Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

When I die, I want to be judged by Labrador Retrievers.

To my fellow homeschoolers, please stop trying to make everything count as school- no, watching frozen two doesnā€™t really count as a day of school.

I just donā€™t like it when you are sick with a cold. Whine and complain about everything. Then you go play golf. Come back still whining and complaining!

Doncha love it when you say to someone youā€™re close to, ā€œIā€™m either having gas or appendicitis,ā€ and he responds, ā€œIā€™m having an upset stomach too.ā€ I just love the sympathy. Sure, letā€™s talk about you.

DS just asked for running shoes for Christmas. OMG. He hasnā€™t run since 2011. He was a twelve-season varsity runner in high school (XC, indoor track, and outdoor track each year). I am hyper-cautiously optimistic! He also went to a sports night for young adults at a local church tonight and had a wonderful time. I may cry.

We downsized. Someone has to stay elsewhere. We are paying for the elsewhere. It is NICE and NOT cheap. Elsewhere has MUCH more space than our spare bedroom and bath.

Dh gave you, dear MIL, the choice of whether to stay with us or stay at the elsewhere. You said, ā€œWell, since grandson will already be there, I donā€™t want to make him move, so Iā€™ll stay at the elsewhere.ā€ If you REALLY wanted to stay with us, you should have said so. Dear grandson (our ds) couldnā€™t care less if he stays with us or at the elsewhere. Donā€™t complain to our mutual friend that you really wanted to stay with us. If that was what you wanted, you should have said so. We gave you that option. And, I know darn good and well that when ds leaves and you then switch to come stay with us your remaining time here, you are going to complain about THAT and want to continue to stay at the elsewhere!!!

Why does the fun get sucked out of every dang holiday because people wonā€™t say what they mean and mean what they say???

Why is it that the express checkout always has:

  1. the slowest cashiers
  2. the people with the most complicated financial transactions (check, cashback, canā€™t find their rewards cards, etc.)?

Donā€™t cry, musicmom1215. I can do this. The tile is down (except for one threshold). Grout tomorrow. Maybe I can start cleaning tomorrow afternoon and have time to do a little cooking or prepping tomorrow night.

Oh never mind.

They are 24 and 27. They are fully functional adults. They are in loving, mature, supportive relationships. They have healthy incomes. They work and they play. They have friends and a life outside of their careers. They have impressive savings accounts. They spend time on hobbies.

All this without ONCE agonizing over The Ivyā€™s. All this without their parents ever spending a moment parsing the chances of how many hooked/unhooked/pinkish unicorns from under represented states can gain entry to the vaulted ā€˜Ivyā€™sā€™. All this without spending their childhoods participating in activities for 24/7 in the hopes of being the pink unicorn, bagpipe playing, under represented three eyed alien from planet bonkers who will have a leg up on admissions.

Finding so much gratitudeā€¦for childhoods spent in childhood activitiesā€¦for high school years that allowed for sleep, introspection, vacations and family timeā€¦ for the gift of time given in the past which they are now able to give in their present.

So thankful this Thanksgiving season.

Well at least that are starting to feed him intravenously, after 14 days of no nutrition. Is it any wonder he has no energy to walk?

I guess these college trips and SAT practices have started to sink in. It must be hitting you that you WILL fly the nest someday, because youā€™ve been hugging us an awful lot lately!

Learn how and when to use apostrophe/possessive, yā€™all!

Yet another disaster for my dad in the hospital. I hope I die in a car accident instead of ending up hospitalized multiple times. :frowning:

Please make your own decision about this. It is a big one!

I donā€™t know how to help you.

Very disappointed that our company will not allow remote working next year. I canā€™t blame them though. Too many co-workers were abusing this practice and complaints were piling up. One example, a colleague who will be ā€œworking from homeā€ today and Black Friday. It must be nice to basically have a 5 day weekend when you donā€™t have any vacation days left this year.

Itā€™s nice to see sons and their girlfriends spending time together as adults, doing their own thing.

You are seriously still 15. Frozen there forever.

Dear Parents, Thank you to the 23 families who met with me for parent teacher conferences, asked great questions, gushed about your awesome kiddos, listened thoughtfully to my advice and suggestions after spending the last 60 days with your children, and genuinely partnered with me on this tricky journey called middle school. To the other 2 families, one who accused me of stealing their childā€™s winter coat (?!) because we teachers
ā€œdonā€™t make enough $ā€ (and because 12 year olds never lose things, duh!), and the other who cornered me in my classroom and berated me for 20 min. straight, refusing to leave when I told you I felt uncomfortableā€¦ 1) Happy Thanksgiving, 2) Apple/tree?, 3) You literally, actually suck.