Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Muggy air, drag yourself away! When will fall arrive???

Told you theyā€™d sweeten the pot even more! Now, whatcha gonna do?

Note to South: Boiled peanuts? Why? Just why? They looked like cocooned peanut larvae and tasted vile. Sorry, you can keep these and your grits. Iā€™ve tried them five ways and just donā€™t get it. Yuck.

Also, itā€™s cooler in Phoenix right now. Canā€™t wait to get home.

I am done.

My son is coming to our house and working from home for a week to take care of our 14 year old sick cat (which wonā€™t be an easy task) so we can go on vacation. What a kind thing to do.
ETA - this means he wonā€™t be able to see his girlfriend much and will have to make a somewhat Herculean effort to go to one event he really needs to go to. I am very appreciative of his effort.

Racking up more offers gives you more options but doesnā€™t necessarily make arriving at a decision any easier. A great time to focus on exactly what you want. Congrats!

Hate turning the heat on so early but just had toā€¦brrrrr!

So now Medicaid says they wonā€™t pay for the supportive services my son has been getting for a few months - aides have been coming twice a week, and helping him around the house and taking him on hikes. Real smart! Skimp on these services and then pay over $1,000 a day when he ends up in the hospital for a month. :frowning:

so frustrating when a good person who does everything right just does not get a break!

I am heartbroken to learn that you have mental health issues I didnā€™t realize were so bad. When she talks to you about it, I suspect you will refuse to deal with yourself (and you will lose her). I wish I could fix this, but I know only you can do that. I really, really hope you will figure that out. Soon.

Stop posting pictures of your dog destroying your furniture. Itā€™s not the dogā€™s fault since you leave him home alone all day long.

Methinks thou dost protest too muchā€¦

I know itā€™s awful. Hang in there. You deserve better, and you will get it.

Yay, turns out there was just a glitch in the quarterly recertification process for my sonā€™s supportive services eligibility. He should be set now. What a rollercoaster. Iā€™ve been really down the last couple of days, worrying about it. I need to figure out a way to be a little more detached.

Poor, sad Syria! My heart goes outā€¦

Worse boss ever. 16 weeks, 1 day, 6 hoursā€¦

It was a year ago today that you left us. I am finally able to cry for you, and I am able now to be grateful for the things you did right. You believed I could accomplish anything in life that I set my mind to, and made me believe the same. You sacrificed to give me a college education, and told me it was your privilege to launch me in this way. Thank you Dad. I canā€™t say that I miss you, but I know you did the best you could with what you had. You tried to be a good dad and in so many ways, you were. I love you.

Sheesh, really? I send in the claim with all supporting documents in 9/24 and had a conversation with someone from your office.

Today, more than 2weeks later I call and hmmm, no claim. I have to re-send via forward to same address and miraculously you get the claim and send me a claim #. I guess you guys hope most folks just go away and give up in disgust.

I really want you guys to pay for destroying medical equipment, so Iā€™m persisting!

Some of these threads make me want to bang my head against a wall.

Fall tuition paid. ? Two more quarters to goā€¦ aaack. Soon I will have zero excuses to hang around here!! Kid says that she is really enjoying her classes!