Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Don’t be surprised if some of your employees quit in the next week. Think with your head and not your butt before hitting the “send” button. Not your lawyer and don’t even pretend to be one, just speaking from personal experience - it feels really good to say “I quit” to an a-hole boss.

Listening to Old Town Road by Lil Nas X. Will it break a record next week to remain at #1 for 17 weeks on Billboard ?

Really, Girl Scouts of Maine? You dismissed my friend from her volunteer role with NO explanation?? So bizarre. She is one of the nicest, hardest-working people I know. I am glad the local TV station covered the story. I am writing everyone I can think of. At least we can make a few people sweat a little. Grr!!!

Dear health care system that keeps sending me automated mammogram reminders,
There are no mammos to gram.

Well, one of my Congressional elected officials has taken an interest in the national company’s intent to take away a vital medical supply! The staff person spoke with the multiple national lobbyists on the subject and is ready to have his US Rep sign a letter. I’ve drafted it and others are helping edit and polish it and we will send it off and see how it goes. The letter asks for at least a 6 month delay so we can figure out how to resolve this problem.

I kind of wish I was like you. It would be so nice to tell you how what you have been doing hurts me, my coworker, and the institution. But I am taking a vow of silence … because you can’t fix stupid, and trying to do it would only give you more ammunition for your constant gossip. But it makes me mad that you get to do this.

There are so many new usernames that include “worrying” or “stressed” or “confused” who post vague, open ended questions. I compose a response and before posting decide to check on their posting/reply history. Nine new posts in two days. Ugh!

O.M.G. He is 30. 30!!! He cannot possibly have the depth and breadth of experience required to do this job. He hasn’t lived long enough. One more dig at me, I guess … anyone can do my job, apparently. I give it a year at most.

Wow, now the insurer and agent are LYING and saying MY doctors AND insurer AND the company agreed that the company can go ahead and provide whatever the company wants?!?!?! Do you really think that my docs and I don’t talk with one another and just believe whatever garbage you’re currently trying to spin? I’m sorry, but my docs are working WITH me, not with you! Do you really think my docs will just agree to keep you, the company happy rather than care about me the patient that the docs treat?!?!?! Well, it means my docs and I are talking more than ever, but sadly, it’s spending much more of their time than it should.

Ok—it appears they all were talking without me and the MD caved and agreed to what insurer and company wanted! Wow! That’s very upsetting. I had thought he’d at least speak to me first—argh!

OMG. Can you be any more sanctimonious?

Arghhh! Now Twitter has adopted a format similar to the new CC. I guess some people think this look is a good idea, but I’m not one of them!

You are trying to take away something I enjoy and am good at. I am saying no to you. Do what you want, but without me.

You insist you’re going to beat this thing. I really really really hope you have some inside information. A 10 year median survival rate isn’t very long when you’re only 29.

I am so awkward. I make myself cringe sometimes.

So if you were being snarky and I assumed otherwise, I think it makes me look good and you not so, but then I always assume the best of people until the show me otherwise.

Dear dinner guest,
We are having 11 people for dinner in 2 days. Menus were prepared, food bought, items ordered. Sure would have been nice if you’d told DH more than 2 DAYS before that your spouse is allergic to cheese!

Some days I feel like the dream killer.

I know these are prerequisites for the conference, but really – five hours worth of boring crap? Most of which I already know? I’ll do it because I have to, but I’m not happy about it.

Worrying about my son’s stability again. He can be fine one evening and a wreck the next morning. :frowning: