Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

CC has really changed over the past few months. Instead of the college scandal mega thread, the Harvard lawsuit debates and “schools you unexpectedly didn’t like” threads, we’ve morphed into the great merry, Mary and ferry fairy linguistic debate of 2019. (Although admittedly fun too)

I miss @Data10 and the like…

I need to know if you are capable of compassion and empathy. Sure didn’t see much of it this weekend.

Why does life keep kicking me in the face? Chronic medical issues force me to quit my job at 56. Move health ins to wife’s job. Now it looks like she will lose her job and health ins. At her age virtually zero chance of finding another comparable job.

Five minutes after finding that out we find out that the pregnancy of our DS and DIL potentially has a serious complication. I can’t take any more of this! Stop piling on!

I should have mopped that puddle off the laundry room floor with you, my dear avatar, instead of those freshly dried towels. And now it looks like your expeditions behind the washer not only knocked the drain out of its place but also punctured a hole in the flexible dryer vent. Ugh!!! I should have known better than let my kid adopt a cat that likes to explore tight spaces so much! Why can’t you be just a fat, lazy cat?! Ok… who is up for cat treats?! ? :heart: ?

I understand that Jose Andres has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. I hope he wins when they announce next month.

Please let her get a full time job in her field soon! She’s applied to so many. Next interview in 15 minutes!!

Hey Good News, please hurry!!

If I am ever in charge of an outside scholarship, I will make sure it’s paid before tuition is due for the semester, AND communicate with the recipient what the plan is- to send to the college, or to the student, and when.

My MIL, who never passes up an opportunity to berate, harass, and disparage my H, fell last night. Guess who got the call to take her to the hospital - one of her three Ds who also live within 20 minutes of her? Uh, no.

DH, most of the time I love you dearly, but there are times…

I work in the same building as a major University visitors center. The number of times I see the parent stride up to the desk to give their name and sign in for the tour while the potential student just stands there is amazing. You are here for your child to tour a college. Maybe a good first step on that journey is to let them speak up and say that they’re here themselves.

I love when I’m at a lunch and someone throws shade at me. It’s so great…not.

Ugh, this would NOT happen in Texas. A couple of months ago, we sent out a note to 13 houses on our road, telling them to save the date on September 7 for a neighborhood cookout. We used to do this years ago and it was always a lot of fun. All the neighbors know each other pretty well - we’re not strangers to each other. We do understand that not everyone can make it.

Last week, DH spent time writing an email to invite everyone. He included details about what we would provide and what people could bring. He asked for RSVPs. Two days before the event, we’ve received three regrets, and no acceptances. WTH? I told him he should just send out a note canceling everything. But how hard is it to respond, “Thanks for the invite, but we can’t make it”? I don’t get New Englanders.

ONE couple responded yes, whoo hoo!

And you wonder why I start threads about food!!!

It’s been over a year and a half since he told us he wanted to marry you…thinking it wouldn’t happen. Congrats you two.

What a jerk

OMG, the City Council went of the deep end!!! That article in the paper describing the lunacy generated 538 comments in less than a day!

You are my relative, but I really can’t stand you. I’ve tried, even my kids tell me I give you too many passes.

Mmmmmmmm, carbs taste sooooooo good!