Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I remember my son’s first day of kindergarten - I cried. He came home and looked so sad and when I asked why he said “Maybe I missed you”. Well, I’ve cried every first day of school since. They would leave and I’d go inside and have a little cry. I’ve always hated the end of summer because we always have such a great time.
Yesterday I left my son at college and cried. The difference is I woke up this morning and he’s not here and I cried. And the kid who every night would make it a point to say “I love you” is not in the room down the hall. His cat woke us this morning meowing in his room. I’m just really sad. I know here is where others will “get it”.

First day of my baby’s second year of college. I’m dying for a first day of school selfie. I miss not being there to see her off.

Also praying for another good year for her. She couldn’t be more excited about her class schedule but it sounds like hell on earth to me.

This time of year is always hard for me, as I watch all the new college freshmen going off to school. I remember how excited we were for our eldest, and how fast the wheels came off the bus. :frowning:

Lots of tings for both Ds need to shake out this week…hoping for good outcomes.

I wish I could tell my SIL how I really feel about her. She has always slighted my kids compared to the other nieces and nephews. But this year she has stooped to a new low by not acknowledging D2’s college graduation nor either D’s birthday(not even a text). Yet when we go to FIL’s 90th birthday party this weekend she couldn’t be more fawning over my kids or act more interested in D1’s upcoming wedding. We know you are only acting this way in front of the rest of the family, that you could care less about either D. You are 63 years old, if you are at odds with your brother (my H), then take your anger out on us. It’s very mean spirited, petty and just plain low to take your animosities out on our kids. They’ve been nothing but kind to you. I guess I get angry because my kids have always known they have been slighted by you and yet we have always made excuses for your behavior toward them. You are a work of art. I really dislike being around you.

So let me get this straight - in order not to bother our clients to give us a necessary piece of information which they have readily available, you want us to search for it using tools we don’t have access to, which will both delay our ability to respond to their requests and reduce the amount of time we have available to work on other projects? Just checking.

I can’t believe your Facebook name is “TheJohn Doe.” Just because you played Major League Baseball, ha (maybe it’s a little jealousy on my part - he was such a goof-off in high school I assumed he would end up pumping gas, but instead he got a multi-million dollar contract…).

Not sure I can stomach this situation again. Things have been going so well for you recently and you deserve nothing but the best. Hoping and praying things turn around!

I can only take a glass half empty attitude for so long.

It is way too early in this application process for you to be in tears!!!

  1. I really disliked the fancy Dover sole recipe I tried tonight. But I have learned as long as you think it is great to keep my mouth shut! LOL I will never ever make it again.
  2. I dread your fasting and colonoscopy on Wed. You really will suffer and I will along with you.
  3. Thank you for asking me if I want to travel somewhere this winter. If I do I now realize I must plan every single solitary thing that needs to be planned. Just not sure anything is calling to me enough to do it all again. But thanks for the thought.

It feels better to care than to not care, but once again it’s so one sided that I’m tempted to block you rather than wait for you

I don’t want to live some far away anymore. I wish that I could be there for you. I feel sad and guilty that I can’t.

I can’t believe I am wide awake worrying in the middle of the night. What the heck is wrong with me? I can’t wait to be done. In doing the right thing for the organization, I am hurting myself. Two more weeks & it will be over. I will know I did the right thing. You will never have a clue what you did to me. Guess that’s how it goes. My mom told me life isn’t fair.

One down, 99 more to go.

Both my kids are well on their way to being fully launched. One just got the final thing he needed to be what I consider “secure,” and he will have had his professional job for a year soon. The other has been well employed for over a year, and has decided to look for a new job. He actually received 2 phone interviews within just a few days of sending his resume to some pretty impressive companies for his field. It is really “freeing” to not worry so much about them.

I wonder if anyone has “I never did Facebook” printed on their gravestone. Why is this such a badge of honor???

Please let it be good news!!

I’m in my 60s, but change is still hard. Sad for our senior executive who is having to move on and for all of us who will miss him. Certainly no $$$ issues, but it will be hard to leave a company he grew over 20 plus years.

I know Maine relies on tourism for a lot of its economy, but I will be very happy when this tourist season is over. It feels like more of an invasion than usual this summer.