Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I suddenly find that I have a big, old crush on John Oliver :wink:

Ordered new phones at Costco, and went to pick them up today. I was in the store 4 hours to get a new phone set up, and what a disaster it was. My son, in another state, was without his phone for some amount of time. Wouldn’t you think they should have told me if they starting a transfer it was going to take well over an hour (maybe 2, for real) before they started it? I had to call my husband and have him sign on to my iPad and send an email message to my son’s gf to tell him what to do for his phone, AFTER we spent over an hour at the store on hold for Verizon. This because I don’t know her number - it’s in my contacts, and son’s phone wouldn’t work until after the call with Verizon and then turning it off and on. It will take me hours to figure out how to complete the setup, but I couldn’t stand the thought of spending more time there. What a pain in the butt.

Nervous for a month about speaking at a conference
it felt good to see people taking pictures of my presentation and the sponsor had to tell people we only had time for few more questions.

So sick of dishonest companies
 “no one was there to sign for your package” (really? we were here in the front room and no one rang the bell)
“we can’t process your return” (after your customer service has tried to dissuade me multiple times)

FB friends, come on now. Stop being so gullible. All it takes is a quick trip over to Snopes to verify before you repost something. You’re smart people. You’re not getting $75 from Costco.

Hahahahahahahaha!! Ha! I knew it.

Can I have some good thoughts for my daughter?

They are announcing layoffs at her job tomorrow and she’s very nervous.

Her car was sideswiped today coming home from work and the car drove off.

Any good thoughts, prayers, juju are appreciated!

11 weeks, 2days

Sometimes this forum makes me LOL.

I’m so sad you are dying. We’ve been friends for 36 years. But you did this to yourself—years of obesity, so much overeating, no exercise. And now, you are so sick and confused that you have no idea what is happening to you. Or maybe you do, and denial is all that works now. I’ll miss you

You are not going to get me to participate in an end run around your daughter at her wedding. She and her fiance get to call the shots. Period. And yes, she will know what you proposed.

Just so you know, there is a forum on Reddit that welcomes political discussions.

D did not get laid off. Thanks for the good thoughts.

As H texted me, fixing cars is easier than finding a job

There are a lot of amazing young people out there these days.

Wow. Another day, another dollar. Weird, so weird.

Remember when I asked you to please let us know ahead of time when we weren’t going to be able to access that area because our closet is there and we need to get things out of it
? WellI wasn’t kidding, and coming home to tape over that area did not make me happy. Fortunately, we can access it before we go to work tomorrow.
Is it too much to ask very basic requests of contractors?
I will @coralbrook worked in my area :slight_smile:
My husband also made a pretty simple request of our yard people. “Please don’t mow for the rest of the year.” He gets a note back saying they did our first leaf pickup and mowed for the last time. Gee thanks.

I can’t believe my D just got her housing assignment for junior year of college. Dear lord time is FLYING!

Please ask her out.

Mr. 87-year-old Customer,
I hope you call back tomorrow and talk to my boss to tell her that I hung up on you. I guarantee when you tell her we are [F word] worthless, she will hang up on you, too.

If you don’t want people to gag when you walk by, try taking a shower. (@ guy at my gym)