Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

One week ago you learned that I have a mamogram call back. When I told you calmly you responded that an ultra sound was routine (I have never had). You agreed that it is 30% of call backs. And that was it and there has nothing to follow. When I mentioned your lack of empathy and that I nearly did not even tell you as I figured that you would respond medically your said, “maybe you should not have told me”.
So tomorrow is my appointment and you do not know this have not asked anything in 7 days.
37 years. So very predictable. Bet you never even think to ask.

Your lack of empathy is disturbing.

Yes, friend, Asians do not “all look alike.” Pfft.

I don’t know how to do PMs in the new format so I will get it off my chest this way. My call back turned out ok and I hope yours does too.

Dear cats,
How can you be letting a mouse hoard your food and put it under the sofa? It’s disgusting… and I thought that catching mice was the one thing you’re supposed to be exceptional at.
It’s freaking me out, and I don’t even want to sit on the sofa.
Dear husband,
I told you I didn’t think Gouda was the right cheese to try and catch the mouse with. I’m REALLY hoping peanut butter does the trick.

Pointed end down folks, so people don’t accidentally get stabbed by those pencils in that jar in the filing cabinet drawer. Were you all raised by wolves or what?

Now I’m wondering if I will need a tetanus shot. :frowning:

Just a cyst. I’m grateful and humbled.

It’s been nice that my hubby hasn’t had work travel since mid July. I have to schedule my ‘crap I’m 50 now’ colonoscopy so I took a look at the calendar today and realized that I don’t think I can actually do it until January unless I get someone else to drive me home… either he’ll be out of town (5 weeks, not consecutive), or I will (1 1/2 weeks), or he has a meeting he can’t skip, or it’s a holiday. There might be like 5 days that could work in there if they don’t conflict with anything else I have going on. But I didn’t really realize until today just how much he’s going to be gone between now and Christmas. More airline miles I guess.

Wow, I’m so thankful I went to school when I did. Austin Westlake, my alma mater, has 51 National Merit Semi Finalists this year. That’s not a typo. Almost 8% of the class. Only the top 6% are automatically admitted to UT-Austin, so that means almost a quarter of these kids will not be auto-admit. I would certainly not be val if I attended Westlake now, and might not even make auto-admit. Just boggles the mind.

I am over you. Ants!

A new administration at work and so many changes in the first week. Will wait and see if these changes are positive or not. Hard to judge right now. Be careful sir, some members of our staff are ruthless!

The middle range of SAT scores from this year’s entering class for your desired college is 1490-1560. You have a 1350. If my asking if you’ve considered a retake puts a tear in your eye and comes across as “harsh,” to you, then I’m not sure how I am supposed to offer any advice that is realistic. Data-based facts are just that - facts.

Why do some ladies feel the need to bathe in perfume? Some of us are extremely sensitive to smells!

I walked by this woman on the way to the bathroom. Caught a whiff of her god awful perfume but hoped that would be it. No, I walked into the small office bathroom, turned around and walked out.

It was worse than walking by the perfume counter! You literally could not breathe in there!

Thank you very much I now have a migraine. The smell of heavy perfume and icy-hot can bring on a severe migraine quicker than you can say jack-flash!

The only saving grace is the offender is not in my department!

First day on board the trip of a lifetime cruise and a stumble on deck causes us to have to cancel and reschedule tomorrow’s activities. I’m so scared of what the future is dealing you. It’s just not fair, none of this is your fault.

If you are going to post items on Facebook Marketplace, please learn how to answer the responses. It is very frustrating thinking that I had claimed something only to find out that you didn’t read your messages.

A couple of weeks ago I finally tracked the stink in the kitchen to a box of eggs with black stuff oozing out if it that you’d for some reason put under the table. This week I was trying to track a new stink and found a cauliflower in another random place that was so rotten it was black and dripped stinky liquid on my shoes when I picked it up to dispose of it. You said you meant to put it in the trash but there was no bin liner in the bin and then forgot.

It’s hard working full time (more than with my hours) and trying to trace whatever latest noxious disaster is going on.

Told our daughter again that if I predecease you she’ll need to come by and do a stink check every now and then.

I will disown you if you continue to compare Sam Ehlinger to Tony Romo.

RIP Suzanne Whang, your version of House Hunters was high and above THE BEST! You were a household name for our kids and no matter how much homework, we often found time to sit down for one episode at night. <3

I get it, you want a cat.

But I your mil is allergic to cats, your sil is incredibly allergic to cats. Your husband’s entire family is allergic to cats.

Sigh, I don’t know if I should look for a hotel when we visit in a couple of weeks. My D and my sister will never again be able to stay there again. My D can’t even be in a house with a cat for more than an hour.

So wonderful to run into a cousin at the highway rest stop, not so wonderful to find out that he was there because his mother is having serious health issues.