to because it’s not fair to reward longevity and just showing up and have instituted a “pay for performance” model. I guess the goal is to have all of the non-millenials leave. I, for one, am shopping my resume around even though my boss tells me that I am a person who will do well under the new system. I just think it stinks and it’s designed to pit people against each other and turn my formerly collegial and collaborative office into an every person for themselves type of environment. I just don’t want to be there anymore.

I figured out that what bugs me about some posters is that they are completely humorless.

Wow, you are totally pulling the wool over some people’s eyes. Wake up and smell the coffee people.