Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I wish you were more excited to be with us. We get so little time together as it is.

One more day!

Did you ever try to settle an estate with a Hoarder? No? Consider yourself super lucky (sigh).

How can anyone so intelligent be so dumb? No. You do not need to keep 15 year old court papers when two of the four in it are deceased and a third is quite the grown man now. On top of that, the court has copies should they ever be needed. Even if you provided yours, theirs would be the copy that counted.

No, those relatively new cancelled stamps are not worth anything. Yes, I’ve called a collector.

Yes, it’s more cost beneficial to get things done quicker. Those electric/gas/water/sewer/tax/etc bills keep coming and cost us MORE than the extra dollar(s) you could get by taking forever and listing every single item on e-bay/Craigslist or using the gas to take around to wherever and they certainly cost less than the storage areas you’ve rented for YEARS at a couple hundred per month to hang on to “valuables” that MIGHT have value someday. You wonder how you’re going to pay some of those bills
 sell some of the things in the estate and finish the estate! Selling one bed comforter and one dog kennel in 4 months is hardly going to do it - esp when you’ve pocketed the cash (hint - that’s what the estate account is for).

But what do I know. Apparently your attorney that only you can talk with is assisting you
 I believe that like I believe every other story you’ve told. You even have to keep a “secret” which store/restaurant you’re going to on a daily basis. WHY?

The pain you must be feeling is unimaginable. On your way to the NC lake house for a family vacation, a 19 yo driver crosses the center line causing a head on collision, instantly killing your husband and son who would have been a HS senior this year. Three days later your 20 yo daughter has succumbed to her serious injuries. As if to prove that life is unfair, the driver who caused the accident sustained only minor injuries. Now you must return home from a family vacation that never was, as the soul survivor.

Wishing you strength to endure this tragic loss.

When my boys were little they dreamed of one day living together as grown-ups, in their own house and able to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. When they were teen-agers, they talked about sharing an apartment and hanging out all the time. I thought those were sweet sentiments.

Today, ds1 arrived in his new city, where ds2 has lived for two years. And, yep, they are sharing a house. And ds1 added a girlfriend and her dog to the mix (yes, ds1 from the “are your kids late-bloomers?” thread.). I am incredibly thankful that all these years later they still wanted to make it happen.

Please be kind to her.

I thank my lucky stars that the stinky weed smoker hanging out at the bus stop decided not to get on the bus!!! ?

Do you really believe the things you say or do you just like to argue with everyone?

Never ask a Hoarder if they want 2-10 year old gardening catalogs assuming that will be an easy, “no” and toss. Why are they still good? Apparently they had better info about the products (seeds, etc) in them than those of today do. Every single one of them in a stack about eight inches high. Must be better than google can do too.

Never let a Hoarder put their items into really nice insulated shopping bags thinking you’ll get those back just because it was said that they’d be returned when it was asked if they could be used. Meanwhile, two weeks later they haven’t even been emptied yet. We might start another family “bet” as to whether we’ll ever see them again, though it’s not really a bet as no one will take the other side.

If anyone doubts Hoarding is some sort of mental illness, feel free to come help. Otherwise, I’ve morphed to just tossing the garbage while leaving true possible mementos of any sort knowing there will be some spot for them somewhere in the other place that’s supposed to be being cleaned - and quite honestly probably never will be since the state doesn’t have a “must be done by” date.

I’m sorry dad that I didn’t realize what you tried to tell me about my sibling not being capable of the job and wanting me to take the lead. I’m really, really sorry. I honestly thought if I helped it would all work out ok. I was wrong. I should have trusted your instincts (sigh)

Mom, the “good” news is you’re going to “win” our family bet easily. I’m glad you gave me great directions (and total control) having seen what happened last fall. Live and learn.

So you’re going to eliminate my job title and try to “train” me to fit into an engineering job title? Do you know that I’ve never done anything that even vaguely resembles engineering? Do you realize that I am this close to retirement, so even if you could train me, it would be of little benefit to you? Please, just lay me off, give me my severance and let me go on my merry way. Let’s end this charade.

Her plane is on the way and expected to land 10 minutes early! I’ll take ten extra minutes!

Ha, nice to know the construction industry never changes. “As you know, you are running late with this order so please try to deliver it within four weeks rather than the six you estimated.” Uh, what about the part where we sent in questions on April 17 and didn’t get answers until July 2??

You want me to call the staff members “the team”, but if I take an anonymous poll, you are the least likely to be considered a team player.

Chuck Park, I do admire you very much.

I hate when informative threads start getting political.

Fresh pie made with wild Maine blueberries made a great August day on the coast of Maine just amazing. This has been a wonderful summer here. I’m breathing in tonight’s cool fresh air and will try to hold it until next summer. Sad to leave on Tuesday.

Oh what a day. My dearest “D” (came into my life when she was 19 yrs old as a lonely friend of my D) and her 4 yr old and 18 months old spent 4 hours with us. I feel so very close to her–it is as if we are soul mates. Touched me deeply to share intimacy with her. H was a sport entertaining the kids so we could have a private moment. Wish she did not live 3,00 0 miles away.

I don’t think I’ll survive your sorority rush. I spent the first few hours of the morning upset for you after you texted me greatly worried and disappointed that you’d only been invited back to your least favorite houses for Round 2. Then a few hours later you texted me after a revisit that you’d found THE ONE. I don’t think my heart can take it. (Please, please, universe let her get a bid.)

My MSW license came through! So now I’m oldmom4896, LMSW, not just oldmom4896, MSW. Home from Israel Thursday night, visit my dear daughter for a few days starting on Saturday, orientation for the new job August 26, start work after Labor Day!

Rats. Since I am not here as much I completely missed the “shirt” thread. Perhaps, given the date of the offer, I should have assumed it was a birthday present?