Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Wearing shorts in 20 degree weather when you are hacking up a lung doesn’t seem like a great plan.

Please don’t put down my eating habits. I realize you are 92 years old, but when you say that you ate whatever you wanted & are doing great … I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying that if I live that long, I really hope I am in better shape than you. I love you dearly, but my choice to put healthy fuel in my body should not be met with snarky comments. By the way, my parents died at a much earlier age than you will. Did you ever think that maybe I am trying to buy myself a few extra years of health (and life)? I don’t say mean things to you when you demolish the bag of candy - please don’t say mean things to me when I eat my greens.

So happy I didn’t waste this rare sunny day. Seventy-eight daffodil bulbs in the ground!

“Like how many times do you like think someone can say like like in one sentence…?” Just wondering. I thought that was a thing of the past.

Really, hon? Geez, I hope you wake up in a better mood than you’ve been in all day. And your reason for being grumpy makes me mad!

I did something really. nice for you, which you will find out about in Thanksgiving (if you don’t cancel on your plan to go to their house for the holiday). I didn’t need to do it, but I did. Getting a thank you is way too much to expect from you. I just hope you aren’t crass enough to ask why I didn’t do it sooner.

After YEARS of you not coming to visit me (nor being invited I must add) over the last disaster with you drunk and fighting with DH over your dog… yeah I took a chance and invited you for Thanksgiving. First question…what about your dog. Well, she isn’t invited! If you can’t leave her with a friend for an overnight, then I guess I will come to see you for the rest of our lives. DH really really hates animals in the house. And you know this. I don’t mind coming to see you and it is easier than dealing with the drama. But I had hoped that meeting DS’s GF and seeing their rental might be enough of a draw to leave the dog overnight. Guess I was wrong. Old friends who feel it is OK to diss my DH are becoming former friends. I used to be able to vent (as loving spouses do) over his foibles, but now you keep count and turn them into grudges and say mean things. Not what I was looking for. Wish I still had a friend that I could vent to without judgement. But the dog is more important I get that.

Not answering @esobay but a general comment.

For non dog people (and those allergic to them) we have rights also. To not accept that your dog is the center of everything…

Yes, I know I will lose a lot of people.

So hard to know how much to help you. And you’re so sweet and undemanding, it actually makes the decision harder. You’ve been dealt the worst hand of cards imaginable.

I’m 66 , do you really think you need to tell me how to turn the stove up and how to turn it down? I’m so sick of you always having to tell people how to do things. And then getting nasty when we don’t like it. You know that’s why the kids never want to do anything when you’re around - even when they try and help us - which we need a LOT nowadays - you have to criticize and tell them what they’re doing wrong and how to do everything.

And now you are mad at me and yelled at me cause I won’t listen - I don’t need to be told how to cook. Well now I’m not cooking and they’ll be no dinner. And you presumably won’t talk to me for days. Again.

Repeat after me, “2000 Tundra is not a Tesla.” Also, while we are at it, say “I don’t want the E Mustang. I don’t want the E Mustang.” Good. ?

I’m sure this seemed like a good idea, but it wasn’t and now here I am talking you through this road trip in the middle of the night so you don’t fall asleep. How I wish I could be your dad and go to bed and not give this escapade another thought.

Repeat to self: If I can’t say something nice, say nothing at all"…but boy is it tough to not tell you off!

Its hard enough to read posts on cc these days, especially on the phone or ipad. Scroll, scroll, scroll… ugh. So please, PLEASE keep your posts short and sweet. When you write some screed you can be assured many posters will not read, but will scroll right by.

I don’t believe you. You’ve shown me who you are before

I know you’re disappointed and I’m so sorry. (That part I could say directly.) I think you’re right that there’s little if any hope for some surprise good news. I don’t think being in the ensemble as a senior is going to be much fun, even with a positive attitude. But you are really doing a great job with the positive attitude and I’m impressed.

Has CC always been so intolerant and groupthink-ish? ?

In the last two months, one of your two teen girls has been at my door crying. I’ve known you and your kids for 13 years - I think your kids are great. You as the parents - get some family counseling. No, it’s not my business, but when a father physically shoves his kid out of the house without a coat or shoes on a freezing day and she is at my door? Am I not involved? I’m not going to turn her away.
You’re the adults - please act like it.

Yes, Dad, you need to can your PCP. His job is to coordinate your care and he’s not doing it. He’s not even responding to you! His excuse was that he’s been a hospitalist for years and there’s a steep learning curve to being an internist. What?? That’s like a general contractor saying, “Sorry, but I’ve been a drywall subcontractor for a long time so this role is hard for me.” It doesn’t cut it! At your age, a screwup could be fatal, literally. I hope you’ll listen to my sister and me and find someone new.

I am really glad that your additional guests you asked me to invite can’t make it to the holiday dinner next week.