Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Wow, someone must be really bored. Wonder if it’s just my recent bookmarks or a zillion other threads too.

I’m home for all of two hours (post 8 hour drive) and get the call that mom “happened” to fall flat on her face. I get texts of nasty looking scrapes and mom lying on the floor. I tell you to call the nurse emergency number because I know they will call 911 and you won’t.

Then you get mad at my sister for calling me??? Because you weren’t really helping her (and she fell) and were trying to hide something? Did you think I wouldn’t notice on Wed when I came home? What part of “see how easily she got hurt outside from the fall - she could be hurt just as easily inside” do you not understand??? She could actually die from this.

Even if it’s just flesh wounds, personally, I still want them addressed by folks who know what they are doing and the peace of mind knowing “that’s all” is worthy.

I thought something was up the other day and now it’s pretty obvious. Busted! Kinda lame you have to resort to those tactics - like we wouldn’t notice…pffffft!

Ok, so at least it wasn’t your fault. Mom admitted trying to get to the restroom on her own and falling. Granted she likely tried it on her own to show you she’s still “fine” even though we all know she isn’t. Regardless, no one will blame you.

I hope you realize from what the doctor and nurses are saying how serious it is just in case you ever think, “don’t call” again. My med school lad is interpreting data you send for us here and he tells me it doesn’t sound good. It may be ok because other things can cause what is being seen, but it very likely might not based upon what is happening and her already severely declining health.

I know I can’t drive there tonight. It was a late night last night, no rest today, a long (boring) drive, and oodles of deer carcasses always lining the roads. I’m not risking my life over something I can’t change. Grand Pumba of the Universe, your timing for us since mid May leaves a lot to be desired.

Some people just can’t take a hint

Or even a direct plea

I’m glad you finally called, we hadn’t heard from you in 2 full weeks. I know you’re busy but when you call us can you at least have time to talk and not multi-task. If you must multi-task, can it not be typing up a paper and basically expecting me to talk to myself because you’re not paying enough attention to hear the question I’ve asked to answer it? I really hope things are going as well as you claim, you seem very distant lately and that’s usually a red flag.

Aaannnndddddd… they’re out!

It could be worse, it could be worse it could be worse it could be worse

LOL. Glad it wasn’t just me…

Aand… the pests are back?!

You gotta be kidding me?!?!

Consistency would be nice. We can dream…

To you brother - you haven’t spoken to our parents in three years over a “falling out”. They’ve tried to bridge the gap, but you refuse to budge, even though you’re more to blame than anyone. I’ve tried to stay neutral, but I’m done. As if it isn’t insulting enough that you didn’t visit me ONCE throughout my cancer diagnosis and treatment ( you live 30 minutes away and no, texting isn’t enough)you then resort to having your wife( the true cause of all this Springer bs) texting me a response when I reach out to you and suggest you and the folks try to get together while they are in our state for the next few months. Are you 12? It makes me sad, but I’m done trying. I was with our father on his birthday and saw his face when you couldn’t even be bothered to send a text. There is absolutely no excuse. I don’t know who you are anymore. I hope you figure it out before it’s too late, but I’m doubtful.

I think I’m “sandwiched” out, taking care of my adult son and my elderly parents. :frowning: It’s one thing after another, just about daily.

I’m thankful I don’t have something in me that compels me to offer my opinion on what people post on FB or discussion boards. For example, mother on FB page for incoming freshman parents asks a question and another parent feels she needs to respond by telling first mother she’s too involved in her child’s life. How does that move the discussion forward? If you can’t say something helpful then JUST DON’T ANSWER. If only.

Oh Sabapuppy, I’m glad you’re so adventurous but I’m so tired of going up and down the stairs with you. Isn’t it time for bed, sweet pup?

I’ve so wanted to post about it, but I thought maybe I was being uncharitable. Seems many of us “oldies” are in serious agreement.

Sure wish the parents forum and parents cafe was, as originally intended… for the parents.

Cant seen to find the abbreviation thread (the old one is closed) so will add it here: Poster Enters Spamming Threads (PEST).

It’s not my fault. Your problem is I finally realize that.