Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I am so sad for you, dear niece. You are not even 30 yet, and you are handling more than I can imagine handling at such a young age. You have worked so hard to try to help your son, who at 3 has not yet hit a single milestone. This news that he has a rare form of seizures that may cause him to regress is so devastating. I will continue to be positive around you, but I am just so sad.

USPS, seriously did you think I wouldn’t notice the package you delivered was open and empty??? And then the mystified expressions on the faces of both the mail carrier and postal supervisor when I presented you with the empty package and asked for an explanation
”It must have been like that when the originating carrier transferred it to us”. No, no it wasn’t and the carrier has photographic evidence to prove the package was intact. Do better. Do much, much, better. ?

You have long, dark hair. You are aware that it can clog the drains. These are not your personal showers. Other people who use the pool need to shower, too. Please remove your hair from the drain. It’s disgusting and I’m tired of cleaning up after you or foregoing a shower.

Since we have become empty nesters and all the kids on the block are grown up we haven’t gotten more than a handful of trick or treaters. So, this year I made the decision not to buy anything to give out. (instead of buying stuff I end up throwing out) Now I had to play Scrooge and hide in the dark when a group of middle school girls rang the bell

I am hiding in the dark. Don’t expect many/any trick-or-treaters, but just in case. It upsets the dog and I don’t want to risk him getting out when I open the door. He knows better, but he is very large and can do what he wants so might forget his manners if a bunch of “spooks” are milling about. Kinda wish I had some chocolate, though!

I got too enthusiastic at the beginning of the night, thinking we wouldn’t get many kids this year, and now there are only six sad little chocolates left in the big bowl. Hope the next group doesn’t have seven or more!

I can’t win. I had two gift cards to a restaurant we go to often in the city where my daughter lives. They announce a week ago that they are abruptly closing. I want to get them to her before they become useless. So, I send them UPS. I have sent her boxes many times a year to this address over the past 3 1/2 years. This is the one box that gets lost. They say it was delivered but the box can’t be found. Now, I discover UPS will not repay value of any gift card lost in shipping. If the box is found past this weekend, the gift cards are useless anyway. So goodbye money I spent on gift card. I am never buying a gift card again (except amazon - which goes electronically).

OMG, I have difficulty processing what I just saw—a heavy, tall, full oxygen tank and regulator attached to a walker that a frail patient who has balance issues is supposed to use everywhere daily? How can that be safe and a good idea! It’s already fallen over once and left her in tears, barely missing the TV. She’s already gone through an entire oxygen tank in one day as well. I sent an email to her MD with a photo, asking her how that can possibly be safe.

Oh, come on, people, it’s SATIRE! Seems so obvious to me. I guess you have to spell everything out.

To the classmates at D’s HS whose parents teach there:

Stop whining about the amount of work you have to do, asking for deadline extensions and help from teachers on tests. You are in for a rude awakening when you are in college in the fall!

Y’all are smart. Why is this so difficult for you? I felt bad repeatedly redirecting you, but you’re inability to figure it out affected my ability to proceed. I feel stupid for getting angry (inwardly), but c’mon! I get that you didn’t want to repeat that step but you needed to repeat it each time because you screwed it up each time. lol

I just feel flat out unwelcome here. Really makes me sad.

When you use the word “transparent” or any variation thereof, my BS-detector goes off.

Our TV just asked us to review its updated privacy policy. Lol. This TV is too darn smart!..

If you are suffering from mental health issues please see a professional and talk to your parents! Not wanting to worry your parents but dumping on your roommate is not effective

A police department in California held an “Asylum Night” for Halloween. “The haunted facility is filled with patients everywhere who pop out and scare anyone who walks by. There’s also doctors eating brains and patients taunting guests as they pass by each room.”

I can’t believe something like this can happen in the 21st century. :frowning: I hope this department didn’t go through Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training or the poor trainer would be appalled and disgusted. It’s hard enough for mentally ill people to trust law enforcement without travesties such as this.

How hard is it to type out “Thanksgiving”?

My dad didn’t recognize my mom briefly this morning. This feels devastating.

You need to think through the ramifications of advocating for choosing either standard or daylight time year round. Try looking up sunrise and sunset times.

Am happy to donate magazines to you for whatever you need/want them for, but no I can’t lift/carry them up to a basket on your front doorstep. Am really happy for you to have them, but you’ll have to come get them. Seems to me if someone wants to collect stuff for whatever, they should be willing to pick them up.