Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m afraid no news <> good news. Please, please, let the silence mean lack of communication, not bad news.

Rule #1 of shopping in a grocery store: don’t interact with the people in front of you in line. Especially don’t try to flirt with a girl by complimenting her cereal choice. Not the time and place, and my boyfriend is way cuter than you.

So there, SIL in Florida who keeps telling me we should move there. Lonely Planet just named Maine the #4 region in the world to visit, so I think we are fine where we are. :slight_smile: (The interesting thing to me was that they barely mention the coastline, where 99% of tourists congregate. They talk about Maine Huts and Trails as well as the Appalachian Trail, which are just a few miles from our cabin.)

As a matter of fact, I don’t know what time it is while I’m sleeping. I wouldn’t be able to tell you the time even if I were awake enough to check the clock, because I don’t wear my glasses while sleeping, either.

Being middle aged is wonderful !!!

To the Texas Board of Law Examiners:

Sending out emails that Bar Exam results are in a week early, then having such a crappy web site that it crashes, leaving thousands of folks unable to access their results and feeling super stressed-you suck.

Bailing on your project work teams is not a good look. It will get you fired. Fast.

Not to mention that the people who are carrying you and picking up the slack are angry. Not a good way to make friends.

You gave me your 2 week notice today. I thought you might last through the end of the year, but I guess not. I think it’s best we part ways.

But you want me to tell patients you didn’t retire or quit, you left because you are not appreciated by me. Really? No. It’s because work doesn’t fit into your current life.

Houston, we have a problem… dagnabbit crap no good bus.

Tom Petty had it right. The waiting really is the hardest part.

The new “articles” being posted on this site are absolutely useless.

To the Texas Board of Law Examiners::

Sending out emails with results to every classmate of my D last night EXCEPT my D, who has still not heard from you-WTH???

Not only that, you have not posted the Pass list on your web site, yet the Texas Supreme Court web site HAS posted an alleged pass list with my D’s name on it.

Thirdly, the analyst assigned to my D has NOT answered her email requesting clarification.

This is essentially emotional torture and you really REALLY suck.

I’m not the only one who thinks your ineptitude is inexcusable:

I walked out of the house today thinking what a beautiful sunny morning. Hard to believe this is end of October!

Could not have had a worse day. Parked my car at the grocery store parking lot away from the crowded area. Came back to my car within an hour to find a two foot wide scratch and dent on the passenger side of my car. No car parked next to me. The police came and helped me file a hit and run report. Had to deal with Verizon and contractors today. No fun. I thought I would go home and would look forward to my D helping me this weekend clean up our home making it look nice and shiny. Came home to find out she sick and in bed and wants me to step out again to get things “that will make her feel better.” Hmmm. Knocking on wood that the remainder of the weekend is peaceful. Reminding myself that I am only human and need to just handle things one at a time.

“throws hands up in the air”.

You just don’t get it. Can’t get it. Won’t get it in your privileged world.

Dear Dentist,
Do you really want to hear about my recent visit? It was a horrible experience. My face is visibly bruised and still sore and swollen 3 days later. Your new assistant is incompetent. After 10+ years with you, I am so traumatized, I never want to come back.

Wow. Already 10 down, 90 to go. Time certainly flies!!

Please, please let this not be a metastasis.

So nice to get away for a couple of days with DH. York, Maine is a beautiful area! We had a blast. Also drove up Mount Agamenticus, visited Fort McClary, explored Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and shopped in Ogunquit. It’s fun playing tourist. :slight_smile:

You are an aardvark.