Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I seriously dislike these “Ballard boxes.” Good god they are ugly.

Oh, I’m going to miss you. Be happy.

I am here to say that I made the right decision!!! I actually “feel” happy for the first time in ages.

Hope Alaska has another Airbus to replace the one with the holy tire… dagnabbit…

So maybe I should not have told you about my return call for a mammogram because you cannot be empathetic? You had the audacity to say this?. Guess you will never hear again what is happening with me.

Please not another office neighbor that sniffles loudly ALL DAY LONG!

DH, you annoyed me when I was already suffering with allergies and a lack of sleep, and I got angry. I am not proud of the way I acted either, but you should know by now that I get these late summer allergies every year. After everything I do for you, and everyone else, a little empathy would help.

I get it was mostly just bad timing - you had no idea about everything else that happened to me earlier. But when I apologized, and I accepted your apology, it doesn’t mean you get a free pass and should expect make-up nookie. I AM STILL SICK!

I love teaching the NAMI class. Such nice people who care so much for their loved ones. :slight_smile:

I am terrified of the upcoming fire season after last year’s nightmare.

I love my mom but I am frustrated with her right now! If your car is not working right please pick up the phone and call us during the week when H can run up and help you- don’t wait to tell us when we happen to call you as we leave out of town and can’t do anything and the shop is not open until Monday! Now I feel bad that you are somewhat stuck at home for the weekend. And it didn’t help when you tell me that it makes you feel “down” to be stuck at home. Sigh. (I did call my nieces and they will check on her and offer her a ride if she needs it).

This is her thing. Love her, but she will NOT call when she has an issue…“don’t want to bother you…”

+: you’re self aware enough that you got the blood test
-: now you have to go in for a transfusion at the ER tomorrow morning

Pleasepleaseplease let this be a blip related to the change of meds.

It’s TSA pre-check. When you set up your purse, personal item and carry on bag and proceed to reorganize things on the table before the conveyor don’t be so pissy when I move ahead of you.

Snarking ‘I hope we are not on the same plane’ makes your middle aged self come across as a snotty teenager.

Your brother got a call from hospice at 6:30 am to tell him your mom was declining rapidly. He called you right away, since you live 200 miles away, but you told him your kid has a game today and you have work to catch up on, so you aren’t coming. Your mom may be too far gone to understand you aren’t there, but your brother sure could use your support right now. He feels like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders and no one to help him carry it.

A lawyer who worked at my former company for 37 years died at age 68 last week and not ONE member of the current management team attended the funeral! How many times did I hear from my dear former co-workers (who were there) “that’s why I don’t work there anymore.” Thankful for my current company where we need to be told that the church can’t hold all of us, so use discretion and it’s fine to come just for the reception after… Also sad that 2 of his young adult daughters have severe mental illness and couldn’t even travel to the funeral. Thankful for the 2 wonderful stepdaughters and the middle daughter who were there.

You knew. Of course you did.

Tick tock, buddy boy.

I don’t know you except from your annoying posts on FB and hope I never meet you IRL. You are insufferable.

Just an amazing compliment from a younger man (LOL–I am 69 and he is 45) asking to have coffee with me to discuss spiritual things. I have never said a word but he recognized that I have things to offer. Does not happen often but feels so wonderful when it does. Cannot think of anyone to share this with IRL.

I am so sad to hear about the divorce. I hope it’s as amicable as y’all hope it will be but how rough.

My goodness, how do you move about the world carrying such a gigantic chip on your shoulder?

You’ve been a great friend to both of my girls during difficult times in life. You have been her best friend through so much. We are going to miss you. I’m sad but glad I can spend this last time with you sitting and rubbing your back. You have been so much more than a dog to all of us. My heart aches with how much I love you and will miss your grumpy disposition. Hope you meet up again in heaven with your friends who have gone before you. Love you so much.