Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

When you use the word “simplistic” when you mean “simple” it does NOT make you sound smarter.

When I don’t feel like I’m drowning, I am busy feeling like I’m being crushed. My poor broken heart, I’m sorry. My poor overwhelmed brain, I’m trying, I really am.

I think I have a new favorite city. Stockholm, you were amazing!!

I was all packed for temps in the 30s to 60s, and then you informed me it’s going to be in the high 70s and 80s… How is it possible I now have more than I had for the lower temps? (Actually, hiking in the heat requires more changes of clothes, and we may not have any access to laundry).

See, dear spouse, aren’t you glad I convinced you to let the professional plumber deal with the broken valve handle that supplies water to our entire house. The nice young guy did it in under two hours and you don’t have to have it on your mind or to do list any more. Yippee! One less worry for you AND me!

I miss you so much. The grief hits at the weirdest times

Ahhhh, the fun of “fighting” over vowel sounds. ?

vent here. getting tired of massive scrolling to get to things with the new format. so much wasted space. at least I easily ignore the added junk don’t even see most of it.

D2, 29 (and dreading 30), is camping in Vermont with a friend this weekend. She unexpectedly called this morning, and after the pleasantries, shared a “concern” about a tire after driving over a curb. (Given D2’s driving habits, this has happened more than once.) By the time she had shared photos and DH and I had sent multiple messages about possible courses of action, she had already contacted a mechanic and got the go-ahead for driving up the mountain (and possibly out of cell phone range for calling a tow truck). And then without prompting, she sent an update at the end of the day that all was well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE having mature children! (At least she’s not running into gas pumps any more…) :slight_smile:

Who are you and why do you keep tagging me in posts and why do you think I give a single damn what you think? No, I don’t to meet with you to talk about your thinking. I love that you are so self-important that you think anyone would take you up on that offer.

Random thing that made me happy - Yesterday we were at our lodge outdoor bar, and the button fell off my hiking shorts (which I didn’t know til later). Tonight, since we were hanging out watching the sun set, I decided to go ask the customers sitting there if I could check, and we found the button. Of course I don’t have a needle and thread happy, but I may see if the lodge happens to have a little sewing kit.

Prior to encountering CC’s wealth of great stories, I didn’t know a thing about the pursuit of Musical Theater.

We all know your kid got accepted to a (near) single digit acceptance rate school, and we’re thrilled for all of you. We really are. But we understood when the acceptance letter came because it was posted on social media. We were reminded during student acceptance day, again via social media. The (need based grant) was announced at senior awards ceremony and we couldn’t miss the name on kiddo’s cap during graduation. We were reminded during students’ family weekend, orientation, and move in weekend when a slew of posts hit social media.

Trust me, every kid your kiddo went to high school with knows they’re at a highly selective college. That includes all the kids who didn’t get accepted to their first choice, the ones who did but couldn’t afford it, the ones whose only affordable option is the local commuter school, and the ones whose only hope of a college education is a full time job and classes at the local cc. We’re very happy that there’s a cute little coffee house near the college, but your reasons for posting reminders about where your kid is going to college are getting more and more flimsy. For the love of all that’s good and decent, please give it a rest. Or at least wait until all the other kiddos get settled where they are so they have a chance to bloom where they’re planted.

OMG my first cousin’s son whose twitter handle is @icyclone is a storm chaser, apparently missing in the Bahamas.

I have been dealing with two crowns for months now. Root canal, crown lengthening, temps – including two that came off immediately after leaving the office. I had an appointment for the permanent crowns that got cancelled because they weren’t ready. I called last week, and the call wasn’t returned. I called this morning, and they want me to come in this afternoon to talk about next steps. What next steps??? You have the impressions. Where are the crowns? They wouldn’t say anything over the phone. This is not going to be good news, and I am livid.

Dear H, I am totally upset and worried about our pup too but I am trying to focus on any positives and also just try and give him the love and attention and life of great perks he has always had with us. Hopefully the anti nausea meds and antibiotic he got this morning will help jumpstart his health. But in the meantime, I can’t tell you how to feel or act, but I do feel you need to get a grip and not make yourself the center of this crisis. I get it that he is your “best friend” but dang, I love that pup too - whether I have 2 days, or 2 months or 2 years left with him I’m going to put a smile on my face when I approach him and try and keep his routine intact especially all the things he loves and counts on from us!

Not sure if it belongs here or the “Tell me something good” thread, but I’ve gotta say, a full glass of wine + a sunny 76 degree backyard + a laptop = a really tough work environment. :smiley:

People rushing to buy bottled water for your home - You have water. What you need are containers… fill everything around your house- nalgenes, pitchers, plastic ware, even ziploc bags, large pots. For future emergencies you might consider collapsible camp jugs that can hold several gallons and are reusable.

My cousin is safe, according to the Weather Channel. Whew!

Nothing beats unexpectedly seeing northern lights in the Maine woods with your husband and grown son. :slight_smile: The lights were supposed to be the night BEFORE and we’d given up on them. Just wow.