Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m really happy NFL and college football is back. It adds some excitement and anticipation to my weekends.

All variations of “Yay!! College X vs, U of Y today” have been deleted as responses to the above post. Feel free to create a separate thread to root for your favorite college (or professional) football team, but those posts don’t belong here.

I’ll say it here to get it off my chest: Lighten up Francis !!!

A grand total of three people came to the neighborhood cookout. Maybe I should move back to Texas. :frowning:

Dang—another funeral of a really wonderful person we never got to know well enough—H’s cousin’s husband. He really did s lot for his community and church and was much beloved.

Not surprised but, I hoped you would have remembered my birthday :neutral:

I don’t understand why you are so passive about this process. Ask for the information you need to make the decision! Stop waiting around for others to come to you. Yes, it is unusual that both parties are not communicating, but you need to take charge of your life by communicating with them.

Those helicopter blades sure are whirring loudly. Rationalization is rationalization, no matter how it is spun.

I told you so.

I’m not as good at playing it by ear as you; need to plan meals more than you do. Sorry I’d given up on the plans while you were still “considering”.

Note to self: Find out the topic of next year’s staff PD before you register for it. That splitting headache during the breakout session was entirely gone by the time you had driven a mile away, and ibuprofen simply does not work that fast.

I worked yesterday and then had a long day today. Not tax season long but another tiring 10 hours analyzing out and reconciling some messed up client’s accounting to try and meet a big deadline in 6 days. Is it too much to ask that when I walk through the door I can sit down, relax, and eat dinner before you ask me to help you with your volunteer treasurer gig problems with QuickBooks? Seriously, can I put my purse down, give the ? her Mom’s home treats and sit down for a few minutes at least? Ugh.

Heading back to the real world after a wonderful 10 days in The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. It was a wonderful trip.
I was going to update the thread I created about our trip, but it’s been closed, so saying thanks to everyone who gave advice here.

You sure know how to ruin someone’s day. You always blame every one else without ever stopping to think that maybe you don’t remember. Days like today make me wish you were gone or I was.

I don’t think anyone but us understands the depth of our relationship. Thanks for calling yesterday and saying what you did.

OMG, as a structural engineer, the 9/11 conspiracy theorists drive me nuts. I can’t believe what some of my Facebook friends are posting. Yes, a jetliner fully loaded with fuel flying into a skyscraper will make it collapse. I think it’s amazing the Towers stood as long as they did, frankly.

9/11 is always a tough day for me

We live in an apartment now. Stop yelling to me from the other side! Get up and walk over if you have something to say.

This is both gratifying and infuriating for me to watch. Am I surprised? No. Do I enjoy watching you squirm after enduring 16 years of your abuse? Absolutely. Am I very upset at the effects your actions…and your lack of specific actions…have had on other people? Yes. Do my daughters deserve yet another round of survive-the-unethical-things-you-did-lately? No, they don’t. They really don’t.

So now maybe you regret your whispered threats and your insulting words from the past couple of weeks…maybe now you see that you should never have assumed I would not use the information I have at my disposal. Of course I will, if it means getting to the root of what is now a very public problem and helping hopefully many women in the long run. I’m been busy with the kids over the past few years, but now I am paying very close attention, and I am putting a lot of things together, and I think perhaps your lack of respect, your arrogance, and your complete underestimation of my intelligence is about to bite you on your bony bottom.

I wish I had double checked that I had the right papers before this morning’s kerfuffle. Very embarrassing.