Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I am a non-profit program director and know and appreciate every $ gift that comes our way immensely. But I really hate/dread these designated “giving days” when I feel like every cause and ask is being shoved in my face.

Two things I can do without on Facebook:

  1. The # of days things where people post photos of a particular topic and then nominate someone else to do it.
  2. The sharing of other FB pages to enter into a contest. "Like and share our page to win a dozen free cookies! " FEED CLUTTER.

Signed, The FB Grinch. :slight_smile:

Can we please lay off the S show? It is 6:30 am and I am not in the mood for that!!!

Adding to the “things not to post on facebook” -
1-chain letters or things like “which cities/countries, etc have you visited,how many siblings do you have”? Its some chain thing fishing for personal information
2- The fake coupon (current ones going around are stores and airline “coupons”)
3- posting forwarded things that are years old and have made the rounds multiple times (try reading it and the date of the original article first -especially the ones about people who died… years ago!)… and the most irksome one… the
4- “facebook limits your posts to 26 friends” algorithm hoax. NO IT DOESN’T. Please read the snopes article on this and stop forwarding this!

One college just got cut from the list!

Please let her get this job - it is the change she really needs

Ugh, I hate packing.

My goodness, getting RMDs is really convoluted and tiring! Calculating it is pretty straight-forward but there are so many little things to trip folks up–is the only beneficiary spouse who is 10+ years younger? Is it inherited? What were ages of grantor and beneficiary when grantor died? Sheesh! No wonder folks get tripped up!

Pretty sure your D would be mortified that you are posting her grades on a giant FB group.

Just joined this forum recently. Sad to come across a thread like this as it’s really negative. Let go of all that negative energy and judgment of other people. Worry about your own kids and don’t compare them to anyone else. Life will be easier for you and much more fun if you can let go of that energy.

Moderator’s Note:
Please no responses in the thread. Thx

No, a thousand times No, we cannot choose for you which college you should attend.

Some people need to lighten up a bit. Seriously, life will be much easier if you do! :slight_smile:

Cringe. You really really need to retire. You are senile and can’t open your mouth without saying something weird or crazy. If you were my dad or husband I would take you home and stop you from embarrassing yourself over and over.

Some things are much harder than others to let go of. It’s sad, even if it’s the right thing to do.

It’s been a stressful last week of classes trying to cram in the last bits of course material and get ready for finals, so maybe that’s why I’ve been thinking so often about how obnoxious it is to judge others during the last few days. Looking forward to escaping to a good book and some free time by this time next week.

And nope, didn’t get that good news was hoping for. My sunny optimism is really struggling to come out these days.

I am so exhausted.

It just took me well over 2 hours and 3 people to get the Verizon people to waive the 40 dollar activation fee for a couple of recent phone upgrades. One person put me “on a brief hold” to see if they could do the adjustment, never to return. I wanted to hang up, but I was bound and determined to get this done today. VERIZON SUCKS!!!

Telling me that you recommended the same product for your mom and grandmother was not the right sales tactic for me. Couple that with the hard up-sell and total disregard for what I was asking, and you cost yourself the sale. Sales people need to learn that “no means no” too!