Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Phew! Thank goodness things are resolving but really, no word from my MDs. I would have expected sone expression of concern or something.

At least the manufacturer of the Rx I contacted was concerned and interested.

Well no I’m really not available to drive about 100 miles to various places at midnight when I have to work the next day

Google turned 21 today. Dang I feel OLD!!

Thee are about 18 of us on the bridge game email distribution and about 12-13 or so of us who play pretty regularly (2 are couples, 2 bring their parent, which is great). But there are only 3-4 of us who offer to host. Its getting old. We have been playing for about 5 years. Some of you might want to think less about what others might think about your house (no one cares) and more about what its like to have played with us for 5 years and never once offered to host or even bring a snack.

One mouse caught and released far from the house - yeah! I hope that’s the last of this problem, but I worry that where there’s one there may be more.

Oh, darling you’re so ADD and careless. : (

So, you hit my parked car, exchanged insurance info, and now are ignoring calls and letters from your insurance company.

In the duration, we have to wait 30 days for you to respond (or not) to your insurer. Do you know what happens after that?

Your insurance company will drop you, report you to the state as an uninsured motorist, and then will finally address the repairs to my car.

I really don’t like driving around with duct tape holding my front end together. But I hope you pay the price for this when they drop you.

Kindle number 3. Hope third time is a charm for you, Mr
 but really, Alaska Air’s cleaning crew are a thieving bunch. Make sure you never leave anything on the plane - it never, ever turns up in lost and found.

I don’t have many friends on FB (I think less than 50), so it irritates me when I have to hide so many posts. And no, I do like to read a lot of sappy “how I fee about life” posts with rainbows. I do like posts about puppies though.

One more
Alexa or names sound like Alexa should be banned from TV/Movies. My Amazon Echo goes crazy when the name is used on TV.

It gets really old chasing clients for payment. :frowning:

Put the $#@& paperwork away where it belongs and stop accusing me of misplacing it. I never saw it, but I managed to find it because I know where you just dump things. Three times this weekend, and not an apology to be had.

Had an employee resign last week by taping his resignation to the front door. He’s texting me to see if I mailed his check or if he should pick it up. I am so tempted to say I taped it to the front door last week on payday.

So, hairstylist that I have used for probably close to 20 years, you corrected the color and highlights that the assistant you dumped me on (the good one I love is out with a back problem) messed up (and charged me a lot for — twice), and “only” charged me $160 to fix it because you “thought that was fair”? I gave you a big tip
 because I will be cancelling my next appointment (which you couldn’t fit me in for for a long time) and going elsewhere.

Argh! You want me to fly in, speak at your event and then fly out. You only want to pay for 1 night of hotel and have me fly 12 hours.

You won’t even work with me on giving me info about my hotel, my ground transportation, schedule or topic you want me to talk about.

I’ve sent you info, texted and emailed but get no useful info from you other than slides from me aren’t necessary. What if I WANT slides?!?!

I will be emailing and texting the guy who referred me to you tomorrow. Sheesh!

Ugh, my favorite ENT just moved to Georgia. I hate losing doctors.

Feeling especially ornery today and annoyed at some of the ways of the world - and people. Punt the establishment!

I’d love to see the media completely ignore Megan and Harry.

Why did you say you’ll do it if you’re not going to do it?

You’re in a no-lose situation and you have even more leverage than you think. Enjoy!