Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Amazing how many “educated” folks (not to mention teachers) don’t understand that googling is not research

I heard that only pests will be left crawling the Earth after a nuclear disaster. Seems about right judging by the action in this annihilated by the “upgrade” forum.

You know, hon, telling me I weigh too much right now is not helpful. I’m already at my breaking point. :frowning:

Why would you trade Andre Iguodala? He’s such a good player on defense. If it were up to me, I’d pick defense over offense any day. D’Angelo Russell better be worth the trade.

I’ve never considered myself a bully, but man I am being tempted…

Some people just won’t listen.

What ever happened to the HS and college versions of the “say it here” thread?

A reminder that this is a no-response thread.

Thought better of it.

So I did the right thing per policy and now I look like the bad person who doesn’t know what she’s doing. At least it confirms my suspicion as to who was behind that “thing that happened” two years ago.

RATS! What with all the rain and the crazy cold weather - I missed the fresh strawberry crop this summer. And I have no one to blame but myself. :frowning:

I HATE that the post I’m responding to the most is about the redesign.

Part II:
I finally joined Al Anon. It’s been amazingly supportive and I can’t believe I waited so long!

H, when I watch you with my mom - helping her get to the restroom and back to bed, talking with her, gently hugging her emaciated body, giving her a loving kiss and knowing it’s sincere - it all reaffirms I’m glad I said, “Yes” way back when. The love I feel for you may actually be stronger now 30+ years later.

I’m toying with actually telling you this, but I want you to keep doing things for the right reason and not “contaminate” that. I will at least tell you when it’s all over.

Dermatology visit. Two precancerous places burned off, one questionable place scraped off and sent for biopsy. I’m not one bit surprised.

To the mom who cut in front of me in the McDonalds drive-thru:
Your daughter saw you do it because she gave me a real grimace, you paid my tab of $2.12 at the window, and pulled up for your food. But, the first window worker recognized me and immediately told the food window worker that the orders were wrong. So, you thought you would get through fast and for very cheap, but you were caught, had to pay YOUR bill, and then drive ahead and wait because my order was ready and yours was not.

First world problem, but oh, so sweet!

I feel like I went to sleep, then woke up in an alternative universe.

The end of an era.

I sure hope you are taking advantage of the long weekend to catch up on both sleep and homework.

No, it’s not cool to get on a plane, no hotel reservations, and “surprise” her on the holiday weekend and expect to get housed & entertained. It’s incredibly rude.

Last night scared the heck out of me. Never doing a big crowd event in the city again. So glad we got home in one piece. So sorry for those who were injured in the panic.