Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Old Time Road by Lil Nas X has been number 1 for a record 17 weeks. Yes !!!

I donā€™t get the sorority atmosphere. I didnā€™t get it 40 years ago, either.

16 months and counting.

  1. I love that this is taking up your dadā€™s mental space. He calls me to tell me about the situation I already knew about; you called me first, and I told you to call him. He now ā€œownsā€ the mental baggage around it. Welcome to my life for the past 27 years! He acts like this is a big deal; itā€™s not ā€¦ youā€™ll either get it done or youā€™ll have to wait a day to leave.

  2. Some of you need to lighten up.

6 months

Thank you for being such an excellent advocate for my parents. I donā€™t know what we would do without you.

There are moments when I realize that no matter how different my future is that it just HAS to be without you. You may have a developmental challenge but I just cannot do it anymore. The better I get the worse you act.

Another depressed and stressed out student takes her life. And this is a Deerfield grad and granddaughter of American nobility. Mental illness is an important issue that needs to be discussed. So sad. A rising senior too. So much promise.

And yet another transportation option has fallen through for my son. All he needs to do is get three miles each way, two times a week (itā€™s really not walkable or bikeable, unfortunately - too much traffic). I guess weā€™ll use Uber, but that will eat up 3/4 of his pay (he works only two hours a shift). My dad has offered to reimburse my son, but I hate to make him do that.

This situation, plus our struggles with his Social Security benefits, are very discouraging. It is REALLY hard to keep him ā€œindependent.ā€ I wish I could do something to improve the system. Iā€™ll be talking to our Congressoman, but I doubt it will do any good.

I know itā€™s putting a lot of pressure on you, but Iā€™ve been waiting on this thing for nearly two months and youā€™ve never accepted my repeated offers of help. I know Iā€™m a 22 year old woman, but (a) Iā€™ve been helping to build stuff since I was 8 years old, including parts of a house, (b) I have a degree in engineering, and Ā© Iā€™m kinda one of your bosses, so ā€œItā€™ll get done when it gets doneā€ is not an acceptable answer and youā€™ll be hearing from my PI. Thereā€™s no need to be rude and all I needed was whether it would be done, like, next week or in three weeks so I could make a plan instead of waiting around. The fact that you werenā€™t rude to the more senior grad student who visited you later is really telling. I hope youā€™ll trust me more in the future because otherwise this will be a long six years.

Yay, new baby! It wasnā€™t until I realized Iā€™m now a great-aunt that I felt old!

Why, oh why, did my next-door neighbors choose such an ugly design in expanding their house, and what do other neighbors expect us to say when they ask how we like it?

All the U-Haul boxes stacked in the hallway and your car being picked up today is making me incredibly sad. Youā€™ve been ā€œgoneā€ for the last eight years with boarding school and college, but this is different. How do we make these last three days really count? How do I send you off this time without losing it? We wish you health, wisdom, strength, and much, much joy, son, as you step into your new life and career on the other side of the country. We know youā€™ll keep in touch, but we also know our role in your life has changed and you wonā€™t be coming home on any schedule. The hole in my heart is big enough to drive a tank through. How do I tell you how much I love you? How do I really let you go?

First real family vacation since S1 graduated from HS. Would it kill you Tonite your tongue, stop leaping back into the role of authoritarian parent, and just ENJOY this trip?

I want our future DILs and grandkids (G-d willing that it happens) to be comfortable joining us on trips!

You have a lot of nerve flying right in my face in flagrante delicto, stupid fruit flies! I thought you reproduced spontaneously, but apparently you do so via hookups. Ha, windexed at least one of you for now (your partner escaped with cowardice and his/her life).

Regarding the PBS I hear in the background: How did they pick the most annoying character on Mr. Rogers and give him his own Spinoff for all these years? (Daniel Striped Tiger)

So ā€œJoannaā€ was supposed to call me back a week or so ago and she never did. I call the office. Sheā€™s not here now, do you want to be put on the waitlist? Maybe Iā€™m on the waitlist from when I called 2 weeks ago? Sorry, no. Iā€™ll put you on. NUMBER 42!

Oh, you people are TERRIBLE!!!

I am having such an amazing visit to Israel with my dear friends here. I am so lucky to have friends like these.

Crying around you isnā€™t uncomfortable. Youā€™re the best friends Iā€™ve ever had. Thanks for being there mile after mile.

It isnā€™t enough that Christmas runs from mid-September to January? We now have to have Christmas in July, and Christmas Thursdays for the rest of the year??? Enough already!