Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I am glad today is Sunday, a new week is starting and that means the misery of the past week is over. This week will be better.

Went to pick up a few groceries and there was an older gentleman sitting at a table outside the Giant with Veterans Day Poppys and a donation bucket. He was greeting everyone coming in/out of the store. Almost No One greeted him in return. Really people. I get that a lot of people don’t carry cash anymore (it was one of the rare days that I did) but not to even acknowledge him???
I really think we can do better than that.

My daughter got engaged to a wonderful man and it’s so great to see her happy after the unexpected divorce 2 years ago. I had to sit on this news until she told her congregation, but things really DO work out a lot of the time. Not always- but often!

Calling the department head because you are upset about your COLLEGE student’s grade is totally over the top. Advocating for other parents to do the same is just ridiculous! And, you do realize that lots of students are managing to do well in the class, right?

I hate stupid people who can’t help you even though it is their job to do that. Rather than find a work around, they delight in standing their smugly, “can’t do it”.

You just lost a great deal of the respect I had for you.

I wasn’t born knowing how to use a database, and I don’t work there anymore. Do what I did - Google it.

I didn’t get a fortune in my fortune cookie. Not sure what that is a sign for?!?

I really don’t enjoy interacting with people any more. I could be a hermit so, so easily.

Today I’m thankful for my cc president and the VP for operations who decided to close campus. In the last 3 years they have shown an attitude that errs on the side of closing campus when it sometimes looks like we could have made it (our old administration wouldn’t have even considered closing). I live nearby and could have made it to school as roads are relatively clear, but with some slick spots of black ice. Low temps mean that ice won’t be melting and there will be treacherous spots on parking lots and sidewalks. Likewise on less traveled roads that may be used by students who travel up to 1 hour to get to school. Local area K12 schools are canceled, so most of my non-traditional students would be unable to attend due to lack of childcare. It’s just so much better to be closed. Of course, that’s easy for me to say since I was one class ahead in my Tuesday/Thursday section;)

I guess it’s a good thing in 1980 I didn’t know how tough it was supposed to be for a woman to study engineering or I would have been petrified! If parents imply that’s the situation to their daughters, no wonder they struggle.

I’m sure it fits your message to talk about people who’ve worked somewhere 30 years or more and how they are so resistant to change and going to be a major problem with implementing change. But take a minute to stop and think about how much change people who’ve worked here 30 years have experienced and adapted to over the past 30 years. Let’s begin with the phone in my pocket.

It’s not healthy to live in a state of perpetual outrage.

My fingers are itching to out you. You are perfect example of how misleading social media can be. In your perfect “ ready for the day” post using a picture that must be 5 years old and doesn’t show the alcoholic wreck you’ve become. Sad. People are complimenting your look and IRL you can’t walk across the room. Your actions and decisions are still hurting my niece, nephew and brother. But your very old profile pic is cute.

Hey millenial! When you are part of a social network, it’s appropriate and courteous to give back and not just take. That’s what makes a community- for better or worse. Don’t just show up to get what YOU want. Be a partner.

I love you but you drive me crazy. I don’t think you understand that driving with an expired license is not smart. I know you can’t get an appointment for months and you are busy at work. You’re just going to have to go to the DMV and sit and wait.
I’m saying it here because I’ve reminded you multiple times, your wife has reminded you. It’s hard letting you be a grown up.
On the other hand I’m proud of all your work accomplishments. I don’t understand half of what you tell me but I can see your excitement.

Waiting to hear about vet school acceptances is H***! Even when it is for my S not me!

I am so over being in pain, but I resolved from the beginning not to whine to my friends. It’s such a #@% boring topic that even I’m sick of thinking about it. I get credit for being stoic but that’s not it. I just don’t want to be that tiresome person no one really wants to be around. Fun me is so much better!

Boy, that thread sure went south quickly!

The zombie apocalypse has arrived.