Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

For a smart kid you sure do some dumb things.

We had an amazing day today. I wish it didnā€™t take a funeral to get us all together, but I am so glad a sad occasion ended up being so wonderful. I am sure that is what he wanted when he left instructions for his final celebration.

The worst has come to pass. Even as I say this, I know the descent is not over.

Itā€™s been a month already. I miss you terribly and am so sad you didnā€™t get a longer retirement

Iā€™ve been trying for days to figure out what the bad smell I could smell was. And asked you to try and find it as Iā€™m at work all day and if course you couldnā€™t. So Iā€™m off today and was combing the kitchen trying to find it. Went through the veg basket. Took trash out. Took trash bin out to wash. Still there. Walking to bathroom to wash hands I notice a box of eggs sitting on a box under the little table. Didnā€™t open it when I saw black stuff. ?. When I brought it through the den to take to trash you said youā€™d been wondering where they were

If I predecease you our poor daughter will need to come by the house every couple weeks and do a stink check.

Why am I ironing a linen dress when Iā€™m going to sit two hours in a car in it.

Dear online students, I have provided detailed instructions for getting started in the course, but some of you have submitted e-mail questions that indicate you havenā€™t read them. When I respond with directions to discovering the answer in course documents and a closing that says ā€œHope that helps!ā€, it really means ā€œBless your heartā€ and all that conveys in the South.

Sad, but kinda funny, too, that you think youā€™re ā€œfixing thingsā€ by breaking them. Putting a happy face sticker on criticism doesnā€™t create a positive vibe.

Dear band director: youā€™re a great band director and we appreciate all you do! But I wish you had totally changed the practice schedule three weeks ago instead of yesterday! Had we known, D could have taken some ballet classes she really wanted but couldnā€™t on your old schedule. Now registration is closed, no exceptions.

Dear CC: Itā€™s hard to be a kid in a small town and follow oneā€™s passions as students are expected to do these days. Yes, I know, two days of ballet would have been pathetic on a college application anyway, but it would have kept her fitter and happier. What? She should start her own dance studio and recruit classically-trained teachers to settle in our rusting-away little corner of America and offer classes six days per week? (Yeah, I know, that would show initiative, but, gee, sheā€™s only sixteen. Adults have been trying to resurrect this place for three generations. Thatā€™s a lot of pressure to put on a kid).

Yay, an excellent local piano teacher said she can fit me in starting next spring, after our piano is restored. Iā€™m a little nervous since I havenā€™t played in years. I almost majored in piano performance in college but decided it was more practical to study engineering. I hope my fingers remember how to play.

The next time you hear about the horrible cost overruns of government subcontractors, keep in mind that it might be caused by poor project management by the government, not the greed of the subs. :frowning: Ask me how I know, ha!

To the parent who posted on facebook about her ā€œsonā€™s girlfriendā€ and how to manage her disability in a college setting:

It is NOT COOL to post private information about a childā€™s bf/gf on facebook. Does she know? Do her parents know?

Just not cool.

And speaking of FB college groups. I really didnā€™t want to know about your phone call with your daughter and telling 1000+ parents in the group that she forgot to do laundry and is down to 2 pairs of clean underwear. Mom, you just humiliated daughter and gave personal details about sanitary habits or lack thereof!

Iā€™d be able to stand all the gross smells of gross anatomy lab and animal research during the day if I could just come home to a nice clean apartment. But this clogged drain is causing all sorts of smells, no matter how many candles I burn or how thoroughly I clean everything else. I wish someone could just come over and take care of it so I could get back to my normal rhythms. But two plumbers, a bottle of Liquid Plumr, and an hour of plunging later, weā€™re still no closer to a solution.

No comment upon if LA Times article has or should have merit, but how unlucky for my DS16 and DD20 to be trying to be an engineer and a scientist with this controversy swirling!

Posting here must be like a little prayer or something because the drain is fixed!

Who knew there was so much action on the Musical Theatre Forum. Intense competition for these students.

Thank you dear CC friends for being the support in helping our elders through challenging times. Itā€™s tiring and sad and likely to last quite a while longer.

D figure out where you want to live already and get a job! The one month has turned into three and Iā€™m tired of it!
Sā€™s professor, donā€™t tell the class on Sunday night when class starts Tuesday that they need an iPad and an iPad pencil. And we should be happy because he didnā€™t have us buy a textbook which would have been about the same cost (NOT). Grrr.

Wow, kid. I plan my trip and send you our itinerary and now you want to plan a trip where you visit our city while we are out of town AND have us leave a spare key for our car? Hmmm I really donā€™t understand you as well as I thought I did. Why canā€™t you talk to us and we coordinate? Grrr!