Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Why do you have to do a reply all just to say thanks to the original sender?

The lack of gym etiquette is astounding! I was about to get on the ab crunch machine as my last thing of the day at the gym when this old coot comes up from the other side and says ā€œI beat you to it!ā€

Normally Iā€™d let it go but I was short on time so I let him know Iā€™d just be a minute (truly less-- only 20 crunches and I was done) and that was the end of my workout. He begrudgingly let me go and went on the machine next to it. I was done quickly, told him it was all his, and went to look for my DH who was somewhere in the gym (well it turns out he went outside to take a call). I couldnā€™t find DH so sat down on a piece of equipment of equipment to text DH that I was done when suddenly the old coot is in my face saying loudly, in a thick German accent, " you lied to me, YOU LIED TO ME! You said you were done!"

Not that I owed him an explanation, but I said I was texting my DH. He went back to his machine (I truly hope someone took it while he got up to chastise me). I finished my text, got up and went over to tell him to ā€œhave a nice workoutā€ as I left. One can feel free to imagine what my inside voice was saying. What the heck is with people???

I really donā€™t plan to retire just because people are incompetent and downright mean, but itā€™s great that I have that choice. Your behavior, as someone who claims to care so much about doing the right thing and ā€œlive the values of the organization,ā€ is astounding. So far Iā€™ve pretty much just kept my mouth shut or been pleasant enough, but that wonā€™t last forever.

Mother-in-law of mineā€¦can you please recognize all my H does for you and stop using him as your personal punching bag. If I were him youā€™d be left to your own devices and your three daughters who wonā€™t give you the time of day without financial remuneration. Your vitriol and nastiness are gearing up to ruin our sonā€™s engagement party tomorrow.

Well. I really never thought I would have to lay down a ā€No wildlife in the houseā€ ruleā€¦kind of thought it went unsaid. Apparently not. ??? And fair warning, I mean it.

Vacation is over.

You may know a lot about some things, but you donā€™t know everything about everything. Adding the phrase "I didnā€™t know that " to your vocabulary would go a long way if you canā€™t stomach ā€œI was wrong.ā€

It took me a few months to realize my new fitted sheets have little tags on each edge that say ā€œtop/bottomā€ or ā€œsideā€. What a clever idea!

Mr/Ms. fox, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever actually seen one of your kind in real life though weā€™ve had a regular parade of deer, skunks, raccoons and opossums lately. You were quite a beautiful sight in our back yard in the middle of the night. And the way you stood your ground to my little dog barking her head off on the other side of the window and barked (or rather screeched) right back was hilarious. Quite worth waking up for at 3AM!

Seeing so many homeless people in this city is sad. Not sure what the solution is though.

I didnā€™t cry this year sending my lovey back to school. Yeah me!!!

Really? you want money for the monument you bought to recognize your h who finds joy in putting down otherā€™s profession. No

I canā€™t help but be angry. Either someone is spreading lies to take the business down or someone very high up in the company did something very illegal. Either way, it casts doubt on my kidā€™s credibility & that makes me very angry.

I thought all the family were warned and knew not to ā€œlendā€ you money. My kids certainly are aware. After all youā€™ve been doing this for decades. We learned almost 30 years ago after the check you wrote us for the luckily small amount of money you owed us was rejected because it was checks youā€™d had printed for a non existent bank account. Weā€™ve never responded to your attempts to borrow money since then though you do keep trying. But somehow you managed to con your Dadā€™s sisterā€™s sonā€™s wife to give you her credit card # (something you tried with us a couple years ago to a firm no) by spinning her a sad story of some emergency. She had to cancel her card after you ran up over $2,000 in charges. So sad that her kindness was taken advantage of. You should be ashamed of yourself. Yet you never are.

Youā€™ve probably burned your very last Bridges with this side of the family.

Donā€™t bang you head on the wall with all that backpedaling you are doing.

You will no longer be an emotional suck on my daughter. She is not equipped to handle your one sided, selfish, angry, depressed, emotionally manipulative ā€œvlog/insta storiesā€ without damaging her own mental health; no 16 year old with empathetic tendencies is.

You will not suck her back into your drama. And if you try, I will get more involved than just working out a plan with my daughter to hide your stories and you will find out what happens when an adult (as you proclaim yourself and your 16 year old boyfriend to be), among other things, shares confidential medical information about other people on the internet without permission.

May I just say that 3rd place in the Hugo Awards in your category is pretty freaking fantastic!

Little pup, we should probably spend some time in separate rooms. That AirPod was a mighty expensive chew toy!

Just in from D21: ā€œYou know, mom, I am NOT excited about going away to college. But I AM excited to decorate a dorm room.ā€

Well, at least thatā€™s something. And things may change in two yearsā€¦ (but no pineapples, please.)

I donā€™t care how old my kid is ā€¦ when he hurts I hurt. He is on the receiving end of something he has no control over, but it is affecting his life in such a negative way. Wish I could make it all better, but of course that is not how life works.