Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Tilers left about 7 p.m. I cleaned until about 3:30 a.m. Allowed myself to lie down for a short nap, but on top of the already made bed with a very small throw blanket, set the alarm and slept for about 30 minutes until I woke up cold. Adjusted the blanket then woke up to thunder. No need for alarm clock. Oh well. Bird’s in the oven. Drinking coffee. The world did not end!

But, and a BIG but for me, I was not able to clean much in the sunroom/office because large pieces of furniture were moved into that room until the floor is dry enough (today) to move them back. Since tiler is my brother, I will make him work before he can eat!

Edit: The floor looks real good. The room looks large and empty since three large pieces of furniture are still not in it. Needs a rug. Will have fun shopping!

Would have liked to see the nice picture of you with family- wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. No… You have to post a rant along with the photo. It is exhausting how much you go on & on. :neutral:

It is so great when you do not try to hug/kiss me goodnight/goodby.

How did I end up with a kid who acts like she hates me?

While I’m thankful for landscapers in general, showing up at 8 AM to blow the leaves off the lawn after we fought our way home through holiday traffic until well after bedtime is a good way to get yourself taken off the grateful list.

Ok, dinner guest who is soon marrying into the family let me tell you about Thanksgiving dinner manners. First, you should not Facetime the sibling who is not there during dinner and interrupt the meal. Secondly, you should tell your mom who invited herself not to feed the dog gravy ( I didn’t appreciate cleaning up the dog doo doo which was totally gross). Finally, posting a video of your mom’s surprise visit on Facebook when I don’t post photos of my kids, family or inside of my house is verboten. We don’t post on Facebook because we are private people ( and like it that way). Can I disinvite you from next year’s events?
And one I could have lived with but still think is rude, having a Facetime conversation with your aunt in my kitchen on Thanksgiving Day is also rude. Take it outside.

United airlines: you suck. You cancelled his flight with NO alternative rebooked flight. Just kicked him to the curb. It was quite an ordeal to get him to the airport at the crack of dawn to figure out alternative flights on another airline, since (a) no airline was easily reached this holiday weekend and (b) trying to cobble flights home for him at the last minute with little availability required being at the airport. He got home, but no thanks to you.

Wrote an email today to United customer service about them

  1. downgrading our seats from economy plus to economy without saying anything with us having to beg to be reseated at the gate;
  2. 4th flight with malfunctioning video;
  3. luggage taking a very long time to arrive at baggage claim after long flight; and
  4. the United luggage tags they gave us breaking off in transit.

Sadly when flights are cancelled or delayed due to weather, airlines have fewer obligations and may not do much unless you are willing to make a fuss.

After the fact, you can complain and see what you can get them to do, explaining the situation and what you had to do. Good luck!

Yes we have a plow. No we don’t want to plow for you. Not because we couldn’t, but because you have watched us shovel from behind your snowblower for 10 years.

There are three cats in this house! So why is there a giant spider hopping through the middle of the living room?! Someone is not earning their kibble!

My goodness, if you raise your snooty nose any more , you’ll drown if it rains.

Just because you bought a fancy camera, it does not mean you are a professional photographer who can charge people for your crappy photos. Please take a class and at least learn about decent lighting.

When I tutor your kid the first time, I usually do it for free, plus I take my time afterwards to write you a thoughtful email with a session summary and recommendations. It’s perfectly fine if you decide you don’t like me, or don’t want to continue for other reasons, but I think it’s a common courtesy to respond and let me know instead of going radio silent.

Wow, on so many fronts. Along with a lot of others, I’ve wondered from time to time about kids exaggerating, skewing, or inflating their claims in their “chance me” threads and the like - not because I doubt that kids can do amazing things, but because anonymous forums are rich fields for fibbing. You’d think I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to recognize a kid through a post and know for a fact that the statements there are a combination of exaggeration, misdirection, and careful manipulation of the truth. And I guess I’m not, but I’m really dismayed. For the sake of the other kids applying everywhere you’re applying, I really hope that the application first readers and everybody on up can see you clearly. Really clearly. You do know that they’ll see lots of other applications from your school, right? Ugh.

Please, please stop posting “warnings” that were debunked years ago. Snopes is your friend.

I so want to remind you once again to go renew your drivers license. I won’t since I’ve already mentioned it several times. You’re 30 years old but I can’t help wanting to do a little motherly nagging. Your wife is a patient woman.

I hope y’all enjoy the facebook “Sisters” pyramid scheme gift exchange even though warnings to NOT do this have been all over the place. I’m sure you will really receive 34 gifts or whatever…

In my next life, I want YOUR job where I don’t have to fix any of my own mistakes.

Surely some good news will come soon to balance out the waves of not-so-good news. Sometimes, it is hard to maintain my sunny optimism.

I am afraid. Please let my valves be okay.