Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Parents on new student Facebook pages trying to plan their children’s dorm rooms down to the last decoration and needing measurements of closet space, under bed clearance etc. so they can buy everything they “need.” Will it be an advantage that my twins have shared a small room since birth sleeping in beds and putting their clothes in a dresser that were all purchased “for the time being” from a thrift store about 16 years ago. I always wonder about children raised in McMansions with massive bedrooms decorated in full and their own bathroom when they go to college dorms. Apparently some of their parents are worried about that too. Me, not so much.

That good feeling when you hit that “unfriend” button on facebook and lose someone you don’t need in your social media life.

Just got one of D2’s very good friend a job at one of my favorite consulting firms. He was not quite aware of it, but I was kept informed of his interviewing process. I got a call this afternoon to let me know that his offer should be coming on Monday.

I was on a call with D1’s real estate broker, and I think I may have some options for them to move forward with the purchase - they have been stuck on renovation on the apartment without a permit issue. D1 asked me to represent her while she is on vacation overseas.

Overall, a good ending to the week.

I don’t like getting your Greatest Generation emails. I don’t want to read another one about how moms back then smoked when they were pregnant, put you to sleep face down, didn’t use car seats or bicycle helmets, etc., and you somehow turned out “just fine.” Because there is such a thing as progress, and you didn’t turn out as “fine” as you think.

ETA: This new format is miserable.

You are not helping, you are enabling. Enabling drug addiction. You might as well buy the drugs directly and put the needles in their arms.

Sometimes being a proud mama is a good thing. Posted something in a closed group so D wouldn’t know I posted, and from it grew some good networking options for her. Hope something pans out.

I actually feel sorry for you. You are a lost soul and there is no way to change that unless I step in as I always have in the past.

So, FIL, tell me what you really think about your new DIL. Your latest comment about how “coloreds” have moved in there make me wonder if you feel my lad and his wife are really welcome here or not if they come. Is she an exception for you or not? If so, how about pretending those new folks in your neighborhood are her relatives or perhaps those who so sweetly cared for MIL until the end. You know, those you seemed to get along with well and were thankful for? Chances are they’re just as nice and will be terrific neighbors.

One thing I hope dies off with your generation is the whole idea that certain types of people need to live in certain areas, with the best reserved for your type, of course. If you weren’t 91 and H’s dad, I’d sure be telling you this in person. I’m biting my tongue for his sake, but super glad the racism you were brought up with ended in your family with you and MIL.

I will continue to use the real life examples you give me to show my high school students how dumb it all is and continue encouraging them to fix the wrongs of the generations before them. Doing that gives me some satisfaction. Seeing it work gives me hope for the future.

I’m still curious though. What do you really think of DIL? In case you were curious as to why my lad married her, it’s because she’s awesome and the two of them seem made for each other. We welcome her and her family wholeheartedly. Future grandkids should be just fine in the family tree carrying on after us.

I wish you could see beyond how you were brought up.

No good is going to come of posting the lurid details of your divorce all over Facebook.

Dear neighbors, I hope you’re enjoying your vacation. Your underage son is really enjoying your absence. I, however, am weary of picking up Bud Light cans and Bootlegger fifths from my front yard. I am also weary of being awake from 1 am to 3 am while his 100 closest friends visit on the street, slam their doors and honk their horns. I really don’t want to involve the police, but since you’re not responding to our numerous attempts to contact you, you are leaving me very few options. Love, your exhausted neighbor.

When I got back from my morning run, my elderly dog was outside with my husband to greet me. This will be the last time this happens, since he will be crossing the rainbow bridge tonight. He can no longer walk on his own or stand to pee and poop. He’s almost 16, and it has been a wonderful 4 years with him. I will sure miss my Golden Oldie.

OMG. Now Social Security says they overpaid DS and he owes them over $5,000. They sent HIM the letter, even though I’m authorized to speak to them. Now he’s stressed out and I’m livid and crying. :frowning: I will be contacting Susan Collins now.

I start to feel myself get anxious and then I remember…I don’t hang around with people like that. They aren’t my tribe.

Third sibling in my mom’s family died at roughly 70. Seems so young. Any wonder why I want to retire early and collect social security early?

Today we buy a new vehicle using mom’s money (that she left me). There were major mixed feelings on my end because I was simultaneously wishing I had her to share life with instead and mourning that I couldn’t call her to tell her about the new wheels (since we shared all sorts of details like that). She’d have traveled with us in it as she has with our other past vehicles, etc.

Tonight while listening to the random playlist from my phone I suddenly hear her voice telling me, “Happy Birthday,” from a 15 second voicemail I kept and my lad just switched from voicemail to an audiofile on my google drive so I never lose it if I lose my phone. My birthday is coming up. It might be totally coincidental, of course, but I can’t help envisioning mom smiling and sharing my update from the spiritual world, cancer free and happy. We named the vehicle after her. May it have a long life with us seeing the world (or at least the places we opt to drive to).

If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

Wow, as a group, New Englanders are an unfriendly bunch of people. If you don’t put a street address on your house, you shouldn’t get upset at someone for knocking on your door by mistake. Geez. It’s a state law to show your street address. I knew better than to mention that, though, with your menacing dog glaring at me.

Why do you always have to be such a difficult *$$? It’s already hard enough when there is a crisis without your negative, mean spirited, attitude added to the mix.

Poor kid. She has been working so hard and this is what she gets in return. I hope she can shake this off and move on to something better.

I hate that we’re going for a walk on the same neighborhood route every time. I feel like I’m 80 years old. Why can’t you make an effort and go hiking with me sometimes? There’s nothing physically wrong with you, you’re just out of shape.