Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

The last 8 months have been harder on me than you can imagine. I just wish you could understand.

This does not make me happy.

Good grief, neighbors! When your kids participated in vandalizing your neighbors (our) property, the correct response is NOT to ask to see the security video and then make excuses for your kid saying they were “just curious” or “did my kids actions leave marks?” and then say you told their kids to be mindful that things are caught on cameras! Good grief that is NOT THE POINT!.

Make your kid learn that touching anyone else’s property is WRONG and being disrespectful of your neighbors property is WRONG. You should be falling all over yourselves apologizing and march your kids down here to apologize. Oh, and none of you will do anything but say “my kid isn’t the one who did the damage” and don’t want to get involved with the parents of the kid who did do the damage. Oh and have I heard a word form those parents of the responsible kid? Nope.

Parents, teach your kids to be respectful and responsible- not to avoid getting caught! Sheesh!.

As mothers-in-law go, you have been a good one. I know losing father-in-law a year and a half ago was very hard on you, but since his death, you have become so entitled, so demanding, so negative, so complaining, and so self-centered that you are extremely trying to be around. I really wish you would have gotten yourself some grief counseling.

As I prepare to turn 60, if I ever turn into that old guy that says “I don’t have any kids in the public schools, so I don’t see why I should have to pay for them”, just slap me.

Packing is hard
 and stressful!

This is exactly why I wanted to go alone, but if I say something, you will get an attitude. Not attractive

Maybe once, just once, you could try being nice. Or kind. I’ll take either.

That sounded like it came from the Onion. Except it did not. And that is scary.

Maybe the admissions committee doesn’t think he is as great as you all think he is. Maybe they felt he just wasn’t a fit. Perhaps they realized that he doesn’t walk on water, as you seem to think. His rejection doesn’t mean some “undeserving” hooked applicant “took his spot.” Stop blaming someone else that your kid didn’t win what usually amounts to a lottery at (insert elite school here)!

Why does everything have to break at the same time? And always around a holiday.

The last few years there has been some kind of cloud over my daughter during the holiday season - either work, health, or relationship. I hope something happens this week to change that for this year. All I really want for Christmas (or ever) is her health and happiness. Doesn’t seem like too much to ask for?

When all else fails, when you’ve been on hold forever
go to the storefront. Look one of the ‘customer service’ people in the eye and state -‘you will help me, I’m not leaving this place or this position until the problem is resolved. Notice - I have a large cup of decaf and I have nothing else planned for the rest of the day - want to get started’?

Funny, thing that BIG problem was resolved.

Man the was terrible officiating for professionals in a marquee moment. Tragic from a spots perspective.

I gave up on sleep at 3:30 am and queued up last night’s Madam Secretary. This wedding episode fed my sappy soul so much that it took 3 tissues to soak up my tears. The homage to The West Wing with the napkin was perfect for me and I loved seeing the characters who have been missing this fall. I will miss this show when it wraps for good next spring.

Everyone is sad that Caroll Spinney/Big Bird died, but my daughter’s fiancĂ© is heartbroken. He worked with him and was mentored by him for many years.

I am so sorry that your life experiences made you lose trust in people.

My dad signed the listing agreement for my childhood home this morning. :frowning:

I know you mean well, but asking me if he’s going to a nursing home, or what we are going to do if he can’t make it to our daughter’s wedding, is not helpful.

DGS wants a stand to hold his gaming earphones. He wants one that plugs into the wall, not the computer. It also has to have a USB port for charging his phone. AHHHH!!$? The description is another language. I just want to know if the thing plugs into the wall. Most frustrating.