Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Yes, sweet doggy, I know the non-slip booties we got you are embarrassing, but you’re an old girl and if they keep you from continuing to wipe out on the wood floors they’re worth the affront to your dignity.

If I had known your post included the word “methinks” I wouldn’t have read it. No post containing that word is ever worth reading. Maybe someone could provide an “ignore” button for any social media post containing that word.

I have just discovered the world of Amazon Prime, and it is changing my life. I’ve never been almost done with Christmas shopping weeks ahead of time. All of a sudden, my mood around the holidays has lifted significantly. Hello, 21st century! And, no, I won’t be guilted into supporting this giant corporation. Let me have this one season of being socially unconscious … and in my defense, this afternoon I am going to a mom-and-pop store for some monogramming.

After weeks/months of waiting on hold, why do all the e-books become available at the same time? I can’t spend the next 3 weeks reading non-stop - I have other stuff I need to do!

I return to Maine from Texas this Thursday. I fly BACK to Austin next Tuesday, December 17 and will stay until Friday, January 3! DH and the kids will all be here during some of that time. I hope DH doesn’t mind that I extended my trip that much. I just want to spend as much time as possible in my childhood home before it’s sold and probably torn down.

NO. SISTER, Who I have cut off ties years ago. Your last email said if I did not reply that you would never contact me again. Celebration. Yet today you are emailing with a “favor” you want from me? NO. Stop contacting me when you are manic. I can feel for you but I am not engaging. You have done enough damage.

Ah, it’s that time of the year already…

The annual culling of the users.

I’m tired of coming up with gift ideas for me, DH, and DS from the rest of the family on top of gift ideas from us to each other and the rest of the family. Oh, and planning all the trips and other entertainment for DH and me because otherwise he’ll be perfectly fine with just going for a walk around the block. I should be grateful I have loving people in my life who would gladly do anything I ask, but I kind of wish for a nice surprise from somebody once in a while.

Alitalia, you suck!

Ugh, I hate neighborhood associations. Just because our local tax assessor told you something doesn’t mean it’s right and it also doesn’t mean our smart attorney is wrong. I’m not willing to move ahead with signing papers until our lawyer says it’s OK.

I need to work on my spine of steel.

What company/boss expects you to work over your Christmas vacation (home with family using vacation days you are owed)? She needs to get out of there ASAP. Please let her get the job offer she is waiting for.

So after clearing my cache and my cookies so I could perhaps maybe log into CC again (although that didn’t work anyway – I’m now on in a different browser), all the events in my Outlook calendar have disappeared. Payment reminders, event reminders, birthdays, upcoming travel plans, doctors’ appointments – all gone. The Help Desk couldn’t help me but told me to have a nice day.

I am having some not so nice thoughts about someone. This is so not me so I know s/he has gotten on my last nerve.

I called up my favorite credit card company to let them know that I am not getting my $15 monthly credit as part of my card benefit. I was unhappy it was not fixed after a month and the representative told me there was not much they could do. I then asked to speak with a supervisor and the supervisor said, “I am very sorry for all of your trouble and want to thank you for being such a good customer. For that I am going to refund your membership fee ($550) plus an extra $50 for your trouble, for a total of $600.”

Now I am wondering if I have been too good of a customer.

If you are a Boy Scout Leader and Youth Pastor, maybe you should not slap a reporter on the backside while she is broadcasting live from the race you are in, wearing a bib that identifies you. But if you do that anyway, maybe you shouldn’t claim you didn’t know it was her backside that you slapped, or that you are really not that kind of guy.

Whatever justice Twitter delivers to you, you probably deserve it.

It’s been four weeks. This is the new normal.

I know your H wants him to go to the flagship. He has never gotten over going to a “regular” state school because he got a full ride & his parents made him go there. But you have shared with me that you would have to borrow more than you are comfortable borrowing to send your S there. You need to hammer it home with your H that being able to tell everyone his S is at the flagship is not worth over-borrowing … especially since it doesn’t seem like your S is hell-bent on the flagship.

That is the largest check I’ve ever written. Glad it isn’t my money!