Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Hoping (again) for good news on so many fronts. Hate waiting.

It’s frustrating when I request a hold on several e-books from the library, and none are available. Then when 1 becomes available, several more do also. Now I have 5 books to try and get through in 21 days.

Dear Lord,

I think that there must be a misunderstanding. My requests should read: “lose weight” & “win lottery”. I would appreciate it if you could have someone in your office make the necessary corrections.

Thank you for listening.

P.S. Preferbly ASAP.

Anyone else feel like if they could they would just cancel the thanksgiving and Christmas holiday?

Sometimes it’s easy to just ask. Not to get me riled up about something you won’t ask the people involved. I love how I’ve become the in between for unpleasant information

Good riddance.

Your company’s service is more convenient than others, and may turn out to be better than others once we have collected a few more bids. But golly. Your end of interview hard-sales tactics were unpleasant enough to put your company at the bottom of our current list.

3 out of 3 of your teenagers are engaging in dangerous or reckless behaviors. If I know it, you know it too.

Your customer service is awesome. I’m a customer for life – but, I already have been for the last 33 years.

The font!!!
It’s darker! AND READABLE!!! On my cell and on my desktop!
Glory halleluia!!
My eyes thank you!

Why is everyone yelling at me all of a sudden??

The bold font is obnoxious, just keep the original but make it darker.

I think you should take the job! Bird in the hand and all that

Hmm, neighbor, you say you weren’t available to come to our very important meeting tonight but I’m kind of doubting that. Just don’t email me to complain about the decisions we made! Yep, those decisions are going to impact your wallet - private roads aren’t cheap.

Dear Dr. I [oncologist],

You are the best. I haven’t been a patient for years yet when I emailed you about my scary symptoms at 8:09 tonight you emailed me back at 8:20 despite the fact that your automated email said you’d be away until tomorrow. You understand how scary this can be, and the fact that you never sugarcoated things in the past makes me trust you when you say this would be an unusual presentation of a metastasis. Yes, you still want me to do the testing, but I already feel much less panicked about it.

I have sent so many packages, but this is the one that gets lost - UGH

Great! Now we will have trick or treaters on a night the police are too busy to monitor.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Little things mean a lot sometimes!

I have a heavy heart today.

One of my kids sent a text saying she & her BF broke up. She says she thought I should know, it was on “ok” terms, and she isn’t ready to talk about it.

I liked him quite a bit & he seemed good for her. I visited her earlier this month and saw many red flags that left me worrying about her mental health. I had the thought, “Is he going to stick around & put up with this?”

I think I got roped into thinking I might get a breather and I’ll stop worrying about her. Not likely!

Please, find your way little one. Get help.

Please stop allowing your dog to pee on the sidewalk in front of our house. I walk out to my car on this sidewalk everyday. This is our home not a toilet for your animal!

Glad they made the font darker
however, now there is very little discernible difference in the thread page numbers shown at the bottom. Before this update, it was easy to tell what page I was on and how many new ones there were. Now I can’t tell how many pages are unread. Win some/lose some I guess!