Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Well dang, after the last three times we saw you and you declined beer , I was somehow stupidly hoping you were trying to get pregnant. Turns out it’s just gluten.

What is wrong with some people?

A friends husband had an 8 hour cancer surgery yesterday. They were at the hospital at 5am, he went into surgery at 9 and the surgeon talked to her around 5. She sent a group text to 16 people with the results of the surgery. It was very clear from the text that it was about a surgery and that it was cancer.

I hate group texts and this is one of the reasons. At 4:03 am, all 16 of us get a text “who is this”. Seriously that is what you think is appropriate to send to 15 other people at 4:03 am? It could be that she accidentally put the wrong number in and this was a mistake. She mentioned her husband by name so if you knew him, you would know who it was about even if you didn’t have her number.

I was sleeping at 4:03 am and had my phone on sleep mode. But I doubt that my friend did, what with her husband being in the hospital.


My sweet, mentally ill son just told me he wants to give a large sum of money to his younger brother, the one doing relief work in Lebanon. Makes me want to cry.

Some people are so thirsty for head pats and accolades on Facebook. I do nice things for my loved ones also. I don’t post them all on Facebook

I am so tired of all this winning

If trends mean anything, my prize may be an extra year or so of work.

That was the most poorly run training session I’ve ever attended. I’m so sorry; I really like you personally, but it was horrible.

Summer 2019 trips to and from Maine via Boston Logan and the Concord Trailways bus were successful after 8 consecutive years of not being able to get to or out of Portland by air as scheduled. Perhaps you “can get there from here.”

I will not apologize for feeling completely disrespected by the fact that my replacement is half my age, has little actual experience (doesn’t even meet the minimum posted requirements for the position) and will be earning many thousands more than I make after 7 years in the job (with years of prior experience in the field). Yes, he’s a man. And yes, I am bitter (even if it was my choice to leave). And by the way, I was supposed to leave at the end of June. You dragged your feet & didn’t post the job … you thought it would be just fine to leave my job unfilled all summer. Well, good thing I offered to stay on until the new guy came on board … clearly you have no idea how much I do. You still have no clue that I have busted my rear getting everything set for the new school year … you have no idea what it takes to run a school. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield. Sometimes I wish I could just tell you, “Not my problem - I quit.” But I am just not like that.

I hope you win that award this weekend. Know I am always cheering for your success and happiness.

Stop trying to get out of paying your rent. The garbage disposal being too loud, or the dishwasher cycle taking too long, or the handle on a toilet requiring to be held for 2 seconds instead of 1 second are not reasons to not pay your rent. If you can have your mediocre baseball playing son travel all over the country for summer ball (and you and your family follow him), you can afford to pay your rent. I do not care about your court battles with your ex. I do not care about your boyfriend’s back injury preventing him from working (but not from playing golf, your neighbor is a friend and she shares such things with me). Pay your rent.
And your rising junior son still hasn’t made the varsity baseball team, so counting on an athletic scholarship is not a good plan.

Oh, and your previous landlord and I have been comparing notes. Your blaming us for not being able to move into our house while simultaneously telling us you cannot move out of the last house quickly enough because workers keep blocking access to things, is not working. You still have to pay rent. We both know you have been lying.

And…no, I am not sending a cleaning crew in 3 weeks after you moved in. Any mess there is one you made. And I am not installing the screens in the windows. Nor am I replacing the garden gate because you think it is too heavy. You are truly he laziest person I have ever met. Pay your rent, or tomorrow we begin eviction proceedings. My lawyer is on stand by.

Please God let him get this job. Unemployment is running out and the 401K is tanking. And he’s pretty much done none of the things he said he would do while he was out of work and I’m working more hours than ever.

Looking at one of my 401Ks – the one entirely in a stock that for a good few decades made mortals into millionaires but in the last few years has been tanking faster than the Titanic – I’ve come to the realization that hubby and I may have to emigrate to some third world country because we won’t be able to afford to live here. Ah, the American Dream…

I LOVE my cc quarter-zip pullover! It’ll be perfect to wear to the gym once it gets chilly out. Thanks, cc.

Guess I’m glad you insisted I go to the doctors instead of letting me curl up and sleep all day like I wanted. Bronchitis in August - weird though.

Thank you neighbors for playing good music (Tom Petty, REM, etc.), good stuff with lots of guitar riffs. Low-key and low-volume. The best while I’m sitting on the deck enjoying a glass of wine and the sunset over the water.

It’s so nice being here by myself. No TV, no noise. Me, books, sun, water, wine, good food - couldn’t ask for much more. I know you love your alone time here and I’m happy I could have some, too. This is why we worked so darned hard. This is why we retired.

Not looking forward to Monday and beyond…

Day 10 of my co worker’s 15 day time off. I am doing two jobs and am exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed. She has confided in me that she plans to look for a new job when she returns and even though she is my friend and I love working with her I totally support her- she needs to be somewhere with better opportunities.
As for myself though, if (when?) she leaves I will be stuck doing it all. If they replace her position (not guaranteed) I will be doing 2 jobs until she is replaced (a process that could take months) stressed out, unable to take time off and for what? No more money, no promotion… I am too old and tired for this. Financially I don’t need to do this.
So…if (when) she leaves I plan to retire. The company will have to figure it out.

I’m grateful the flat tire happened in the driveway and not while you were on the highway driving back to school but, please lord, let the dealer be able to install the new tires today since you need to leave tomorrow morning. Plan B - car remains here until Fall Break. Not ideal but not the end of the world either…

Really? My son is completely and totally launched and financially independent from us yet you are going to say that the fact he has a roommate in an extremely high COL area means he is “delaying adulthood”? That’s a wee bit insulting.